To Female Riders:

I give kudos to any female willing to ride a motorcycle. Admiration and respect also come to mind…

Check out Canada's Aliki Karayan reviewing the Kawi ZX-6R :thumbup:

2008 Kawasaki ZX-6R Road Test

i dont understand why you posted that video, she never went past 3 degrees worth of lean...Apart from looking dam hot she didnt impress me at all.

Women can be trained to ride/drive fast but from my experiance (used to race karts competively and do a few trackdays a year) women just dont have the same win or crash trying attude. They wont force the bike up the inside pushing the other guy wide ect and thats the reason they've never got anywear imo.

The first bike track day i did in my first session in novice (was then moved up to inters) 4 women had to be black flaged for going to slow! Yes even for the novice group!

The 2 friends that i have are very safe riders but bloody slow/boring and thats the reason i dont ride with them, also there also really bad posers..
I wanna know, how Aliki at 5'3" just walks up, and gets on the bike and can reach the ground.
im only 5'8 and ride tall enduro bikes that taller friends strugle with, its all about confidence and experiance i find, i might only put down my toes but i know i'll be able to hold the bike with that.

Kickstarting them i a hole load harder when you knee is tuching your chin though :rof:
i've got a cuple of girl friends who ride. Been out with them a cuple of times but not to sound sexist but they crap riders so i generaly dont bother anymore...

2 of them used to hate bikes came out on the back with me a few times and now both own bikes!

I have also ridden with a lot of guys who are total rubbish as well.

I will dig some photos out of some of the ladies I ride with. I ride with lots of people but mostly cruisers, because that is where I came from. I have never met a lady rider who would not take advice so if they are really that bad and you think you arethat much better, try and help.

Here we go.

Some of my riding buddies and their bikes.

They are all good motorcyclists...and married to my other biking buddies.

Bah living on MSU's campus I see a lot of Girls on Bikes and Scooters and there is no helmet law in michigan for scooters and let me tell you 98% of the woman riding on that campus are hotttt :drool:

I have all the respect in the world for woman who ride... Plus most of them a genuinely nice people to chat with because they are so laid back and easy going.

So girls keep on keepin on
wow, i took the original post in here as a "girls that ride are hot, i want all girls to be hot!" type comment. it had little to do with wanting to meet more women who share an interest. I am glad that is how most of you view us, I have a male friend who races and refuses to date a girl who rides. I used to think it was because he knew how much of an idiot he was on a bike and didn't want the pain of her getting hurt on his mind, but rather it is because he thinks that all girls who ride are posers and just looking for attention. if that were the case we ALL (not just the ones who are) would be riding around in miniskirts and tank tops, 10 mph under the limit, making sexy eyes at every guy who passes. Anyone can putt a motorcycle down a straight road to the next donut shop, but it is hard work to really ride one, I don't care if you are male or female.

having said that, I do feel that there are a higher percentage of girls that ride just to get looks (or dates) than for the sheer enjoyment of the trail.
Ouch, I find the opposite experience. The ladies I know (myself included) ride for the love of the road and sense of adventure. It doesn't hurt that other bikers think you're cool -- but it's certainly not the point.

Me, after a long work week there is nothing better then hopping on my bike and burning off steam.
Ouch, I find the opposite experience. The ladies I know (myself included) ride for the love of the road and sense of adventure. It doesn't hurt that other bikers think you're cool -- but it's certainly not the point.

Me, after a long work week there is nothing better then hopping on my bike and burning off steam.

I know exactly what you can't wait for the end of the week though so I ride into the hills on the way home at
I know. It's pretty I love riding my bike (I'm sure I've said that
Now that's not a nice thing to say. Besides since when does anyone drive a bike dude? I ride my bike and probably better than you do.

Most of the women I see on bikes are either half and half or hogs. However, there is one here in Loganville that rides her own Harley that is HOT.........:rockon:

Bikes were made for guys to drive, not gals........

Hum been riding since I was young ( 8/9 years old) Motocycles, snowmobiles, quads etc. Love to ride, like the freedom. Got hubby hoked about 16 years ago and just last year bought my own, kids etc. Hubby and I are planning our first cross country ride ( Idaho to out east somewhere), We are both looking forward to it.
I got my girlfriend into riding. I also got my best friend into riding (I sold him my GS500, which was my first street bike). I taught him how to ride in parking lots, and he got his permit and rode with me (I'm endorsed).

With her, we used to skip our last classes of the day on Friday when we lived in the dorm and run down to my parents (~1 hour away) house to get out the FZ for the evening.

Got her to love it, she wanted her own. I found a Buell Blast for her in Ohio, we took my truck down and got it. Stored the bike at my parents and instead of skipping the last class on Friday to go to my parents to get out the FZ, we did it to teach her how to ride in the school parking lot down the street from their house.

I taught her how to ride, and she got her permit and rode with me for the rest of the summer. I then signed her, my best friend, and I up for the MSF BRC the following June, and now they both have their endorsements. She loves it now, and so do I.

Oh and I think that she's quite good looking. I love it when I see girls on bikes. It's a good thing.
I find it odd that I see so few female riders on the road yet for he last 2-3 years, the BRC classes I have taught are >50% women.

My daughter wants to ride and I will teach her, but she must take the BRC with someone else as the instructor. My wife took the BRC and passed. She could not overcome her fear on the road though.
Always wanted to be with a girl that rides! I just ordered a helmet for my gf, she's never been on a bike before, and is real hesitant . . . I'm hoping to get her stoked enough about it that she'll want her own FZ someday! There are a number of girls at my school that ride, and they are wicked CRAZY on their sportbikes . . . one of 'em that was ridin' with us was doing over 140 on her R6 down I-95 (her natural cruising speed, I gather); needless to say, she wasn't riding with us after that!