Thank you MSF


Chat Camper :)
Feb 4, 2011
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West Virginia
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I took and passed the MSF BRC Sept 09' and have been practicing what they preach ever since. 35K miles with very few "close calls".
Today on my way home from work, a 30mi route through WV mountain road. I had a "close call" with 4 deer.
While riding I do SEE constantly! To the point that I even recite it in my head. I was mid corner, tight blind right hander. Searching ,I saw 2 deer butts in my path! If I don't change my plan I will hit them. If I brake now there is a very good chance I'll slide/crash. I have plenty room to straighten up and then brake to stop without crossing into the incoming lane. I opted for the third choice.
The deer didn't seem to be bothered enough to clear the way....BRAAAP there they go :) and then 2 more that must have been watching from the edge of the road crossed.
As soon as the whole ordeal was over (about 5sec) I thanked Bill Freeman, my ridercoach. I doubt he heard me LOL

Who else has had a similar experience?
Well done, Garrett!! Yup.. it just plain works! :thumbup:

I try to practice what I preach.. 99% of the time :D
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While we have had discussions about the side benefit of an aftermarket louder exhaust I have have made a few observations this year. I have noticed that Canadian geese do not like the sound of the 2 Bro especially combined with my Stebel Nautilus. This morning on my ride to work I saw a doe that was thinking about crossing the road, but a quick rev turned her around.
Not to hijack, but when I am teaching my kids to drive I stress the SEE strategy - it is universal in whatever you are riding or driving. :thumbup:
SEE is a great technique. Glad you made it through the experience!

So what part of WV are you in?

As you undoubtedly know, WV has the highest rate in the nation for car damage caused by collisions with deer.

I grew up in central/eastern PA where the predominant dead critters along the road were groundhogs. I lived in TX and there it was armadillos. In TN it was possums and skunks. Here in WV you see more dead deer than any other animal.

Stay safe!
I took and passed the MSF BRC Sept 09' and have been practicing what they preach ever since. 35K miles with very few "close calls".
Today on my way home from work, a 30mi route through WV mountain road. I had a "close call" with 4 deer.
While riding I do SEE constantly! To the point that I even recite it in my head. I was mid corner, tight blind right hander. Searching ,I saw 2 deer butts in my path! If I don't change my plan I will hit them. If I brake now there is a very good chance I'll slide/crash. I have plenty room to straighten up and then brake to stop without crossing into the incoming lane. I opted for the third choice.
The deer didn't seem to be bothered enough to clear the way....BRAAAP there they go :) and then 2 more that must have been watching from the edge of the road crossed.
As soon as the whole ordeal was over (about 5sec) I thanked Bill Freeman, my ridercoach. I doubt he heard me LOL

Who else has had a similar experience?

Nice job :thumbup:

This is an instance where the electronic stability control as seen on the KTM Adventure bike would come in handy.
Me,,,I was told if braking in emergency ,,,try to keep your bike's tires all straight as much as possible and use both brake squeezeeeee and squeezing it (do not grab)..and yes I skidded in our emergency situation but glad I remember what was being taught on that day.

Keep eyes on the street, open big eye and scan for traffic...I allow myself 1s to look somewhere else and never leave my eye off the street/traffic more than 1s...!
SEE is a great technique. Glad you made it through the experience!

So what part of WV are you in?

As you undoubtedly know, WV has the highest rate in the nation for car damage caused by collisions with deer.

I grew up in central/eastern PA where the predominant dead critters along the road were groundhogs. I lived in TX and there it was armadillos. In TN it was possums and skunks. Here in WV you see more dead deer than any other animal.

Stay safe!

Can we hunt deer for meet and to save $$$ in daily or weekly? Deer meat taste is much better than beef, pork ..etc and it's wild, running around and the meat is much firm and less fat!
As a pilot who flys aerobatics, I'm a big believer in training and then reinforcement. Gotta keep the muscle memory and the tactics at the ready. Now you're a believer too.
I'm in VA and deer are everywhere. I try to avoid riding at dusk and never out ride my headlights or line of sight.
I hope that with enough active practicing, the correct action needed to keep me out of trouble happens at reflex speed. Requiring no thinking time.
When that day happens, I'll thank Bill again!

Off topic;
I'm sure I've asked before... FIZZER, where in VA is home turf? I work in Winchester VA.