Went down

Very sorry to hear, but glad your alive. One day at a time, u will be back up and running soon enough.
Glad you are OK; hoping you heal quickly.

Any idea how you hit (I'm assuming face first)? With a full-face helmet I guess I would not have expected those injuries. Did anything break, like the chin strap? Or perhaps it was not cinched tightly?

It's always good to try and glean what we can from such an incident.
Ouch!!! That sounds painful! Wishing you a complete recovery!!!

How tight is your helmet? How many years of service?

Perhaps this will be a wake up call to all of us to make sure that shell we throw on fits well and does not easily move allowing facial contact if pushed on abruptly!!!

Get better!
Glad you will be good to ride again. We always have to use 100% of our attention while riding these days!!!!!!!!!!!! Too may idiots out there and the roads are ever changing. 100% attention.