The Rant Thread

You & me both;) You know in the uk they get an mt 03,same sought of design as mt 01 but with efi 660.Their waiting for a mt 02:Flash:

Yep the mt 03 has a pretty cool shock setup. The engine is the same as in the tenere 660 and the xt660r/x and is fun in those I can only imagine how fun in the road going mt03 :)
Yep the mt 03 has a pretty cool shock setup. The engine is the same as in the tenere 660 and the xt660r/x and is fun in those I can only imagine how fun in the road going mt03 :)

Yeah,I had an 04 660x before the fz.Fun bike but just a little more power would have made it a great bike :thumbup:
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For f*cks sake another fatal car crash caused by stupidity in my area and my age group aswell. Are people not going to learn even when loosing someone the same age months earlier. It makes me sad loosing these people the same age that I or friends knew but stupidity will get the best of you! Street racing in town at crazy speeds something was bound to happen and it just happened that both cars crashed killing one, another in a coma and a pasanger with spinal injuries. The only ones in the whole group were the ones that got out before the race started, and yet still didn't stop them from racing. I think the new campaign for speeding and reckless driving should be nobody will care how big your balls are when your dead! That is all on that topic. Now another a local cop just got a new r1 wrote it off and just about killed himself going real fast on a back road with another mate who is also a cop. Now that hasn't been in the local paper or the news. But if it was anyone else they would be on the front page with a big slogan saying hoon crashes all bikes to fast.
That is all for my most likely confusing rant!
A few days ago I was running a tad bit late to work on the fz and was getting stuck behind people who like to do 5 or so under the limit on the highway, when the highway split into two lanes on one side I hopped in the right hand lane using my signal as soon as I could and the driver of the car ahead remained in the "fast lane." I went to accelerate around the gentleman and at the exact moment I had just exited his blind spot and was now next to his passenger door he moved over quite fast. I said some choice words and rode in the shoulder to avoid him, got around him gave him the favored hand digit :Flip: and kicked his door at the light right after and rode my merry way on to work. I suppose I should just chill out, but that really chapped my a$$ and could have gotten me killed at 55 mph... I HATE STUPID PEOPLE!!!! lol:eek::eek::eek:
A few days ago I was running a tad bit late to work on the fz and was getting stuck behind people who like to do 5 or so under the limit on the highway, when the highway split into two lanes on one side I hopped in the right hand lane using my signal as soon as I could and the driver of the car ahead remained in the "fast lane." I went to accelerate around the gentleman and at the exact moment I had just exited his blind spot and was now next to his passenger door he moved over quite fast. I said some choice words and rode in the shoulder to avoid him, got around him gave him the favored hand digit :Flip: and kicked his door at the light right after and rode my merry way on to work. I suppose I should just chill out, but that really chapped my a$$ and could have gotten me killed at 55 mph... I HATE STUPID PEOPLE!!!! lol:eek::eek::eek:

That really sucks............But,you gotta expect it.To cars & trucks you are invisible:rolleyes: & if you think of it like that you'll last longer:thumbup:

I ride around with my thumb on the the horn ready to go,which has helped plenty of times;)
Time for a rant...

It pays NOT to get excited when you are told of something awesome happening... Until it really happens.

Work was sending me to Japan next month for 10 days, for production buy-out of some new robot cells. Got a call today to go see the boss, took a seat in his office and he spills it....

Sorry Dave, (and this is no reflection on you or your work), but the trip to Japan has been scaled back and we are only sending 3 people now. Unfortunately, you were number 4 on the list. Holden AUS have said yes to 6 people going on the trip, but GMIO have put their bloody great boot in the works and cut the number of people allowed to go.

Bloody desk-jockey in some overseas office has ripped my dreams apart, probably got a pat on the back for it too, saved the company a few thousand dollars.

The planner/engineer running the project felt really crap, said he even offered to stay home so I could go (they said no to that request). When the robot cells get here, it's all up to me to get them running efficiently, and he's now expecting drama's with me not knowing anything about the workings until it gets here.

On the brighter side, I now have a passport and am fully vaccinated (all paid for by Holden)... All I need now is some cash so I can go on an overseas

/end rant:
That really sucks ar$3 Dave , sorry to hear it mate :(...... Air Asia have some brilliant deals on at the moment that will get you OS & return for under $400 , i'd look into that & treat yourself :D
Ah well, brown stuff happens.
A little session with my mate Jim Beam has made it a bit better, probably be down in the dumps again tomorrow though... lol.

Does suck that I had confirmed flight details though... They coulda canned it before giving me them :(
That really sucks ar$3 Dave , sorry to hear it mate :(...... Air Asia have some brilliant deals on at the moment that will get you OS & return for under $400 , i'd look into that & treat yourself :D

Hmm, wonder if they'd notice if I used the Corporate Credit Card they gave me for the trip and take a little "vacation" to Vietnam or something :D
I feel for ya Dave.

Spend up big on the card them say it got stolen ;)

Don't worry, next time you'll be first on the list to go somewhere I'm sure

Sent from my iPhone 4S using Tapatalk
Hang up the phone and DRIVE!!!

Yes, I work for a mobile phone company but I'll be the first to say get off the phone and drive your cage!

