the "crush" transition begins


Junior Member
Jun 14, 2011
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I threw the bike down nc 18 on Saturday and so now the transformation begins stay tuned for updates
Thanks buddy nope not even a bruise was wearing all gear. The bike didn't get to damaged mostly because it had a soft landing(my back) so now its time to change it up. I have the vid of the wreck if there's any intrest to see just say and il post it
$hit sucked gravel=front wash= attempt to save~ no more road which = time to put her down
I replayed it 3 times, you can barely see where the gravel is. It looks like a spot where cars cut in and caused the gravel to move out to the road.
Yup and saw it last second.... Fight or flight responses kicked in I thought fight you bastard then oh $hit I'm gonna lose wait ......... Yeah no I'm gonna lose but hey least I didn't scream like the help kid!!!!!!!
Well no wonder you had no choice but to put her down, you were driving the faster red model!

Seriously, sorry to see your bike damaged, but glad to hear you are okay.
Unlucky Mate, but glad it's all ok.

More to the point, as a guy wanting to buy a camera, what did you use, and where did you mount it please?

Vision was exactly what I'm looking for.

That Sucks! Glad you're OK! Bikes seems to come out of it well! A month ago I was crossed sideways over something exactly like that, nose pushed and thankfuly the corner was sharp enough the back went with it with a little nudge from my arse and all was well. My bud said it did several wiggles before it settled and it did!

So, naked is your future! You'll like it more! Again, thankfully You are OK!
Bugger that's a couple of drops I've read about in a week glad to hear you are in one piece with. No major damage.... to you
Best of luck with thenext phase I'll watch the vid when I get to the of in a few days
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Oh yeah no since the bike mostly "rode" on me no "real" damage was taken I've ordered new levers ,pegs will limp it around with some scars for a few weeks then total tear down will begin I think it'll look pretty sweet after its all said and done
Any update on which cam you used for that vid please (and it looks like you may have had some double sided tape on the windscreen - was the camera mounted there?
