What's your lane choice and why?


RIP Tom Eden
Jun 22, 2008
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Just a curiuos question or two:

OK...On a 2 lane road(1 lane each direction), where in the lane do you travel?; Inside( by the centerline) or outside( by the shoulder) and why?

Also on a multi-lane highway (3 lanes) what lane do you travel in (Fast, Middle or Slow) and why?

On a (2) lane road I travel on the inside if I have another vehicle in front of me, because I like to be able to see around the vehicle in front of me. If there is no traffic in front of me, I tend to ride the outside of the lane.

For a 3 lane highway, I prefer the Fast lane because there is only (1) direction other vehicles will enter my lane. If want to go too slow for the fast lane I tend to ride the slow lane and almost never ride the middle lane because there always seems to be people moving into the lane from both directions. The slow lane is mostly vehicles moving from the middle into my lane, unless there is an on ramp.

Just my riding practices...what are your riding practices?

on one lane each direction i take the outside when cars are oncoming within 100 metres or so, and inside when they are further out. i dont trust people who might run over the centreline for having spilled their coffee or whatever.

and for the multilane highway, i pick the left lane for the most part as i am always passing people. when i find traffic is moving fairly quickly and i am not passing people so often i merge into the middle. it gives me runoff to both sides in case i need it. also slowest cars stay right, and speed demons have a lane of their own. i wont ride behind someone tho, i will pass again until i have at least 200-300m or so of free space in front of me.
On a two lane road I like the left unless there is ppl coming up behind me then I just move over. Once they pass I move back. I hate worrying about not being able to see the ppl pulling out from the right as well. Also if a dog or animal runs into the road I have more time to react before impact. On a three lane I like the middle better cause I have two different directions I can bail if something happens. But also I ride the speed limit and hardly break it. I don't really need to pass no one.
I like to travel in the inside so as to be able to see around cars and on coming traffic can see me better. If the road is clear of traffic I tend to ride closer to the center or outside. I don't generally ride 3 laners, but on my last trip that had 3 lanes, I just went where the leaders went. I would probably ride in the middle to outside (fastlane) But I do agree you have to be on high alert to ride that middle lane as people are always just pulling in and out of it.
I ride closest to the center line on a two-lane. More so I can see the driver's side rearview mirror of the cage in front of me. If I can see him, he can see me. I avoid highways but always take the fast lane if I need to be out there for the same reason... I only have to know what's coming into my lane from one side.
Never right in the center of the lane (because that`s where the oil and nails are), but depending on the road, I`ll be either on the left or right of the lane (basically where the car tires would be) :thumbup:
on one lane each direction i take the outside when cars are oncoming within 100 metres or so, and inside when they are further out. i dont trust people who might run over the centreline for having spilled their coffee or whatever.

and for the multilane highway, i pick the left lane for the most part as i am always passing people. when i find traffic is moving fairly quickly and i am not passing people so often i merge into the middle. it gives me runoff to both sides in case i need it. also slowest cars stay right, and speed demons have a lane of their own. i wont ride behind someone tho, i will pass again until i have at least 200-300m or so of free space in front of me.


I'm about the same. I tend to drift towards the middle on a 2-lane road only because there are fewer potential hazards in the center as opposed to the shoulders.
I like to ride closest to the center line on a 2 lane highway. I don't know it has any advatages, but there seems to be less debris if nothing else.

I ride a lot at night, so I got in the habit of staying in the fast lane. If you're cruising down a huge 4 or 5 lane freeway like we have in Cali, and you look ahead, it's just a sea of red lights. It would be super easy for a motorcycle to get lost in all those red lights, so I avoid the center lanes where I would blend in the most. I also like the fast lanes because there aren't as many pot holes from large trucks.
Two laner: I usually ride on the left side, just to give any possible drivers
a better angle to see me if they are pulling out onto the
roadway. But will switch to the right side if necessary if any
any potential threats may come from the leftside.

