Trip to Dasburg, Monchau, Echternach & Vianden


Euro Mod
Elite Member
Oct 5, 2007
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Alkmaar Netherlands
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Last Friday I went on a trip to Dasburg in Germany, on the Luxemburg border. Once a year my work organises a weekend somewhere within a reasonable riding distance from Den Helder (where I work). Anyway the first day you ride to the hotel with your own group, the Saturdays is the main event with an organised ride, and then again a ride back on the Sunday.
On Friday I met up with four friends at a petrol station in Alkmaar, from here we rode the direct route on the highway to Sittard in Limburg (the most southerly Dutch province).
From here we followed a route which we found on the hotel website, which took us through Limburg on nice country roads.
At the bottom corner of Limburg (and Holland) we took a route through Belgium to the town of Monchau, a really picturesque town in Germany. Here we stopped for some tasty Apfelstrudel mmmm....



we then hurried on to Dasburg, passing through Germany, Belgium and Luxemburg. We arrived at 1800 in Dasburg, where we stayed in the Daytona hotel.


This was the view out of the window:


This motor hotel is runned by a friendly Dutch couple, but they speak several languages.
We had a meal at 1900, a nice soup to start a schnitzel and chips as main course and 2 different bavavois as a pudding.
The hotel had a great bar, and as we all got several complimentary drinks I guess I didn't need much persuasion.

The next day we all had a great continental breakfast before riding off in our respective groups (staggered by a quarter of an hour). This is a really pretty area, mainly wooded with plenty of hills, we rode to begin with in Germany, along some great winding roads. First stop was Prum where we stopped at a great little bakery for a coffee and cake.


we rode off from here and again the roads were wonderful, we stopped for lunch by a lake near Bitburg.


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We Then rode along some amazing roads heading for Echternach on the Luxemburg side of the border.



Here we had a cool drink as it was warming up.

It's a big shame that I couldn't take pics whilst riding as the roads were really windy with some great views. From Echternach we headed down the Ourtal to Vianden, OK we rode by and didn't stop so I stole this pic from Wikipedia:


When we arrived back it was a quick shower and into the bar, a bit later they got the BBQ going.


And a great night was had by all.

The next day I went with 5 others to ride home, we took the touristic route despite the ominous clouds. Unfortunately it really started to pour down as we were close to La Roche en Ardenne, which normally looks like this:


(again stolen from the interweb) but in the pouring rain it didn't seem quite so cheerful.

Well most hotels were still shut (or so they said), so we ended up drinking coffee at the local crazy golf course (which was of course otherwise empty).


Anyway we rode on when the rain eased down but we got some pretty heavy downpours on the way.

We stopped at Borgloon on the way for some Lunch, but the place seamed deserted, so we used the local tourist information as a garage.



After this we headed for the Dutch border at Valkenswaard, where we all had a coffee before heading home on the motorway.
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Thanks! Very nice. Can you send some of the apflestrudel to me :thumbup: It looks absolutely delicious!!!
Anything beginning with "trip" and ending with ,"strudel" is going to be good.

We anxiously await the additional pictures Martin! Blah
I am so very jealous! Fell in love with european towns / architecture. Would love to ride there one day.
Thanks! Very nice. Can you send some of the apflestrudel to me :thumbup: It looks absolutely delicious!!!

unfortunately we don't get it in Holland,but it was nice :drool: ;)

Anything beginning with "trip" and ending with ,"strudel" is going to be good.

We anxiously await the additional pictures Martin! Blah

Hope I didn't disappoint Cliff ;)

I am so very jealous! Fell in love with european towns / architecture. Would love to ride there one day.

Let me know when you're coming over again Eric :thumbup:
My wife and I used to live in this part of Germany/Europe. This report brought back fond memories. Thanks!

Awesome pictures Martin! Thank you for sharing these great places with such unique architecture! :rockon:
I am so very jealous! Fell in love with european towns / architecture. Would love to ride there one day.

Yes, same here. On my bucket list. I love Germany, comes in second to the Netherlands when it comes to European countries. Thanks for sharing Martin, nice trip report!
There are a lot of historic buildings & towns in this area which helps add to the fun of it all but there are some really great roads in this area, lots of valleys, hairpins, views and windy roads.

This was our route for the Saturday:

Martin, looking at the pics of scenery, architecture, roads, people, architecture (did I mention that yet?) and then the map....all I can say is You Bastard!

what a joyous run and when I say bastard I mean you are one lucky one!!!

thanks for sharing