Windscreen help/opinions


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Jun 23, 2015
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So I had the Cee Baileys screen on there and I was getting a lot of noise in my helmet Unless I stood up or tucked. The buffeting is kinda bad too hitting me right in the chest like nothing is there. I bought and tried to use a Puig racing screen and the same thing, just looks better. I am 5'8". I do not have a strip or lip on either. Also the Cee looks different than the ones they show as mine is straight and is not curved up like the one they show.

I ride to work for 40 minutes or so In the interstate and to clients as well and would like to get this worked out.
I finally figured windscreens! Many $$$ later. It's easy really. You've already mostly figured it out. Basically you don't want the wind that is turbulent from the top edge of the screen hitting around the bottom of your helmet. Pay attention to the noise as you stand up or stoop lower. Up is clean air which should be noise wise not too bad, a nice steady sound with NO buffeting. And of course if you're totally behind and lower then the top edge it's as quiet as it will ever be if you can stand to push a barn door down the road in your normal position and your bike will be susceptible to cross winds and truck wake. I have a Puig racing that was noisy unless I leaned forward and kind of stretched my neck, then clean air.So i used a belt sander and took off 1"-1 1/2" Now I'm happier then with the stock screen which hit me too low. I'm 6'1" with Suburban Machine drop bars. If it's raining or the bugs are bad or I'm cold I can lay on my tank bag and I'm OK.
It was really windy today with the storms about. I was fighting the wind hitting my helmet and knocking my head about. When I tuck it is way better, The noise I can deal with now as I bought some hearos xtreme protection ear plugs and let me tell you these things are WONDERFUL! So all I contend with now is the turbulent wind. Might have to break out the sander!