Trip Planning/Bike Prep/Camping


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Sep 21, 2013
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Washougal, WA
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Just thought I'd post a trip I will be doing in August or September and see if anyone has any input or things I have not thought about. This will be my "turning 50" trip.

Leaving Washougal, WA and going to Fort Bragg, CA (not to be confused with the one in NC that I was stationed at)! My down route will be via Bend, Klamath Falls, Weed, Weaverville, Fortuna and then down the coast to Fort Bragg. Returning will be straight up Hwy 101 all the way to Lincoln City, Oregon and then over to Washougal. A little over 1300 miles and nine days (3 days will be spent in FB visiting my folks).

This will be mostly camping with a few motel says in Fort Bragg. I've purchased a 2 person backpacking tent, down sleeping bag and a tiny sleeping pad. Also have a small backpacking stove pretty much just for coffee in the morning. The rest of my meals will be at restaurants or gas stations. Maybe I'll throw in some backpacking freeze dried meals for breakfast (or MRE's.. lol).

To hold the above items I have a soft tail bag, saddle bags and a tank bag. The tent, while not large, will be strapped to the seat in front of the tail bag. Also throwing in a first aid kit, tire plug kit, small 12v air pump, hydration bladder (going to put it in the tank bag and have the drinking tube accessible). I will put two camp stove fuel bottles with gasoline in the bottom of my saddle bags just in case I need them.

For bike prep it will have a fresh oil change before the trip. I have also recently put in new fork springs/oil and changed the spark plugs. I put on a new chain and went one tooth up on my counter sprocket so it reduced my rpm's somewhat and makes the bike more comfortable at freeway speed. Also recently changed out the brake pads.

I have an Iphone waterproof mount that is attached to my bars. I use it to listen to music via a Sena 10 and will be using it to navigate (along with actual paper maps). Also added a 12v power port that plugs into my battery tender plug so I can recharge the Sena and run the air pump if needed.

Have heated grips (won't need them in August/September) with grip puppies. Last of all, I moved the bars up and back a bit to make my riding position more comfortable. Oh, adjustable brake/clutch levers too.

I am thinking of getting some type of disc alarm for when I'm sleeping at a campground or inside a restaurant. Guess it would be better than nothing at all. Oh, and I just picked up a combo helmet lock with a tether that can be routed through my jacket to lock both the helmet/jacket to my bike. Haven't used it yet.

Anyway, if anyone has any tips or advice form having done trips like this I would love to hear from you. I guess I should add that I am doing a two day trip in May to test my gear and figure out the best way to load all this stuff.


PS..... I know, the bike is a bit big for me.............
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Dont overpack. Doing a test trip like you said is a great idea to test yourself and see what you can live without during the trip. It'll be easier to set up and tear down camp with less of a clutter. Try reaching camp with enough time to setup while there is still sunlight (nobody likes setting up in the dark). Less stuff to pack up also means youll be able to hit the road quicker,

Bring earplugs (unless you were planning on listening to music via earbuds. If the music is from speakers in the lid you can still wear earplugs and hear the music enough)! And a spare set or two of earplugs. Its crazy how much less fatigued you'll get.

Lastly, have fun! Cycle camping is an awesome cheap getaway.
I have the XENA disc lock with alarm. It is crazy loud and will deter anything and anyone. It is very sensitive, so even a strong breeze could set it off, but I always liked that about it. Better safe than sorry. I think they are still around $80, with a cable.
I did this trip last year, Seattle, WA to San Francisco, CA. It's a really good trip and hwy 1 to Bragg is a blast. Only thing I can offer that hasn't been said before is to not push yourself too hard if you aren't used to distances. I always plan a couple extra days in bigs trips just in case of fatigue/weather/etc.
Thank you for the really good tips. They are very helpful.

I've never ridden with earplugs in, but I'm going to give it a try and see if it is something I want to do or not. There is a chance that having plugs in my ears will drive me crazy, but if it reduces fatigue maybe it's worth it.

I plan to leave plenty of time in case I hit weather, have issues or get distracted by a shiny object and it adds time to my trip. I will have a general idea of my route, but totally subject to change.

Vegasrider.... Really enjoyed your trip post and photos. Crater Lake is a must see on this trip as I've never been there. Thank you.

