Get your Cameras, here it is: AUG 2010


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Jan 26, 2009
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Olympia, Wa (back home now)
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Here it is guys


One picture per item. If you have two items in the same picture, note what one is it fulfilling.

Creativity is key. In the event of a tie, the more creative pictures will take the prize.

The pictures have to show exactly what is asked, not a variant. If a loophole is found, it WILL be counted.

PLEASE be honest about this for there is no true way to prove a fake.

At least front/top half of your bike has to be within the picture.

The regular hunt pictures will be worth 1 point. Bonus pictures will be worth 2 points, for a possible point total of 16.

Lastly, and most importantly, have fun and be safe riding.


A 20+ story building.
A Coffee shop/stand.
A National Park sign
An animal unique to your area (IE armadillo, kangaroo, etc).
A boulder larger than your bike.
A road mile marker "55."
A dump truck.
A Pre-1965 car the same color as your bike.
A Windmill with 5+ meter blades.
A military vehicle.
An amphitheater
A capital (government) building.

Bonus 2 point hunts

A store/shop with a name consisting of three or more first names (IE "Tom, Dick, and Harry's").
A 'signature' power plant (like a dam, nuclear plant, etc).

Travis Walthall
Still got about a month or so before I can join in this one :(
Unless I can entice some of the local wildlife within range of my front garden.
Then again,I don't really think we have any animal unique to England?
Still got about a month or so before I can join in this one :(
Unless I can entice some of the local wildlife within range of my front garden.
Then again,I don't really think we have any animal unique to England?

Are you still hobbling around? :(
Looks like fun, Travis.

Could you define 'signature' for us?

'Signature' - To have the pictured item look like an indisputable object of the hunted item.

Therefor, a signature power plant would be like a damn with heavy power lines coming from it, the steam stacks of a nuclear power plant, the thin 150 foot chimney of a coal plant, etc.

If you have a power plant in the area that looks like it could be the back side of a department store/warehouse, it will not count.

I hope this clears it up
This could be interesting, you're not allowed into the wildlife parks with a bike!

Windmill, powerplant, coffee shop there are in my town, in fact the windmill is a coffee shop :)
Still got about a month or so before I can join in this one :(
Unless I can entice some of the local wildlife within range of my front garden.
Then again,I don't really think we have any animal unique to England?

hmm... There may not be any animals that are native to only Europe, but I can think of a couple that you can contribute to Eruope well: the Red Fox, the brier rabbit, etc. Like New Zeland and a picture with a sheep, or Montana with a bull. Just Something that the area is known for having. This is not one that will be heavily picked at.

Travis Walthall
Is there state/national parks though that you can get your bike next to? If not, I will make an alternative for making the mistake of thinking there would be in the nations we are respectively with,

Travis Walthall

I was thinking more about the animals, there are of course parks that you can go into with a bike, but I don't need to go in to get a pic of the sign! There are more challenging topics than the animal, no need to change anything :)
Still got about a month or so before I can join in this one :(
Unless I can entice some of the local wildlife within range of my front garden.
Then again,I don't really think we have any animal unique to England?
Badgers or Manchester United fans? They're native animals :eek: LOL