Multiple lanes: As far as the Freeways, Always the very left lane and the
left line. Like others have mentioned, you only have to
worry about a bad lane change from one side. I try to
avoid the slow lane much as possible, as there are too
many vehicles trying to merge and even worse, vehicles
trying to exit at the very last second from the outer
lanes. Automatic wipeout.

As mentioned by Wavex. Never ride in the center of the lane, as there is too much accumulation of grease and oil on the roadway. Stay where the tire tracks are. Just put yourself in an emergency braking situation on the roadway, would you rather do it in the center of the roadway where there is grease and oil, or on the side where there surface is much cleaner.
Two laner: I usually ride on the left side, just to give any possible drivers
a better angle to see me if they are pulling out onto the
roadway. But will switch to the right side if necessary if any
any potential threats may come from the leftside.

Multiple lanes: As far as the Freeways, Always the very left lane and the
left line. Like others have mentioned, you only have to
worry about a bad lane change from one side. I try to
avoid the slow lane much as possible, as there are too
many vehicles trying to merge and even worse, vehicles
trying to exit at the very last second from the outer
lanes. Automatic wipeout.

As mentioned by Wavex. Never ride in the center of the lane, as there is too much accumulation of grease and oil on the roadway. Stay where the tire tracks are. Just put yourself in an emergency braking situation on the roadway, would you rather do it in the center of the roadway where there is grease and oil, or on the side where there surface is much cleaner.

same for me. good point Wavex & Vegas :)
I always ride in the farthest left lane position. On the 2 lane roads, I feel like the oncoming cars will notice me more.

Also, when there is a car infront of me blocking the oncoming cars vision being in the left lane they will notice me b4 the go to pass. Hope that made sense.
I always ride in the farthest left lane position. On the 2 lane roads, I feel like the oncoming cars will notice me more.

Also, when there is a car infront of me blocking the oncoming cars vision being in the left lane they will notice me b4 the go to pass. Hope that made sense.

This thread is very confusing for those of us who ride on the correct side of the road!
Always in the left most/carpool lane. Few buggers out there and few people wanting to take exits and merge into traffic.
On a two-lane...closest to the line. Avoiding gravel and crap blown to the edge. On the highway either far left or on the line when traffic needs to be split up. HAAAAAAAAAAAA done verrrrry carefully. :rockon:
I would like to add that choosing the correct lane and line can be the difference whether you get to your destination in one piece. I say that because most of the time, one lane will be safer than the other. And that is why my friend that you as a rider have to figure out.

Here in Las Vegas, most of the major surface streets consists of 3 lanes in each direction which gives the rider a total of six different lines to choose from. In general, the center of the lane should be avoided because of the accumulation of grease and oil. It's these six different position that a rider has to choose that will place him or she in the least vulnerable area of the road. As traffic and the surrounding environment changes, so does the choice of travel. So the lane or line that you are currently in that you thought would be the safest may not necessarily be the safest as you progress down the road. Just shows that a rider a must always be Searching, Evaluating and then Executing at all times! Aways be thinking is this the correct line of travel? Just because all three lanes are empty in front of you doesn't mean all three will be the same as far as safety.
I would like to add that choosing the correct lane and line can be the difference whether you get to your destination in one piece. I say that because most of the time, one lane will be safer than the other. And that is why my friend that you as a rider have to figure out.

Here in Las Vegas, most of the major surface streets consists of 3 lanes in each direction which gives the rider a total of six different lines to choose from. In general, the center of the lane should be avoided because of the accumulation of grease and oil. It's these six different position that a rider has to choose that will place him or she in the least vulnerable area of the road. As traffic and the surrounding environment changes, so does the choice of travel. So the lane or line that you are currently in that you thought would be the safest may not necessarily be the safest as you progress down the road. Just shows that a rider a must always be Searching, Evaluating and then Executing at all times! Aways be thinking is this the correct line of travel? Just because all three lanes are empty in front of you doesn't mean all three will be the same as far as safety.

I've noticed that most other bikers I see ride in the fast lane closest to the median. Today I was riding along and it occured to me that if something happens where a car spins into the median, you're screwed. For visibility it might not be the best, but if you have a median there are better escape routes to the right (other lanes) than to the left (hard barrier).