Will pick up a Xena disc alarm. It may help and it's better than nothing at all. Anyone have a good recommendation on which model? There are a bunch of them out there.

My new sleeping bag arrived today so my camping gear is pretty much set. Just have to figure out how to secure it to the seat (at least the tent). I do have a dry bag that is just the right size for my tent/sleeping bag so maybe I'll put them in that first. It's bright red, but maybe that's a good thing.

Hi Chris,

I have done a dozen or so bike/camp trips and they are a blast. I pack a 2 person backpack tent, sleeping bag and pad as you are as well as a small stove for coffee and tea at night(non caffeinated of course). Snacks are always good as well as an extra bottle of water. Gear wise, don't forget a head lamp, they are priceless when you just happen to hit the camp site after dark! Over packing sucks as does under packing and I have done it several times. Make a list for your test trip and edit it accordingly afterwards. extra gas is good if you venture down some desolate back roads and rain gear is always a plus especially in the beautiful Northwest! Have a great trip!

It'll take a decent ride or two to get used to ear plugs but defo worth it. I can ride a lot further with a pair in than not.

Also as other have said don't over pack, it gets a bit boring lugging gear on and off a bike each time after a few days so lighter the better :D
I still don't know how you can carry all that camping gear, I'd rather pack light, and stay in hotels. This is Lonesoldier84 ride, and he crashed in my room.

Ziploc storage bags....they are great for rain gear, jacket or pant liners. It's that bulky stuff that will take up too much room, they will compress down to practically nothing.
I have never done a camping trip, but i would love to.

I can say that earplugs are awesome. I wear them from every ride and listen to music via my sena smh10. The audio quality is actually better with earplugs. I got a set if molded earplugs. I ordered them online and molded them myself in about 10 minutes. Super comfortable, and they have lasted over a year so far!

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Just want to thank everyone for the great advice. I will be using much of it for my trip(s). Here's a update:

I have started using earplugs. Can't believe I've ridden since the late 70's and never used them. What a difference. I will not ride without them again.

Overpacking..... That is going to be a problem as I tend to want to be prepared for everything. As I accumulate "stuff", I have been testing it and will lay everything out on the floor before my trip and decided what needs to go and what needs to stay.

My last motorcycle camping trip was in 1983 (I think) on a Honda CB 550 to Benbow, CA. Before that it was on a Suzuki RM 370 to Willits, CA on logging roads. Boy, gear (and bikes) have changed a lot!

Thanks for mentioning Crater Lake. I have changed my plans and both Crater Lake and Trinity Lake are places I will be visiting and camping. Instead of a strict schedule, reservations and dedicated routes.... based on advice from this forum ( and too), I have a general idea of where I will be heading but will decided on the way which route. The thought of no reservations is kind of concerning, but I like the fact that I'm not on a set timetable.

As for gear, I have stopped going to Starbucks and have been picking up stuff here and there as funds permit. I think I'm pretty much set. I did add a large top case to help hold some of this stuff and decided to use rafting dry bags strapped to the rear seat to hold my tent, sleeping bag, pad, pillow and chair (yes, I bought a small chair)!

Anyway, I will be doing a two day trip on the 30th of this month with PNWRider members at Lake Chelan, WA to test my gear, packing skills and what I need/don't need. Then in August I will begin the nine day trip to Fort Bragg, CA (and back) taking different routes each way.

I'm still open to suggestions, tips, advice, etc. and if anyone around here (Vancouver, WA-Portland, OR area) wants to do some riding or camping I'd be interesting in going.

Thank you,
Sounds like an awesome trip. I would love to do a few day camping trip, but it looks like such a pain putting a tent and sleeping bag on your bike. If I wasnt such a btch I guess I could just sleep outside :D
Just got back from a 3-day ride through Gatlinburg and the Dragon's Tail. I definitely recommend the earplugs. Plugfones if you want to spend $15 and don't have speakers in your helmet. I knocked out an entire audiobook book (Speaker for the Dead) on the trip and it made some of the loooooong stretches of Banjo-Country more bearable. It's one thing to ride for three hours without a stop and think about your butt aching the whole way - it's another to get sore but be interested in something other than your butt.