I was almost sideswiped on my FZ6 by some chick in a minivan trying to change lanes with a cell phone up to her left ear. How can you look over and see if there's anyone in the left lane if you have a cell phone in your ear?!
well today should have been so good, but no it has ended up sucking. Deb and i bought a brand new rav4 and planned on taking delievery tonight, before she goes into surgery tomorrow, and is off her feet for weeks. I had planned on her having a present before she went under the knife and something to look forward to when she is back on her feet. Also i was meant t have a meeting with my GM to discuss my work evaluation at 11.00 am, which i was expecting a pay rise and discussions about becoming 2ic. Well **** happens, my eval happened at 4.00pm deb turned up to get her new car at 5.10 and i was still in the meeting untill 6.10. When my meeting had finished i am not 2ic i didnt get a pay rise, and the exciting delievery of our new car took 5 minutes in cluding finance cause everyone wanted to go home. Oh how i wanted this to be a great day for deb before a heap of pain and heart ache. Plus it is raining and arent willing to take the car for a descent test drive.
That my rant for now.
Stroms buggered again :spank:

Seems its had a major electrical fault/breakdown thats killed the stator, regulator and the fuel pump :spank:

Fixing the bastard is costing about double the money I've saved preparing to turn the Strom into Desert Strom :spank:

Not happy Jan!
Time for a rant...

It pays NOT to get excited when you are told of something awesome happening... Until it really happens.

Work was sending me to Japan next month for 10 days, for production buy-out of some new robot cells. Got a call today to go see the boss, took a seat in his office and he spills it....

Bloody desk-jockey in some overseas office has ripped my dreams apart, probably got a pat on the back for it too, saved the company a few thousand dollars.

The planner/engineer running the project felt really crap, said he even offered to stay home so I could go (they said no to that request). When the robot cells get here, it's all up to me to get them running efficiently, and he's now expecting drama's with me not knowing anything about the workings until it gets here.

On the brighter side, I now have a passport and am fully vaccinated (all paid for by Holden)... All I need now is some cash so I can go on an overseas

/end rant:
Gutted for you mate, still you never know what's going to come around the corner.
Chin up and plan your holidays.

So everything this year has been going well....Had two pay rises and made a Team Leader etc...

Now it seems most of us are facing redundancy and I am very disappointed because I finally found a job I truly enjoy. We find out exactly who goes by the end of the month and work suddenly sucks balls because I feel betrayed and therefore massively de-motivated.

On the bright side I should get a decent payout but its one I don't want.
So everything this year has been going well....Had two pay rises and made a Team Leader etc...

Now it seems most of us are facing redundancy and I am very disappointed because I finally found a job I truly enjoy. We find out exactly who goes by the end of the month and work suddenly sucks balls because I feel betrayed and therefore massively de-motivated.

On the bright side I should get a decent payout but its one I don't want.
Look on the + side mate, the company have invested in you because you have been a productive worker. This productivity will certainly hold you in good stead.
Hang in there, and good luck.

Don't think I have ever added anything to the rant thread but I think I'm ready after yesterdays outing.

The wife and I planned to go for a 45 minute run from one side of town to a community football match. A Relaxing day with a streaker or two,(actually four this year) lots of footy kicking kids on the oval at half time, the whole game is a fundraiser for the down and out, so those of us that can, go and buy souvenirs, beer and snags in a piece of bread for a good cause.We were in a great frame of mind, its always a good day.

On the way there, we are just tootling along in traffic in the rh lane, closest to the centre line, in the lhwheel track. passed a black porsche entering from a side street on the right, thought to myself nice car, next minute he has zoomed past on my right, over the centre line, like some crazy bat out of hell, jeez louise scared the buggery outta me and the missus, but at least he gave me half a metre clearance.

He gets stuck at the lights we cruise past filtering between his lane and the parked cars, get the lights and were gone so just think"What an idiot, show off"

About 2 ks further down the road it splits into a two lane h'way and a two lane service road, we are going to turn right in about 4 ks so sitin the rh lane of the service road, know that there is an opening onto the h'way closer to where we will turn.
Some freekin' a***hole decide to tailgait. I leave two -3 car lengths in front of me, but he is like inches off the taillight, I accelerate to a car length behind the car in fron t and this A***wipe closes the gap again so I just slow a little to give me some breathing space and we are still doing 50-55 Kmh. We get to a set of lights, I take off and this moron roars into the clear left lane beside me then cuts in on me, I reckon their was a cigarette paper between my bar end and his 1/4 panel.
I swerve to my right, still in my lane and this ****WIT, hammers it into the left lane cuts into the next left and is gone, cutting and weaving to then get as far away from me as he can

Apart form the fact that he must be mentally deficient, how can anybody be so frickin dumb, putting two people on a bike in so much jeopardy

What is peoples problem?

I know they hate we can filter, that we dont have a back seat full of screaming kids/vomiting pets (or vomiting kids and screaming pets), we have a sh1tload of freedom etc etc

on the way home we had a dream clear run, hardly any cars at all, got every green light along StKilda Road, A nice boulevard to cruise on usually bumper to bumper
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If someone tailgates me, I gently slow down and if there is another lane, they change - if not, I gradually keep slowing until there is sufficient distance between us for the speed we are doing.

As long as you do it gently, and don't let them pressure you into speeding up, they'll get the message. (if they get closer, when you GENTLY slow down, if you speed up, they've 'won' and will continue tailgating you.)

No one wants to run up the back of your bike/car - so if you gently slow, especially using just enough front brake to make the tail-light illuminate, then they will be forced to slow down.

Also has an extra benefit - depending on how slow you've had to go, before they've realised, they may 'cut in on you', but as you've slowed down, there is plenty of reaction time.

I recommend to everyone I ride with, not to let cagers, or really anybody, pressure you when riding - because if you're concentrating on the moron inches behind you, you're not concentrating on the little kid that could step out in front of you - and if YOU stop, and someone is tailgating, you can guarantee they wont, and you'll be hit. Thus YOU need to be in control, and if that means slowing down and maintaining safe distance, then so be it.
