Storing bike for six months


Junior Member
Aug 18, 2013
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south wales united kingdom
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Hey guys! So I'm off traveling in January for half a year maybe more
So I'm prepping the bike for storage, so far I have a check list that consists of

Changing the oil and filter ( due anyway )
Air filter (needs a new one anyway)
Tyres are fine (just air)
Fill tank add fuel stabliser
Remove and store battery

Good clean and lube!

I think that's everything can anyone give me any tips or add anything I've never had to store a bike before, will I run into any problems with the immobiliser in that time?

Personally I would change the oil and filters when you get back. The oil might get moisture in it while it's standing.
The immobiliser will be fine. Just stick your battery on charge a few days before you want to ride it.
Put it on paddock stands or at least a centre stand if you've got on, should help keep the tyres from misshaping I guess :)
I cant remember what to do for the fuel.

Once clean, I'd spray acf50 over it to help protect it. Don't get it on the brake pads, discs or wheels.
  • Personally I'd change the oil NOW as the acids caused by combustion are in the oil and can etch aluminum and eat steel. I know it seems like there's no oxygen in the oil to allow this but I've seen it many times. JM2C Plus, if moisture is a concern it will evap as it comes to temp when ran.
  • Oil the stanchion tubes and shock shaft. Engine oil is fine.
  • Dryer sheets in the AIR inlet, under the seat and anywhere else you care to shove them. They seem to deter rodents and wire eating. Its done me well and I leave it for 4 mo at time.
  • I'd do the Air filter when you put the battery back, just in case a rodent does find its way into the air box. They will eat clean through the metal mesh in the filter...
  • If there is any doubt about your front tire loosing air, place a block under the header and support the nose. Assuming you have center stand. If the tire goes flat, it will ruin it.
  • Lube the chain so it doesn't rust.
  • Charge battery and disconnect. If above 12.9V after 4 hours of being disconnected, it should be fine even if left in the cold/freezing.
Thats what comes to mind for me...
/be safe in you travels.. .. ..