Your Rider Resume

About time I write something in this thread - but then again finally I have something interesting to add!

Got my bike license 4 years ago. Schoolbike was an older Suzuki GS500 and the license exam was passed on a brand new Honda CB500.
About 9 months later I bought my first (and so far the only) helmet and finally knew there was no way back. Of some reason I was searching alot for a 650 Bandit. I think my mind was set on something that was sure to be faster than the GS500 and to be honest I knew little about motorcycle models. I had always been more of a car geek instead and didn't really know anyone who owned a bike. At the time I had a girlfriend who lived 160km away (mostly via highway) so I wanted a fairing - but the GS500 with fairing was kind of ugly duckling so I started searching for equally priced motorcycles.
My eyes quickly caught the FZ6 and there was no alternative!
We have got crazy a** taxes on cars, bikes and so on in Denmark... so it had to be 2nd hand buy. Finally one year after getting my license I got the bike.

Have done about 25.000 km in all (bike's total is 45.000).
First 2 years was alot of highway due to exgirlfrind, but the past year has been half highway and half twisty roads. Found out all that highway riding hadn't really done much to improve my skill. Started feeling I wasn't good enough... chickening out in a bunch of turns dangerously braking halfway through the turn and admitted it... Have now taken 2x intense 2day courses on 2 different racetracks in Denmark. Have really added alot to my skill and now I never chicken out... almost always correct choice of gears, knowing how and when to lean out, countersteering, rev up while downshifting and so on :)
The last of the 2 courses I did just last week. After work I drove 300km to a camping site next to the track => slept for 8 hours => 2 days of intense 8 hour training (constant 20 minutes theory + 20 minutes racetrack) => Directly after 2nd course day I drove the 300km home...

Attending those courses have made me enjoy every single bikeride +100%
Will be sure to take at least one advanced course a year!
Hightly recommended!!!
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I'm Martin and I've been riding motorcycles for 2 years now, all on a '96 Suzuki GSF600N Bandit. Before that, I "rode" a 50cc Peugot Fox for a couple years, and learned that driving someting with a maximum speed of 60km/h (or 35mph) is not conducive to safe driving, because people will try to pass you at the most insane locations.

In Norway, you have to do a lot of theory and practice during your certification. For starters, there's basic first aid specifically aimed at motorcyclists, which I think is an excellent requirement and something every motorist should be at the very least familiar with.

You also have to do basic theory including, but not limited to, driving rules and regulations, awareness both of yourself and others, positioning on the bike and on the road, the theory of how to control the bike under different circumstances, and general information about mechanics like tire pressure, oil and coolant levels, chain slack, and electric systems.

Once the instructor is confident you understand the basics, it's off to a closed course to learn handling at slow speed. You practice clutching, starting and stopping, and then get into turns. You end with braking, how to brace and look far ahead to control the bike more efficiently, and you do this over and over again until the instructor says you're ready to go on the road.

Once on the road you have to demonstrate knowledge of the traffic rules as well as riding safety, and as you get comfortable riding in the city they take you out on the highway. There is a mandatory roadtrip of 4 hours included in the lessons, as well as a trackday where you practice emergency braking from 60mph (I got to experience locking both wheels on my Bandit, which was rather scary but very useful), as well as lean-in and lean-out of curves. We spent 8 hours at the track, which is fairly normal.

Overall, I would say the Norwegian certification system for motorcycle drivers is very good. I've improved upon my skills riding backroads and I've been to one track day (unfortunately, only the one track exists anywhere near where I live), which is why I also decided to purchase an FZ6 recently.

I've logged about 6000km on my Bandit, approx 3800 miles, so by no means an experienced rider, but I aim to improve upon this when I get the FZ6.

As for mechanics, I rely on instruction manuals and advice from forums that I can back up from other experienced mechanics or other, separate forums. Never trust a single source, always be critical, especially when it comes to something you trust your life to. I did electrical engineering in school, but I do not plan on rewiring bikes any time soon, as the use of computers renders basic electrical know-how fairly moot unless you're willing to risk frying the damned things.

So that's me. Looking forward to continue engaging with this community.

[EDIT]: Oh, and I did my certification on an FZ6, which is part of the reason why I just bought one ;)
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Age: 48

Riding experience: 37 years

Bikes owned: 16

Relevant training/education:

Mechanical Engineering undergrad and Comp Sci in grad school. I have a doctoral degree in the behavioral sciences so I am trained to detect unfounded bias, which is typically accompanied by a big ego.

