Why I haven't been around....


********* w/ Twisted Fate
Elite Member
Mar 11, 2007
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Dover, NH
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After being such an avid poster here, I thought I owed you all some explanation. First and foremost, the FZ1 forum is growing at about the same rate this FZ6 forum did in its younger days. We're loving it! So, I've been busy modding there as well as modding my bike and getting it all documented and online there to help grow the site.

But, also this past riding season, we did not have a lot of time at home for riding. We added on to the house to create a mudroom and took our time getting it done.
But, even more important was this little girl. Our first Grandchild Bridgette who has taken our lives by storm. Who wants to go off riding when you can hang out with this little sweetheart!


I'll have to post a couple recent shots of how the interior came out. Plus, I've got most of the lattice work up for skirting on it. We just finished the interior last week. Although, I'm not happy with some of it so I'll be fixing that over time until I (my own worst critic) have it right!
I'll have to post a couple recent shots of how the interior came out. Plus, I've got most of the lattice work up for skirting on it. We just finished the interior last week. Although, I'm not happy with some of it so I'll be fixing that over time until I (my own worst critic) have it right!

I knew you had to finish the lattice...The Grand baby is so cute! :cheer: Hahaha!

I promise to make an appearance in the spring down Boston way. We'll hook up for a ride!

Cliff, she is always just that happy too. Yesterday, she went to the Doc, had 4 shots, had blood drawn, and was in a car accident (no one hurt!!!) where her Mom, my daughter, essentially totalled her car (it wasn't worth much to begin with). Yet, last night, she was eating, laughing, sharing, smiling and just as cheery as ever! My daughter got VERY lucky with this child!
After being such an avid poster here, I thought I owed you all some explanation. First and foremost, the FZ1 forum is growing at about the same rate this FZ6 forum did in its younger days. We're loving it! So, I've been busy modding there as well as modding my bike and getting it all documented and online there to help grow the site.

But, also this past riding season, we did not have a lot of time at home for riding. We added on to the house to create a mudroom and took our time getting it done.

Dude that mudroom is finally finished! :Flip:

Just kidding, it looks beautiful. Bridgette and the mudroom.
Wow!!! A grandfather riding an FZ1!! You just made my day!!

Old guys rule!!! (almost 47 here)

Your granddaughter is cute as a button. You must be proud :Flash:
Wow!!! A grandfather riding an FZ1!! You just made my day!!

Old guys rule!!! (almost 47 here)

Your granddaughter is cute as a button. You must be proud :Flash:

:rockon: And I haven't turned 46 yet. ;)

We're very proud of her. :D Thanks!
house is looking great, as well as the grand daughter :) we need to get together soon, it has been way too long

Yes! We do! I've been so sick for the past week. Today is the first day I've been close to functioning! So, we need to get the little ones together. Now is a great time! Bridgette now has her own room and it is full of toys! A lot has changed here since you last visited.