What a day !


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Apr 28, 2010
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just a brief recap of my day ... I thought it would be better

I had a list of stuff that had to be done today, a couple oil changes and some overdue service on the bike. A 2012 Kenworth takes T6 synthetic oil which is what i needed for my bike. I volunteer to change the oil on the truck thereby having oil for myself. That went well, I bring the Kenworth home to build a rack on it so I can take my bike to Vancouver Island this week.

So far so good, my plans for the bike are simple today:

Airbox Mod, dual headlight, K&N filter install, plug for my GPS, oil change, align rear wheel (thanks by the way to FinalImpact, worked slick)

Things went down hill pretty fast, my hands have been killing me and I checked my bars ... 3 out of the four bolts were loose, 1 was stripped.

Hmmm not so good, nice to catch it now ... Clean up the threads apply samll amount of loctite, carry on.

Lets move on the changing the oil, hmm oil filter on pretty tight, as is the plug. Get the filter off using my patented, screw driver and bashed knuckles procedure.

Refill oil .... realize I have over filled it, drain oil, check level again, drain a little more (in theory) fail to get plug in in time, drain alot of oil. Add more oil, achieve correct amount of oil in the bike.

Align rear wheel, this went ok my 5 year old daughter came in and assisted by asking about a million questions before finding the roll of string and playing with the cat.

Moving on the the mods i really wanted to do, I am heading to the island for 5 weeks and I am taking my bike with me. I have made a rack that I will stick on the Kenworth i am taking out, then I will have my bike out there. But need to knock out a few mods first on the bike.

So i get started ...

Lift tank, remove battery, inner fairings, air box .... promptly drop two bolts into the drain in my garage... not amused, fish out the bolts utilizing a 5 year old daughter with small hands.

She is removed from garage by her mother who isn't happy that she has oil all up her arm whilst wearing a dress. I guess they were planning on going somewhere.

Modify airbox, install new filter - still not sure about K&N filters not sure if they are worth the money ...

I start to wire in my plugin for my GPS, I pre made this wiring and the wiring for the dual headlight. I cut the hole in my inner fairing with little issue, but since i had pre made the wiring with really thinking about where i was going to have the plugin, well the wiring was to short, so ... make longer wiring harness. Install that.

Start to install dual headlight mod, figure why not replace headlights with brighter ones, go to Canadian Tire get 2 new headlights after hunting around in a store that is supposed to geared towards cars. They have a bigger selection of pots and pans than headlights now. Come home and wife and children leave to run errands, pay bills find a new husband, I'm not really sure where they were going.

Run wire for headlight, reinstall airbox, battery etc. Here's where my day got really bad, you know those little clips and the screw that hold them in place.

Yah they kicked my ass today, I open the package for the new headlights and realize that I have gotten the wrong one for the left ... as a family we only have 1 vehicle and my bike ... which i cant ride right now. So off to Canadian Tire in a 2011 Kenworth, my hope is that being a holiday the parking lot won't be packed ... the parking lot is packed. I park about 2 kms away from the door and attempt to find a new headlight, in a store that should have it.

They don't have the bulb i need but if you are interested they do have a very good deal laundry soap. the kid at the PARTS counter told me that. deciding to pass on the soap sale I head home thinking I will find a replacement headlight later.

Back to doing the final install of the headlights, you know those little screws and that wonderful piece of wire that hold the headlights in ? Yah they suck, I dropped the screws, the wire would pop out and going zipping away or my favourite, fall inside the headlight housing. I finally get the left side installed.

I move on to the right side, which was the whole point of this. After numerous attempts I decide that the screw driver needs to go into a low orbit , which i attempt to do.

I now look for a replacement screwdriver, no luck.

I retrieve the aforementioned screwdriver ...

Success i have both bulbs in, the boots go on with no issue, plug the wires in and have a quick smoke before I hit the road to burn off some stress ...

It's go time, start the bike woo hoo 2 low beams ... for exactly 3 seconds. the right one burns out ... I flip it to high beam ... nothing.

hmmm ...

hmmm ...

i look through the lens and it appears to me that i left a oily finger print on the bulb when i picked up the screwdriver, it had landed in a puddle of oil. the one that i had left when i drained to excess oil out of the bike.

I give up :(
just a brief recap of my day ... I thought it would be better

I had a list of stuff that had to be done today, a couple oil changes and some overdue service on the bike. A 2012 Kenworth takes T6 synthetic oil which is what i needed for my bike. I volunteer to change the oil on the truck thereby having oil for myself. That went well, I bring the Kenworth home to build a rack on it so I can take my bike to Vancouver Island this week.

