

Jay- Tshirt Inventor Guy.
Elite Member
Nov 2, 2008
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Well... call me a :squid: if you must... but just trying to get the basic idea of doin a wheelie... not a 89 mile an hour highway wheelie, more of just a 1st gear power up... slipping the clutch to me just seems to easy to slip a little too much and go all the way over.

I tried to do a power wheelie today, sat in 1st on 8k rpm , then let off to about 6 and nailed it again. nothin, i felt the kick for sure, but wheel didnt move, Should i be pulling up? im 6' tall 260 lbs. I tell you, it was scary as hell when i gave it a twist, it was that feeling where you think your going to lose the bike for a second, everything tenses up.

So any suggestions? I also tried to kick it into second and slip the clutch, but as i said, im a little scared doing that, so i only did it once... I had done it once before by accident, and i didnt know the front lifted until i felt it hit again and start to wobble

good vid.. show you how to power wheelie, then drop clutch... then for giggles he does a 2 mile wheelie on a fazer 1000 (6:00 in)

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qncPBZ9DRRk"]YouTube - How to wheelie a Motorcycle[/ame]
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I've experimented in first out on some old abandoned roads and was never able to get the front tire off the ground. I have gotten the front off the ground during a hard acceleration on the shift from 1st to 2nd which is the same principle as slipping the clutch.
I don't do them on the FZ6, since I don't want to rash the bike, plus if you get caught doing it here in Ontario, you lose your license, your bike and your insurance will never be affordable again.
But, I do it on the MX bike all the time!
I'll have the bike in first, going just below the power band, pull the clutch in, rev it up, let the clutch out fast and twist the throttle to get the front wheel up, and modulate it to keep it there.
Keep your feet on the pegs! if you think you are going over the back, don't put your feel back to stop it or you WILL go over the back, you need your foot to use the rear brake.
squeeze the tank with your thighs, you don't need to yank up on the bike it will do it all it's own.
If I WAS going to do it on the fz6, I would probably do it in 1st, have it at about 6000 rpm, slip the clutch, twist it up and let the clutch go and ride it out!
I've been working on this too. I seem to only be able to get the wheel off when i'm not trying to, under hard acceleration in 1st. I'm afraid of slipping the clutch too.
My friend wants to race me from a 30 roll in his 3000gt so u was going 30-31 in first. Twisted the throttle and the bike lifted in the front. I would say it was a foot to a foot and a half that it lifted. Scared me cause I wasn't planning to do a wheelie. So try that if I wanna try a wheelie.
My friend wants to race me from a 30 roll in his 3000gt so u was going 30-31 in first. Twisted the throttle and the bike lifted in the front. I would say it was a foot to a foot and a half that it lifted. Scared me cause I wasn't planning to do a wheelie. So try that if I wanna try a wheelie.
thats kinda the reason i want to learn. Not so i can ride wheelies for a hundred yards down the highway, but so if i do get in the situation i dont panic.. it will be more of soemthing that i know will happen.

the reason is, i left my buddies house the other day and really punched it, usually i blow through first, and go a little easier shifting into second just because of the jolt in between. but this time i just nailed it all the way though, and i dont know how far it lifted, but i just remember the tire hitting the ground and starting to wobble... not cool... it wasnt anywhere near a crash, but the instant fear was enough that i want to figure out what im doing before i do it again..
The wobble when the front tire hits the ground is normal. This happens to me all the time when the front tire settles down. You should feel it in a car, you literally feel the steering wheel go weightless, its an awesome feeling. That said, on the bike it settles right in and you can keep on going.

Ok, so I've been riding quite a few years but not since around 1980 when I had an xl?175 have I pulled a wheelie (which I used to be able to ride through a couple gears) because I've always had cruisers until now (ok, could get a couple inches on a couple of those but that's it). So now I'm kinda thinking it might be fun to once in awhile pull the front end up, not even to ride through gears but just get it aways off the ground. So, it's a new bike, my 1st "sport" bike, 1st inline 4 and I'm wondering if it's just like the dirt bikes I used to ride where you just revved and popped the clutch or is there more finesse to it?
You can try sitting as far back in the seat as possible, but at 260lbs I would be surprised if you can get it to come up with just the throttle. You could try standing up and bouncing the front a little and roll on, its real rythmic so it takes practice. I am certaintly not any good at it. Clutching it up is about the only way I get it to stand up consistently.
now migh be a dumb question, but when i watch vids of other people doing wheelies, its so natural and smooth, when i do it, i feel like its just "jolting" is the only way i can describe it.. like if i were watching myself, i would think what a newB.
now migh be a dumb question, but when i watch vids of other people doing wheelies, its so natural and smooth, when i do it, i feel like its just "jolting" is the only way i can describe it.. like if i were watching myself, i would think what a newB.

The FZ6 isn't a hole-shot bike as she is almost all top end speed demon. It can be done, just harder than other bikes.

I've been on bikes that are smooth and natural, where they have the power to just lift and you control it with throttle finesse. Raw power...

The FZ6 doesn't see that immediately and it starts to see it at about 7500 RPM. A lot of guys who do wheelies on this bike are already rolling, but you have to find the sweet spot so start with about 6500 or so and increase by 500 RPMs until you feel the front lift.

After much practice, please visit this forum and study BD43's steering head bearing replacement thread! :thumbup: You're likely going to need it on the stock bearings.
Don't use the stand up and bounce and twist method, you really don't have much control with that technique and you are more likely to lean it to the left or right and or turn the bars...
just play around in 1st, slipping out the clutch and figure it out. Have your butt further back on the seat but still in a comfortable position, keep your fingers on the clutch and foot on the brake and feel it out.
the bike will do it, try it at around 6000 rpm and work up if it doesn't work after a few attempts.
Buy a dirtbike and spare your fz all that wear and tear, these bikes do no make enough torque to manage a controlled wheelie, from slow roll. You will get it up but will not be able to control it due to the non-linear power this bike makes. YOU WILL END UP LIKE ALL THOSE YOUTUBE VIDEOS. Dummy with a busted bike.
The FZ will power wheelie easily. At a roll in first gear at about 6000 rpm close the throttle then back into the power it will pick it up and float it a few inches high for most of the gear.

As everyone else said dont be dumb and hurt yourself or the bike.Do it in a 'safe' place
I weigh more than yamahamaxdrpms and I did wheelies using this method.

Don't let off the throttle for more than a fraction of a second.
Go from light throttle(to maintain speed) to fully closed, to fully open as fast as possible.

This does a couple things:
Introduces a "shock load" to the driveline
Uses the rebound of the front forks

Both of which aid in doing a wheelie

It's really smooth when it comes up, but it can be scary if you're not ready for it, and it takes some getting used to.
Wheelies are low in my list of riding skills & priorities that i'd like to improve,but love them or hate them it is an aspect if not a neccessity of riding motorcycles (kinda like perfecting drifting an RWD car..fun but pointless/illegal and expencive if it goes wrong)but on the flip side,having that knowlage may just get you out of trouble (sh1t happens)

im deffinatly not a GIXXER stunt monkey and never practice on open roads(fortunatley theres a perfect unused road to practice on 2 mins away),but i would like to learn more about pivot points and throttle control of wheelies
1st gear in my inexperienced opinion is a flip waiting to happen due to the peaky powerband (especially with the clutch)..i find 2nd gear @ 8k (with 15t sprock) is the sweet spot with my weight (18 stone) using power or 6k with the clutch ..also as far as head bearings go..try not to close the throttle at the drop point..this just helps slam the front into the ground..accelerating will smooth out the drop to the equivelent of nothing more than a riding over a small bump ..the wobble happens to me too,i just figure its a side effect of the front wheel having to make up 20-30 mph+ in an instant.
The FZ6 is not a good bike to learn how to wheelie. It doesn't have enough power to get it up at a safe speed for a beginner. I you were to change the gearing, smaller front, bigger back, it would come up easier at a slower speed.
Don't tear it up trying to learn!!!
Wheelies are low in my list of riding skills & priorities that i'd like to improve,but love them or hate them it is an aspect if not a neccessity of riding motorcycles (kinda like perfecting drifting an RWD car..fun but pointless/illegal and expencive if it goes wrong)but on the flip side,having that knowlage may just get you out of trouble (sh1t happens)

im deffinatly not a GIXXER stunt monkey and never practice on open roads(fortunatley theres a perfect unused road to practice on 2 mins away),but i would like to learn more about pivot points and throttle control of wheelies
1st gear in my inexperienced opinion is a flip waiting to happen due to the peaky powerband (especially with the clutch)..i find 2nd gear @ 8k (with 15t sprock) is the sweet spot with my weight (18 stone) using power or 6k with the clutch ..also as far as head bearings go..try not to close the throttle at the drop point..this just helps slam the front into the ground..accelerating will smooth out the drop to the equivelent of nothing more than a riding over a small bump ..the wobble happens to me too,i just figure its a side effect of the front wheel having to make up 20-30 mph+ in an instant.

Believe me, it would be very difficult to loop an FZ6.

I've done an accidental(and unintentional) full throttle wheelie from a standpoint all the way up to redline and while I almost **** my pants, I did not fall off or die, thankfully.(it was a noob mistake)

For stock gearing, first gear is perfect for doing a power wheelie.
Believe me, it would be very difficult to loop an FZ6..

Actually it would be quite easy. Where do you get the idea that this would be hard to do? Cerntainly not as easy as on an R1 but closer to very easy than to very difficult.

Clutch wheelies FTW

Best way to learn is on a cheap dirt bike.