St Louis area FZ6 owners

The suspension in the forks seem a bit harsh. Does anyone have any experience in changing that at all? I put Progressive fork springs in the Bandit when I had it, which seemed to help with the brake dive & soaking up the bumps in the road.

Yes, I changed out my front and rear springs. I did it mostly because I am only 5'6 and wanted I little more foot on the road when I was stopped. I also shaved about an inch off my seat. As long as you have a clean place to work it is no big deal. I turned on the radio in my garage and just set into it with no problems... just give yourself a few hours to get it done and and a torque wrench with allen wrench attachments. I got the Hyperpro lowing springs and they were noticeably better than the stock as far as removing some of the harshness... wasn't a day and night difference but it was better and good enough for me.
The stock oil in the FZ6 forks is grey and nasty looking... Felt good getting some good oil in there.
Awesome. Thanks for the pics, BTW. Hyperpro, huh? What weight fork oil did you use?
Damn, and I just remembered that I don't have a shop manual for this one like I did with my old one. Any idea how much oil you put in the forks?

Temps are supposed to be in the 60's today. Getting ready to meet some buddies in Eureka for a ride. Nothing like being the young'un trying to keep up with old retired guys on the back roads.....seriously, some of these guys ride like demons! :rockon:

....and it'll be nice to remind myself again to get that seat & the front suspension sorted out. ;-)
Huh. I'm wondering why I didn't get any email notifications on your reply. :-/

Ah well.
I'm in South City myself, off of Grand & 44.

I'm meeting up with a group I normally ride with at the McDonald's off the 6 Flags exit in Eureka at 10am. Feel free to join up if you can, it'll be nice to have a new face around. :)
Nope, sorry. Work conflicts. But maybe next weekend!
I work every other weekend & I work 12 hour shifts, which leaves days like today free for me to go ride!

I'm sure we'll cross paths soon. :)
Wish I could have made it, I typicality work M-F 7:30-5:00pm. Those hours are no good for these short winter days, but they are getting longer!!!

I think I will ride into work tomorrow if the rain holds off and maybe ride down to Festus tomorrow evening after work to a birthday party. I wish I could skip out of work and ride tomorrow, But I think I am to responsible to do that......... just don't ask I might not be. :D

We should schedule a FZ6 ride in March and see if we can make it happen.

I don't remember the fork oil weight... The oil came with the spring kit and it was seemingly much better than what was in there to begin with so I used it.
Wish I could have made it, I typicality work M-F 7:30-5:00pm. Those hours are no good for these short winter days, but they are getting longer!!!

I think I will ride into work tomorrow if the rain holds off and maybe ride down to Festus tomorrow evening after work to a birthday party. I wish I could skip out of work and ride tomorrow, But I think I am to responsible to do that......... just don't ask I might not be. :D

We should schedule a FZ6 ride in March and see if we can make it happen.

That sounds like fun, Mike!! In the meantime, there is a ride Sunday with the stlryderz group. I can't make it, but soupflakes is going.
Hey all, Joe here from South City near the Bevo Mill. Got my FZ6 about 3 weeks ago and lovin it! Only been riding for about a year, but I'm definitley hooked. I work evenings, but am off every Friday and Saturday. Love to meet up and ride sometime!
There is a big event going on for a kid in St. Louis who wants to ride a "bullet bike". This is short notice because it is happening this weekend (sunday). There is a local bike group (STLRyders) who is already joining up in the fun and have been trying to spread the word around to everyone. We are looking for anyone and everyone who wants to join us on the ride.

see attached flyer.
There is a big event going on for a kid in St. Louis who wants to ride a "bullet bike". This is short notice because it is happening this weekend (sunday). There is a local bike group (STLRyders) who is already joining up in the fun and have been trying to spread the word around to everyone. We are looking for anyone and everyone who wants to join us on the ride.

see attached flyer.

yeah, I just started posting on that site too. I met up with RC-Rick last weekend and he changed my tires for almost nothing.

Saw the posts for the ride. How long do you think the ride will be? I gotta work around 3pm, so I can't be too long. I've never really ridden with anyone besides myself, so I have no
I would imagine the ride will be only a couple hours or so. I believe we are picking up Dawson and taking him for a ride then bringing him back for the event that starts at 1. There are some who are starting at the Pacific Eagles parking lot at 9:30 to start where others are going to meet at the place described in the flyer.

I've been riding with these guys almost a year now and they are a good group to be with (imho). I would say it's a great experience to ride with a group just pay attention to everyone and if you have questions ask. I will most likely be meeting up at the QT, on my red FZ6.

yeah, I just started posting on that site too. I met up with RC-Rick last weekend and he changed my tires for almost nothing.

Saw the posts for the ride. How long do you think the ride will be? I gotta work around 3pm, so I can't be too long. I've never really ridden with anyone besides myself, so I have no
Were you there? It was a great ride. I met stryken, but that's about it. Way too many cruisers! lol

I know... kinda turned into a Harley Davidson event. Ride was a bit slow and man it was hot but still glad I got to go. I do prefer the smaller group rides myself, looking forward to an aggressive back road ride with the STLRYDERZ group again.

I just got my 2007 FZ6 this weekend. Need to get plates, insurance, and tires before I can really get out. It's been 18 years since I've owned a bike so I've got some rust to work out.

I'm just off Cherokee street not far from the AB brewery.

I just got my 2007 FZ6 this weekend. Need to get plates, insurance, and tires before I can really get out. It's been 18 years since I've owned a bike so I've got some rust to work out.

I'm just off Cherokee street not far from the AB brewery.


Hope to see you at one of the local rides. Enjoy the new ride!