Why is there an oil debate?

There was a professor, I think at UCLA that did some actual studies using/ developing standards to come up with actual empirical data that showed a specific brand that retained shear factors for longer time periods than other brands but in our world with how powerful corporations work you can count on data being more a hypnotic state than actual truth. I'm not saying it's not the truth. I'm saying it may not be the truth. If you look at requests for what kind of this or that you'll find a lot of advice that's good based on what has been successful for people and a lot of rhetorical argument based on marketing/packaging and not actual fact.

I remember a day that a person said to me, "I'll never use BlaBla oil again because my engine threw a rod!" So I looked around and that brand of oil was still around and being bought. I could say to myself, "Wait till those poor bastards that bought this brand oil find out when their engines all blow!" Fact is I never heard anyone state they had an engine failure related to oil except the ones that had oil and then lost the oil while continuing to run the engine.

Oil threads as with any brand products threads, up for discussion tend to turn into opinionated, argumentative banter as opposed to intelligent informative discussion. They don't have to be and I think our forum and it's members do a great job these days in these discussions. :)

I think the facts are most all of the oils do a great job at what they have been designed to do. If they didn't there would be a lot of engine failure.

Here's an interesting sight where actual testing of the oils is done for used motor oil. Interestingly they even list metals to show wear factors of engine parts. Bob Is The Oil Guy | The Internet's Number One Motor Oil Site

Thanks for posting that Cliff. I just read one of the threads about Rotella Triple 15/40...Might give that a try next
Here's an interesting sight where actual testing of the oils is done for used motor oil. Interestingly they even list metals to show wear factors of engine parts. Bob Is The Oil Guy | The Internet's Number One Motor Oil Site

That is a very lively site, many interesting topics being discussed.
Maybe we could settle the debate and have Poll, conventional or synthetic, and a few brand options. I could not find one after a quick search. I have been using Yamalube, but now I think I would like to try synthetic this year...:thumbup:
Being steadfastly ambiguous I use Castrol semi-synthetic 20/50, that way I can't be wrong either way. :thumbup:
The problem is all oil is good but most guys will buy one brand of oil and use it forever. Because they don't try others and what they use works just fine "and why wouldn't it" they defend their purchase as being the best. When we all know deep down inside, oil is oil if you change it regularly no matter petroleum, synthetic or blend your engine will be happy.