What do you look like?

Fish of a thousand casts. 49" Muskie

This my family...wife Michelle, youngest daughter Kyla...


And this is my wife and I at The House Of Blues in Las Vegas for A Peacemakers show last month (Sept. 2012).


And lastly a shot of just me taken by the wife. I think we were at The Dubliner which is an Irish bar here in town. Some friends of mine that are in a band play there every Tuesday night. Check them out if you feel so inclined at The Waters | Facebook.


And here is a video of them playing live. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3LqjQkk9wSk&feature=plcp]Out to Find Love - YouTube[/ame]
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Me & the pooch, hung over. No fizzers were hurt in the taking of this photograph.

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This was me on my FZS600 in 2006 touring Scotland and just about to go over Glen Coe after a spirited ride down from Fort William... and it didnt rain all the time we were there..... unlike the following years when it never stopped
You never know which "me" its gonna be. i don't even have a recent pic but my hair's short as hell. and i'm 6'4 185. too many pics? yeah i know
Just joined. This is who I am. We go to bluegrass festivals all summer, so that explains the banjo picture and my license plate. The car in the other pic is my '78 Trans Am, just like Smokey and the Bandit. It's set up as a 1/4 mile car.
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I have long curly hair that I leave down when i ride, so it blows in the wind. It was a 'fro once, now its so long it's more like Troy Polamalu.

Not being a big built dude, I always wonder if people from behind think I'm a chick --- I know i've made that mistake a few times and ugh...never a good feeling lol.
The taichimoto jacket and loose fitting jeans I hope is enough of a hint lol.
Here is a pic from a recent bike ride

Nice pic! Did you ride up from Reno side? Tough ride on 2 wheeled-non-powered vehicle. And dangerous with all those terrible cage drivers. I always give bicycle riders a wide berth when I'm on my motorcycle or in my cage, but many don't. Did you do Geiger Grade too? Fun on 2-wheeled-powered vehicle!