Total Control Advanced Riding Clinic


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Jun 8, 2007
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I know this forum is meant for "newer" riders but...

If you want to learn how to get the most out of your bike, short of going to the track, I highly recommend this class. I can't rave enough about it. Although there are a few areas I had an issue with. The price is a bit salty, but where else are you gonna get this level of instruction. The morning session was mostly classroom... and BORING! BUT, if you are a less experienced rider maybe you'll get something out of it. There also is a sense of them pushing their sponsors on you. Especially Race Tech Motorcycle Suspension. Other than that, the instructors once out on the course, were awesome. At the end there is a great class on suspension set up. They go over with and teach you how to adjust sag, pre-load, rebound etc. etc. Good stuff!

One more thing I want to say. This is NOT a MSF class, nor are they affiliated in anyway. In fact there were some MSF instructors in my class. This class is about advanced techniques and getting the most out of yourself and your bike.

Check em' out.

Lee Parks Total Control Riding Clinic
this may sound dumb, but, um.... did anyone drop their bike?

i just bought his book btw, i'm looking forward to learn from it

Well, not really... one fella' was leaning over so far and going so slow he just stopped. It was awesome to see. I wouldn't of believed it if I had not seen it for myself. He was on a CBR 1000.
PIMP! they got a class about an hour and a half from me... makes for ALOT of riding though... 1.5 there.. then 9 hours in the class.. then 1.5 back...
Too bad there's no So Cal classes on the schedule 2010. I would love to take the class! I have Lee Park's Total Control book and it's really good reading.
I meet Lee Park few months ago at a motoshow here in LA and I attended a free class he gave (1 hour) and some cornering technique that he showed on a Ducati later on - pretty interesting.
I may go to North California this spring with a buddy of mine at one of his classes, not sure yet.
My $.2: take that money and go to the track 3 times :D you'll have 3 times as much fun and come out just as good if not better.

Most track organization (at least here in CA) offer individual coaching as well... just ask one of the instructors to help you and he'll work with you directly (you follow him to see the proper line, and then he follows you to see what/where you can improve, then you hot pit and the guy gives you his advise while sitting on the bike before going right back out to try things out)...

I am not criticizing the class, I am sure it is great, I am just offering another option to those considering it :)
I just got his book Total Control for Christmas and it's great. I'm about 1/2 way through and can't wait to practice some of the instruction from the book. I may try and go to the class they have in Olympia Washington. I would rather do it in Portland but this is a must do class. :thumbup::thumbup:
I just wanted to note that after reading up on this I decided to go out and buy the book :). There aren't any classes close enough to me unfortunately, so the book will have to do. If you guys plan to do a trip to Utah sometime, definitely let me know!