Weekend ride in Groningen, NL


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Oct 5, 2007
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Alkmaar Netherlands
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Every year I go on a weekend ride with a group of guys/gals from my work, we travel to the destination on the Friday, stay on the Friday night do a well organised ride on the Saturday, after exchanging all our stories on Saturday night (over a few pints) we then ride back on the Sunday.

This year we went to the city of Groningen in the North East of Holland, much closer to home than our last couple of trips (in the Eifel region of Germany & Luxembourg) but a nice place nonetheless (even if it is lacking the hills).

I know this is more than a couple of weeks ago but I've just been too lazy to post it yet :eek:

On Friday 5th of June I set off from home and rode about 25 minutes to the house of a mate of mine (George), his house was on the route to Groningen so I picked him up.
Anyway after about a quarter of an hour riding we reached the afsluitdijk where there were some road works on the locks, luckily being bikes we just rode through the traffic jam to the front of the traffic.

Anyway the ride across the afsluitdijk was as boring as ever, it's one long causeway separating the sea from the ijselmeer (the largest freshwater lake in Holland) but the occasional sailing boat gave us something to look at.

On the other side of the causeway we started our trip around the south of Friesland (the place where the black and white cows come from (Friesians) ;)) here is the route
Our route took us through several of the Frisian "cities" (these are small towns/villages in the north of Holland that had city rights in the past, which allowed them to maintain an army/navy which was very handy to defend against the many marauding enemies).
Our route took us along Makkum (an old fishing village) , then a couple of nice windy roads that took us to Workum. We rode further to Stavoren, we had to wait for the boats in the lock to sail by before we could continue to the “city” center. we stopped here for a coffee and slice of apple pie.



It was perfect timing we stepped into the cafe just as it started to rain, by the time we had finished our second cup of coffee the rain had stopped, the only rain we saw all weekend, perfect timing :thumbup:



We headed off and followed some nice windy roads to Sloten In Sloten the sun was shining once again and we continued our route towards Groningen, the place we were staying for the night.
We arrived at the simplon hotel, our hotel/hostel in Groningen about 5 O'Clock in the afternoon, and we were greeted by a group who had already arrived and were enjoying a beer at a long table in the front of the hostel. After carefully parking the bikes (the car/bike parking area was pretty cramped and we had to pack em in like sardines :eek:)
That evening we all had a nice warm buffet that the hotel/hostel prepared for us, and after that we went out into the centre of Groningen (a short walk) to sample a couple of the local beverages :thumbup:
We returned to sleep in our large hostel dormitory (our group had 2 of these), about 10 bunkbeds full of snoring guys, its a good job we all had earplugs with us :rolleyes:
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Re: Weekend ride in Groningen

On the Saturday morning we got up and went to breakfast. Many people still had weary eyes from the night before. We then proceeded to carefully remove our bikes from the parking lot (where they’d been parked like sardines).
We were split into three separate groups and these departed at fifteen minute intervals so as not to cause unnecessary congestion (especially the cruiser group).




I was in the second group, we rode through the city of Groningen and continued on the planned route heading first off towards Assen (the Dutch ‘Mecca’ for bikers). Our route took us through some nicely wooded areas with gently winding roads. On our way we passed several exposed megalithic burial chambers (hunebedden) which made for some pretty unique scenery. We took lots of nice windy roads whilst heading back up north towards the German/ Dutch border.
We stopped at Fort Bourtange where we had our lunch (a packed lunch brought by the support team). This was a nice old place which used to be a functional fort to protect against the germans & Spanish (pre 1600). It has been recently restored to its former glory.

In the past the fort was situated on the main road from Germany, in the middle of a wet land area so any heavy traffic had to pass through it. Here you can see how the road runs parallel with the battlements, so any approaching armies could be easily fired upon.


This is at the center of the fort where there was a courtyard.


And this is the (photochopped) pic of me riding into the fort


After having a slap up pack lunch and taking the group pictures we headed once more on our way.
Our route took us along Delfzijl and across the north end of Groningen, slowly turning back to our hotel where we once again had to park our bikes in the very small parking space. After a shower and a freshen up we had a bbq in the hotel’s courtyard accompanied by good Dutch beer.

Later that evening we went into Groningen to have a few beers and watch the Holland/ Norway football match. Luckily Holland won by 2-0.
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Re: Weekend ride in Groningen

On the Sunday morning I headed back on my own as most of the other riders wanted to take the quickest route home and despite being invited along by several friends on their Harleys I politely declined and took my own route home (here's the route I planned in mapsource for my Zumo).
It was a nice windy route which took me through a few more Frisian city’s. I first travelled to Dokkum where I stopped for a coffee.


Here's the town hall (which used to be the admiralty building)


After riding on I came across this strange 13th century church tower in Firdgum ,


apparently the rest of the church had collapsed as people constantly took the fertile earth from the mound it was built on for their farm land, a really sweet old lady who lived next to it explained this to me and gave me a free post card too.

After this I headed for Franeker After having a coffee and a Frisian cookie in Franeker


I then rode on to Harlingen ,


after this I took the quick route, back across the long causeway to North Holland and onward towards home.
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Thanks Robin, yeah there are some really pretty places, and some nice windy roads, but it is very open so there is also a lot of wind.