The only FZ6 Forum member in Montana?


I used to be Jethro
Premium Member
Jul 26, 2008
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Northern Mt. USA
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I think I am the only one here in Mt.! I cant be! I know ther'es a lot of us around but not here I guess. I would love to hear from anyone in thr general vacinity of northern Montana, let me know I'm not alone up here!
Yes about 9 miles west of Bozeman looks like it's starting to warm up so the mods are going on soon and I can't wait to get out and ride.
Did you get a bike then? Or still looking? I plan on riding as soon as the stupid snow melts enough. 43 here today, come on sunshine!!
I passed throgh Montana a couple of weeks ago, does that count? I got drenched.

Came in from Calagary and stayed in Bozeman for one night and then I went to Yellowstone.
My sister lived in Missoula MT for a couple of years. I loved it there, Great fishing on the Clark Fork river. I also have family in Dickenson ND.