Occupation: Professor

Current bikes:

2005 Yamaha FZ6, 2008 Yamaha WR250R, 1978 TLR200 (vintage trials) and a 1978 Yamaha IT400E (restoration project).

Relevant motorcycle experience:

Two and four stroke carburetor jetting and intake/exhaust performance tuning, EFI programming (FMF) and intake/exhaust performance tuning, off-road and dual sport riding, replaced clutches, rebuilt 2 stroke top ends, etc.

Two significant motorcycle accidents; one was very serious... trauma center (head trauma/temporary brain injury). A neck brace saved me from a spinal cord injury or maybe death. I am a pain in the ass when it comes to preaching ATGATT, especially to young riders. I apologize in advance.
held uk motobike license for 24 years and only rode road bikes until 6 years ago when i moved to spain and started riding off road have completed numerous jobs on bikes from exhaust to tire changes the biggest is probably piston and rings camchain ect on a single cylinder off roader listof bikes owned and ridden inc
1200 bandit
sherco 4.5i
fazer 600
probably cover more than 15k a year on bikes
I bought my first bike this past summer (June 31st 2011). I bought a 2006 FZ6 with almost 2500 miles on it. The only riding experience I had prior to buying my FZ6 was I rode a friend's FZ1 up the street and back.

When I first started riding I was hooked. I rode with my FZ1 friend a lot this during the summer and fall. He had been riding dirt bikes and motorcycles all his life so he knew a lot and I tried to soak up as much knowledge as I could. He introduced me to the joy of twists and corners. My bike is just shy of 10,000 miles now and I look forward to putting many more miles on.

That is my riding experience. I do not know a whole lot so anyone with experience who wants to offer knowledge is more than welcome.
I bought a honda cbf 125 as my first bike back in october 2009, i had that for 2 years and put up 20,000kms on it in that time. in september 2011 i upgraded to an immaculate 2004 fz6 with 30,000kms. i put up on average 260kms per week just commuting to college and work and the odd spin ;)
i do the basic servicing myself with the help of the knowledgable folks on this forum :welcome:

given the bad weather in ireland, people think i am a mad man driving in all weathers apart from snow but i dont care :Flip:
I started riding dirt bikes when I was 12. It was a Honda trail 70. Then numerous others after that. (I was 12 and very good a breaking sh*t!) I bought my first street bike when I was 17, I had just got my license and owned a bike before I bought a car. It was an 82 Honda Nighthawk. After riding that for about 8 years and 25K I bought a Suzuki GSKR 650. My first crotch rocket! I thought I was king sh*t of turd mountain. (I was a squid!!)
Had that bike for about 5 years and traded it of an SV650. Rode it for about 5 years before I sold it to buy a house. I didn't own a motorcycle for five years. Rode my dads Goldwing and my brothers Ducati 996 until I met the love o my life. She owned a 2008 FZ6 and I fell in love with it!! I rode it more than she did until she bought me my 04 FZ6 for Christmas 2 years ago. I don't have an exact mileage figure but I would estimate that I have over 60,000 miles under my belt. I put a bike down twice in pavement and more than I can count on dirt. It all totals out to 26 years of riding.I have no technical knowledge about motorcycles, and never claim to know anything more than changing oil! Ride on and wear gear! I'll ride until I can't hold one up, then I'll have a trike!
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Bought my first bike last year. Took the MSF course. Bought FZ6 after a summer of riding the Kawasaki 500r. All I know I've learned from my father, mechanic and experience rider (FJR touring to I'm convinced every ridable road in America). I know very little but my father has taught me that reading and learning from a forum like this is one of the most valuable sources of information out there. Most of my posts will be questions.

with humor and humility
Im chris and the FZ6 is my first street bike, and have had it for a little over a year. I have ridden various bikes here and there but never for long rides. ive been riding dirt for 10 years at this point and have had some pretty nasty wrecks doing so. but i only push myself off road, on my dirt bikes. I am a fan of the ATGATT statement.

I am NO certified mechanic but i am pretty handy and know my way around a toolbox. I do all of my own maintenance on 2 cars (old volvo and GMC 1500) and my 3 bikes (FZ and 2 dirt bikes).

Electricity is not my thing.

My longest ride so far has been a 400 mile day. hopefully that changes soon.

