The Rugby Thread - Six Nations!!!


Junior Member
Feb 20, 2009
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Paris, France
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So we've had us Poms bashing the Aussies in the Ashes thread, but I thought that us Europeans could equally give each other a good bashing over what I consider to be one of the best sports ever invented! :Flash: None of this stop/start, helmet and pad wearing 'football' from across the pond in this thread! :justkidding:

So far France and England have won 2 games each, Wales and Ireland have won 1 game each, and Italy and Scotland failing to win a match so far. It's hotting up and the England v France game is going to be a cracker! I will be certainly in my local pub, surrounded by Frenchies but screaming on England all the same!

All this leading up to the world cup in New Zealand later in the year...a great year for rugby and it's warrior players....
Well, it's on again :cheer:

Some good games at the weekend.

We just managed to beat Ireland, but then again, a win is a win :D:D:D

Good game last night. First half a bit average. Lee Halfpenny getting sent off was a bit average. I know the rules about taking the man out in the air, but, seriously, Lee never took his eye off the ball. Replay CLEARLY showed that.

Oh well, still beat em - 24-3 :D

We've won the Triple Crown.

Now, just one win away from the Six Nations Cup AND our 3rd Grand Slam in 8 years.

I wore my Wales jersey down to the shop with pride today (good job it's short sleeved, it's bloody hot in Perth) but alas, we're expecting @ 42'C for the 2nd day in a row, so I had to take it off as soon as I got home....

C'arn Wales.

It's 12.35am

I am going to bed a happy, happy Welsh lass



Triple Crown Trophy

RBS 6 Nations Trophy

Grand Slam


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No comments from the French
No comments from the English
No comments from the Irish
No comments from the Scottish
No comments from the Italians

Even worse, no comments from the Welsh

Oh well, I'm STILL on cloud 9


It's 12.35am

I am going to bed a happy, happy Welsh lass



Triple Crown Trophy

RBS 6 Nations Trophy

Grand Slam


Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Delighted that Wales won the Grand Slam, I never got to watch the match though because of the St Patrick's day parade.
I tried to listen to it on my phone but the signal kept dropping. + no replays here or highlights.
Still a great result.
