Where do you work and what do you do?


Samurai FZ Soldier
Elite Member
Nov 29, 2007
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Hillsborough, NH
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Just thought it would be cool to hear about what everyone does and where they do it with the drastically changing job market out there.
Sprague Energy - Server/SAN Engineer - If it's in the data centers and server/SAN related, I'm responsible for it.

I also run our parent company as well, 100% virtualized. :D
I do inside sales for a waste managment company... that translates to being a telemarketer for the mob...:thumbup: Just kidding.. oh and I work in Hartford, CT...
Nice thread!

I'm a Project Manager for a German based company. We run the sales for all the equipment in North America, with only 18 people our little division of the company. Yes...18 people running North America.

What, you ask, does a Project Manager do? I yell at people all day:spank:, send out quotes in hopes that we will get some more business:Flash:, and basically make sure that the business we have runs smoothly:thumbup:
I am a Product Manager for an electromedical equipment company. I deal with patient monitoring and clinical information systems. We are distributors for one of the world's largest companies.
Manager/Dispatcher for small private (read secure) local oil company with about 8000 customers.

Although the best work I'll ever do is at home with my family:thumbup:
Network Specialist, Hamilton County Tennessee (Chattanooga) Manage all our servers also Retired at 20 from US Coast Guard 1998 as E-7
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