When posting polls....



Please make sure you have the poll closed 14 days after poll is posted, that way old polls don't keep popping up.

Thank you,
yeah, i never realized that until my "pazzo fell through.." thread... i keep clicking on it everytime it jumps to the top to see why anyone would keep posting.. haha... it tricks me every time
yeah, i never realized that until my "pazzo fell through.." thread... i keep clicking on it everytime it jumps to the top to see why anyone would keep posting.. haha... it tricks me every time

Yeah, it gets really annoying, especially when it's a year old!!! This just closes the poll, but not the thread.
If it's that important, maybe Dennis could make all polls close in 14days max?

If it's that important??????

It's crazy annoying, not so much "important."

But yeah, maybe we can do that because nobody follows the rules. lol :thumbup: