Using Google Maps

Gary in NJ

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May 6, 2014
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Amoungst the Twisty Roads
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I'm trying to create interesting rides in Google maps and send them to my iPhone for later use. I have no problem stringing together a route. I then send to route to my iPhone. However when I open Google maps on my phone what I find is the individual destinations, but not the route.

What am I doing wrong? Is there a better way to do this?
Lets say I build a 100 mile trip using 8 way points on my laptop. I have an option to sent this route to my iPhone. When I open my Google Maps app all of the individual way points are there, but not strung together and without any modifications (moving the blue line) that I made.
OK, I either figured it out, or I discovered a work around. After creating the route I went to the "hamburger" on the top left and selected "Share or Embed the Route". I simply copied the route and pasted it into an email. When I received the email on my phone I touched the hyper-linked route and it launched in the Google Maps app. I did this twice, a route without modification and a modified route and both came through the way I sent them. Cool!

We have some incredible roads here in NW NJ and NE PA - and while I know most of them, it's far better to plan a trip before hand then to wonder which way I want to turn at an intersection. Now that I have a Sena bluetooth intercom I can just listen for "make a left on to county road 519" and enjoy the ride.
Just throwing another idea out there for you. I've gone down the Google Maps approach a couple times, and I know it can be a pain to build out the actual route you want to use. There's also a limit on Google Maps for the number of custom points you can make on a route.

I've recently switched to a website/app called Roadtrippers for a couple long trips, and I've found it really useful with route and trip planning.

Check out this trip I took from Chicago to the Apostle Islands in Wisconsin:!1...dium=share&utm_source=copy&z=6.05194443430369

Essentially, you build out the trip with all anticipated stops and way-points. It's really easy to see how far you need to go from one point to another, so I can plan out where I need to stop. You can also use it to find points of interest within a certain distance of your route.

The really cool part of this is the app. When you load it up on your phone, you can tell it to route to a stop/way-point, and it lets you choose which map app to use (Google Maps, Apple Maps, Waze, etc). I prefer to use Apple Maps since it gives me directions on my Apple watch and in my ear (Sena).