I like to throw out ideas and different points of view rather than set a firm view of a single way to do something.
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started riding in 1980-Yammy rd50m
1982-Suzuki GS550,Yam XS500(worse bike ive owned)
1983-87-Honda CB900,various small bikes,ie-TS250 trail bike,Kawa KE125,250 Superdream
1988-Yam f****g lunatic of a machine
1989-Kwak GPz900R
1990-93-another Honda CB900,XJ750 Seca,XJ650,Suzuki GT380
.........No bikes for a few yrs......
2000-2003-Kawa ZZR1100....probably the fastest thing ive used in a straightline.....
2007-Suzi RF600,an old 1983 Gpz750 Unitrack
2010-11-another ZZR1100....
2012.....Fazer 600......
Ive missed out loads that arnt really worth mentioning,love the Fazer,it ticks all the right boxes and i think i,ll be keeping it til im dead:D
Nice one David,

I have ridden bikes for 16 years and have a full UK license I have also had some advanced training with the UK Police. The longest period without riding is three years. The longest period that I rode major miles was 1 year as a motorcycle courier in London. I used to ride between 3000+ miles a week. Now I do about 80 - 120 miles a week as I have a short commute to work.
I have had 6 major offs (all my own fault and speed related) and tested loads of gear.
I have broken 6 long bones, scapula, perforated an ear drum and suffered bells palsy as a result of my brushes with tarmac.
I have also never attended a track day but plan on doing one for my birthday.
I have maintained all of my previous bikes with the aid of a Haynes manual.
Most of my mechanical knowledge was passed on to me by my father (mechanic) reading and this forum and I am useless at electrics.
I am not a quick rider in terms of talent but enjoy pushing myself.

I have had a few bikes:

50 cc trials bikes
100cc YB100 and XS100
RD 200 stage 3 tune & polished.
CBR 400 (baby blade)
ER 500

If I dont know the answer I don't bullsh1t, if I am wrong I am more than happy to be corrected. If I have offended you likewise let me know.

Respect for managing a year couriering in London:thumbup:,I done it in Edinburgh which is a walk in the park in comparison........staying upright in London on a bike must take a mixture of skill,bottle and luck....crazy place.
I am a girl-
Now that that is cleared up... I always do my own mechanical work. I own a Diesel truck with 326k miles, purrs like a kitten :) I do not trust shops and will not take my vehicles in. I am also pretty good with imports and European cars. I have completely torn apart a car engine and put it back together without the help of a book. I am not as electrically inclined as I am mechanically.

I grew up very poor and didn't have any toys. I have always wanted a bike, so about 5 years ago I got a Yamaha XS400 (in pieces with no instructions :eek:) and got it running. I took the MSF Course and have been riding regularly ever since. I am definitely not an authority on technique, but am willing to share what I have learned. 3 years ago I bought my 86 FZ600, which is my baby!

My riding experience is Spokane/Seattle/Mountains/High Desert/Idaho/Montana areas, so lots of different street styles, hills etc, but not tons like many of you. I rarely am the first one to see something that I would have an answer to, so most likely I won't say much, but I may ask some questions :)

One more thing- Can I put in a request for good riding gear that isn't baby blue/pink/white or covered in flowers??
My earliest recollection of motorized 2 wheel transport was riding my brother’s “doodle bug.” (That’s a cheesy little frame with a lawn mower engine.) It didn’t have brakes, and to kill the thang, you had to reach down and ground the spark plug.
I was 8 or 9 back in the late ‘60s, and afraid to touch the motor (To kill it) so I’d run into the juniper bushes to stop. My bro’s thought it was funny, but my parents would be pissed!
Through the ‘60s & ‘70s, I rode friend’s mini, and dirt bikes, then in ’75 I got my street endorsement and my parents helped me get a ’71 Honda CL175.


After that I got a
’74 CL360,
’76 Yamaha XS500
’77 XS750
’79 XS750
’81 BMW R65LS
’86 FJ1200
’89 FJ1200
’96 KLR650
’01 FZ1
’05 BMW R1200ST
’07 FJR1300
“07 FZ6

Since ’75 when I started riding street, 6K miles is the least I’ve ridden in a year, and over 27K was the most. (I’ve probably averaged around 12K) Never had kids, never taken a "break" from the sport. (Addiction!) :p
Recon I have in the neighborhood of 400K under my belt.
I still have my beloved FJR for most stuff...
(See the snow covered mountain over my right shoulder? That's Lassen; I rode over it later that day!)

And added the sweet little FZ6 for dirt duty, though it's very capable at everything. quite the "all 'rounder."

