To Female Riders:


Oct 26, 2008
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I love when a lady rider pulls up next to me on my bike. It got me thinking because it rarely happens....

Why aren't there more female riders out there. There's only a handful in the city I live, in comparison to how many riders are dudes. There's something about a woman on a sports bike that tickles my fancy.

Props to all you lady riders out there. There should be more of you out there! Keep on keepin on.
+1 there brother!!! When Steph and I ride through towns people stop and stare. As much as I would love to think that they are noticing my Max, I think it is more Steph's helmet pigtails that garner the attention. She really likes the look of shock on people's faces when she gets off her Fizz and they realize that it is a woman riding her own bike. I think Steph rode on the back of my Max once before declaring she wanted her own. Now she only hops on back of mine very occasionally. What guys need to realize is the inherent advantages to having your spouse/partner have her own bike. They understand the Mod Monkey a lot better cause they probably will get bitten too LOL:D
My husbands friends always want me to go riding with them? I don't know why..most of them are pervs...maybe that's it?
i've got a cuple of girl friends who ride. Been out with them a cuple of times but not to sound sexist but they crap riders so i generaly dont bother anymore...

2 of them used to hate bikes came out on the back with me a few times and now both own bikes!
Most of the women I see on bikes are either half and half or hogs. However, there is one here in Loganville that rides her own Harley that is HOT.........:rockon:

Bikes were made for guys to drive, not gals........

Ipilot and I went for a ride with ARM and the Christian Lady Bikers. I had a great time. Bikes are made for humans to ride.

I dig the hell out of lady riders. Just like with all riders though, some of them get it, and some of them ride to pose.

I know a few that ride because it fits with some part of their brain, the same reason I ride. Same thing happens with them as other riders, we have something to talk about, and you can see the joy riding brings in thier eyes.

Bikes are only machines, but they can move the soul. Thats male or female.
i've got a cuple of girl friends who ride. Been out with them a cuple of times but not to sound sexist but they crap riders so i generaly dont bother anymore...

I can relate with this one even though I am a :eek: girl. One lady that we used to hang out with failed the COURSE! TWICE!! The third time she got it, but I seriously wonder if it was a pity thing. She rides like she has a pole up her...ummmm spine and only rides her bike about 5 blocks to the local breakfast joint on Saturday mornings. So I can understand saying that some women are crap drivers.
Bikes were made for guys to drive, not gals........


But to make this general statement?! (I'm too much of a LADY to flip him off) So I will leave it at this. I ride because I LOVE to ride, and I am fairly good at it. I am not saying I am the best, but I hold my own and leave people behind in the twisties.
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There is something to said about riding BEHIND a good looking lady on her motorcycle. And yes, I'm a perv. I LIKE watching and riding with women. And if the woman happens to be on a bike, WOO-HAA! I've seen many females on bikes here in Mississippi. All types, all flavors. It's all good! GRUMPY
There's a lady rider who passes me on the way home most days. She rides an old Honda 400 and she is really, really quick. I bet I see 4-5 (that I know of) every day on my commute, but that's in comparison to the hundreds of guys.
I started riding 8 yrs ago and definitely notice more lady riders out there. I LOVE riding, it is my de-stress tool. My kids hate that I ride but like my better attitude after a day of riding ;) I got to run a couple nice local roads yesterday while running errands & enjoyed the beautiful, warm, sunny day and been smiling ever since :D I occasionally enjoy showing the 'guys' what kinda ridin a gal can really do :jawdrop:
Hard to think of something sexier than a chick that can handle sportbike. Takes a special kind of gal to ride. Props to any of you gals out there that got the guts to get out there and have fun.
I have met and ridden with many females. I would say they are just like guys. However, I have met more guys that "think" they can ride, when they really ride like ****. Most female riders are more open to admitting they need to work on their skills and guys try to be too macho.

I do agree a woman on a bike is hot. But, I enjoy meeting anyone that rides, gotta love the sport!
I only ever seem to see girls on bikes going the other way:(. It hurts my neck to look and is going to put me in an accident one day:rof:. There are some real sexy lasses riding around Adelaide. Just love a girl in gear:thumbup:. As for I hope they're faster than me( not very hard) so I can ride behind If I ever tie up with another bird she will have to ride I think.:cheer: More lady riders is best:rockon:
there is little in this world more worthy of admiration, reverence, and appeal than a female rider than knows how to ride. (especially if she isnt 950 lbs :p )

*hat's off*
i've got a cuple of girl friends who ride. Been out with them a cuple of times but not to sound sexist but they crap riders so i generaly dont bother anymore...

Well, the solution to that is to ride with them more, not less. They may just need more riding experience and coaching.
I have met and ridden with many females. I would say they are just like guys. However, I have met more guys that \"think\" they can ride, when they really ride like ****. Most female riders are more open to admitting they need to work on their skills and guys try to be too macho.

Thank you!!! I see more men drag their feet through parking lots and duck-walk their bikes than I do women.
Thank you!!! I see more men drag their feet through parking lots and duck-walk their bikes than I do women.

:rof: I remember doing that the first year. Parking lots were scary lol

Edit: ( I didn't take the course the first year that I rode)
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