So far so good, my plans for the bike are simple today:

Airbox Mod, dual headlight, K&N filter install, plug for my GPS, oil change, align rear wheel (thanks by the way to FinalImpact, worked slick)

Things went down hill pretty fast, my hands have been killing me and I checked my bars ... 3 out of the four bolts were loose, 1 was stripped.

Hmmm not so good, nice to catch it now ... Clean up the threads apply samll amount of loctite, carry on.

Lets move on the changing the oil, hmm oil filter on pretty tight, as is the plug. Get the filter off using my patented, screw driver and bashed knuckles procedure.

Refill oil .... realize I have over filled it, drain oil, check level again, drain a little more (in theory) fail to get plug in in time, drain alot of oil. Add more oil, achieve correct amount of oil in the bike.

Align rear wheel, this went ok my 5 year old daughter came in and assisted by asking about a million questions before finding the roll of string and playing with the cat.

Moving on the the mods i really wanted to do, I am heading to the island for 5 weeks and I am taking my bike with me. I have made a rack that I will stick on the Kenworth i am taking out, then I will have my bike out there. But need to knock out a few mods first on the bike.

So i get started ...

Lift tank, remove battery, inner fairings, air box .... promptly drop two bolts into the drain in my garage... not amused, fish out the bolts utilizing a 5 year old daughter with small hands.

She is removed from garage by her mother who isn't happy that she has oil all up her arm whilst wearing a dress. I guess they were planning on going somewhere.

Modify airbox, install new filter - still not sure about K&N filters not sure if they are worth the money ...

I start to wire in my plugin for my GPS, I pre made this wiring and the wiring for the dual headlight. I cut the hole in my inner fairing with little issue, but since i had pre made the wiring with really thinking about where i was going to have the plugin, well the wiring was to short, so ... make longer wiring harness. Install that.

Start to install dual headlight mod, figure why not replace headlights with brighter ones, go to Canadian Tire get 2 new headlights after hunting around in a store that is supposed to geared towards cars. They have a bigger selection of pots and pans than headlights now. Come home and wife and children leave to run errands, pay bills find a new husband, I'm not really sure where they were going.

Run wire for headlight, reinstall airbox, battery etc. Here's where my day got really bad, you know those little clips and the screw that hold them in place.

Yah they kicked my ass today, I open the package for the new headlights and realize that I have gotten the wrong one for the left ... as a family we only have 1 vehicle and my bike ... which i cant ride right now. So off to Canadian Tire in a 2011 Kenworth, my hope is that being a holiday the parking lot won't be packed ... the parking lot is packed. I park about 2 kms away from the door and attempt to find a new headlight, in a store that should have it.

They don't have the bulb i need but if you are interested they do have a very good deal laundry soap. the kid at the PARTS counter told me that. deciding to pass on the soap sale I head home thinking I will find a replacement headlight later.

Back to doing the final install of the headlights, you know those little screws and that wonderful piece of wire that hold the headlights in ? Yah they suck, I dropped the screws, the wire would pop out and going zipping away or my favourite, fall inside the headlight housing. I finally get the left side installed.

I move on to the right side, which was the whole point of this. After numerous attempts I decide that the screw driver needs to go into a low orbit , which i attempt to do.

I now look for a replacement screwdriver, no luck.

I retrieve the aforementioned screwdriver ...

Success i have both bulbs in, the boots go on with no issue, plug the wires in and have a quick smoke before I hit the road to burn off some stress ...

It's go time, start the bike woo hoo 2 low beams ... for exactly 3 seconds. the right one burns out ... I flip it to high beam ... nothing.

hmmm ...

hmmm ...

i look through the lens and it appears to me that i left a oily finger print on the bulb when i picked up the screwdriver, it had landed in a puddle of oil. the one that i had left when i drained to excess oil out of the bike.

I give up :(
Thats one of those days where you have to count to 10, take a deep breath, get a 10x10 block of wood and pound a thousand ten penny nails into it:D
Tough day. Remember the 6 P's:

I usually stick to one job at a time and make sure I have everything I need before starting, including more time than I think I will need.
Hmmm child labor, good idea. However it would take me 5 years 9 months to grow one on my own if I got started tonight.
All is good in the world. snagged new bulbs, and nothing sings like a motorbike with fresh oil and an open road. Also made my own grip puppies out of some handlebar foam designed for mountain bikes, 5 bucks at canadian tire.

That and my newly aligned rear tire means almost new vibration other than the one that tells me when to upshift :)