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Started riding motorcycles when I was around eight years old, in 1981 my Dad bought me a red Honda 75cc dirt bike to go riding with him through the hills of central Arkansas. I don't remember much from back then other then seeing my Dad do some pretty cool stuff and him giving me trouble for riding the back brake too much.
Great memories though.

It wasn't until 1993 that I bought my first bike, I was in the Marine Corps and living in Yuma AZ. I knew a guy who was selling his like new bike for low money, a 1993 Katana 600. I had to take a motorcycle safety course through the military and I felt like it was informative class, it really helped me as a young rider. It undoubtedly taught me things about riding that I never would have figured out on my own, the safety courses are really worth the time.

It was great time in my life, I rode all over the desert on that bike. I had a girlfriend that lived in San Diego and I would head out there every weekend that I could get free to see her. I had some pretty harrowing experiences riding though the mountains on interstate 8 to San Diego, but never went down, not yet. With regret I sold that bike because I received orders to go to Japan.


(not mine, but exactly like mine)

Then, somehow, seventeen years passed. I'd played with the idea of getting a bike off and on for years, and finally in April of 2012, after much research on which bike to get, I bought 2007 FZ6 with 2700 miles on it.

I'm still getting reacquainted with riding. I am no expert and probably never will be, just an enthusiastic member of the community. Over time I hope to tweak the FZ6 slightly to suit the needs of my 6'7" frame, but as is it's still pretty darn good.

Happy Trails!
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Technically started riding about 3 years ago on a Lifan (boy I killed that bike going uphill at stop signs and railroad tracks many of times)..sold it after 6 months...waited another couple of months and got a Hyosung Gt250r..rode it for a while..sold it...then about 2 weeks ago walked into dealership and nearly sat on every kind of bike. Then, I found new 2009 blue Yamaha FZ6 R. I'm still technically a noob but I did manage to drive 200 miles on it :)
Practice makes perfect right??
Warm day in '67 rode a big bear scrambler....belonged to whom I will be indebted forever.
Bought a cb160 from a drunk welder a week later
Only comment on my abilities ever made to my face:
Man:Gee...we see people crash here all the time but but we ain't never seen anybody get up before.
Lady: Noooo, they dont get up
Childhood: rode my cousins Honda Big Red 3-wheeler and my sisters 80cc suzuki quad.

Adulthood: Took BRC in 10/2012. Purchased my first bike 2008 Fz6. Rode it for 1800 miles including daily commuting and a couple of runs through norhtern AZ over 200 miles a piece. My fav was Prescott national forest. Crashed the bike and totaled it out out in Tortialla Flat only 17 days after getting it. I can't wait to get back riding again as it's one of the best things I've done in years. Waiting for my new 2009 Fz1.

Mechanically: I've got I would say minimal mechanical skill but am a techie and have always been really good at diagnosis on vehicles. I just never liked to get my hands dirty until buying the motorcycle. I've been so enthused about the motorcycle that I have been voraciously reading the forums and motorcycle online mags. At some point I would like to go to motorcycle mechanics school.

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Edit: I received the 2009 Fz1 and crashed it the following morning. Have still been riding it since then, while slowly doing the naked conversion and put on 1500 miles in a month. It has been interresting overcoming the little bits of fear. I just completed the MSF Advanced Rider Course this weekend and it helped me conquer a little bit more of my fear. I have been posting my handiwork for the naked conversion on the Fz1-forum website.
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Started on a Yamaha 50 when I was 10 years old,Moved on to Dirt with a Honda CR80,As I got a little older I bought an old Yamaha Exciter 250 and rode it street and Dirt Pretty Hard... When I moved to the City at the age of 17 I sold my exciter and went to college where I did not ride for a few years because I could not afford it! when I finished College I decided i would get back into riding and the list started again.Since then I had the following Bikes
1st - 1980 Honda CB900 custom
2nd - 2005 Suzuki Maurauder 800
3rd - 2010 Suzuki Boulavard 800
4th - 2009 Yamaha Tourer 1300
Presently I own:
5th - 2005 Honda Goldwing 1800
6th - Yamaha TTR 230 trail (dirt) Bike
7th - 2008 Yamaha FZ6

I have racked up alot of miles in the last 6 years touring with my wife and I also ride in a riding group known Nationally in Canada as CMC.
Only comment on my abilities ever made to my face:
Man:Gee...we see people crash here all the time but but we ain't never seen anybody get up before.
Lady: Noooo, they dont get up
