VISC Open House Event - July 9th


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2007
Reaction score
Victoria, BC
Hey everyone,

Just wanted to let you know that the Vancouver Island Safety Council will be hosting an Open House event in the main parking area in front of Western Speedway on July 9th, 9:00am to 3:00pm.

This is an event focused largely on motorcycling and the motorcycling community of Victoria. It seems all the local motorcycle shops and vendors are on board and will be participating with us in this event.

Another instructor and myself got to thinking about doing some sort of Motorcycle BBQ event last year as a kick off to Motorcycle Awareness Month (May). However, as we hashed out and started planning this event over last year and the beginning of this year, space availability became an issue so we had to go with July 9th (weather should be better then anyway).

We wanted an event to not only showcase and inform the public of what VISC has to offer, but also to help bring the motorcycle community together in one big event.

A definite highlight of this event will be the "Timed Riding Course'. Using layouts taken from our Experienced Riders Course and similar police motorcycle training courses, we will be constructing an fun, yet challenging cone course that is open to all types of motorcycles (and scooters). We have it on good authority that several of the VIC PD riders will be out and trying the course, so here's your chance to "race against the cops"!

We are still ironing out the finer details, but this is shaping up to be a fantastic event.

Check out full details here:

Vancouver Island Safety Council 2011 Open House Event


So if you can, please help us pass the word around about this event.

Hope to see some of our British Columbia base FZ6 brethren at this event!
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