What helmet do you wear?


Jul 29, 2019
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Hey there just getting some thoughts of a new helmet. What helmet do you wear? Feel free to reply with pics.EC9F64A0-5A20-4574-8996-94375D29BCC5.jpgF3CE364F-3DA7-4C33-A586-AB488C647AA2.jpg I wear the bell rogue camp edition with no mask.
I have an older Shoei RF1100 with the dragon graphics. But.... I still like my older helmet!

I'm an oddball, I use different helmets for different types of rides or different bikes. Off the top of my head (that might be a pun) I have a Scorpion EXO modular, Shoei RF, AGV Open Face, Scorpion Full Face...and may have others. I tend to find helmets (and gloves) all over my house.
I have had the Shoei RF1100 with a tinted screen. I think it is a great product. When you start to spend over $400.00 for helmet, I think you will tell the difference.
A bunch of Shoei's (full face and flip up) plus a Schubreth.

Not to belittle your choice in an open face helmet as I used to wear one a long time ago until I met a guy missing half his jaw from a mc crash. As he explained......what's the first thing you will hit if you (heaven forbid) crash? your face. By the grind marks on my first Schubreth after Bambi took me and my FJR down I suspect my face would be missing parts if I hadn't been wearing a full face lid.
I'm probably older than you Red (I'm 57) and back in the early 70's when I started riding - there was no such thing as a full face helmet...not for 10 year olds anyway. When we raced MX we wore clip-on mouth guards...and their sole purpose was to keep mud off your teath - no other protection afforded. I don't think I got (or could afford) a full face helmet until the mid/late-80's. So I don't have a fear of open face helmets...not that your reasons aren't 100% valid...it's just I'm conditioned otherwise. With that said, I only wear the open face when on my cafe racer...and only when I go to a show or bike night. I rarely ride my cafe over 50 mph because at 60 mph hat thumper will knock your fillings out of your head. As you can imagine...it's an awesome bike (really is).
A bunch of Shoei's (full face and flip up) plus a Schubreth.

Not to belittle your choice in an open face helmet as I used to wear one a long time ago until I met a guy missing half his jaw from a mc crash. As he explained......what's the first thing you will hit if you (heaven forbid) crash? your face. By the grind marks on my first Schubreth after Bambi took me and my FJR down I suspect my face would be missing parts if I hadn't been wearing a full face lid.
I have a cheap hjc full face helmet but gets way too hot6E062ECB-3BA9-42CE-90FA-0FDF62E50198.jpg racing dirt bikes as I was younger, I think I have discovered the benefits of a full face myself haha!
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