2010 contest!!!


Junior Member
Jun 28, 2009
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Wellington NSW Australia
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seeing as nobody else is going to start it here we go.
im not doing a table or anything though:eek: just post up a pic and how many miles or kms same rules as last year

In order to start things off, I need to get some info of those participating.

This is what I need:

Class: Year-round' or Seasonal
if seasonal... pick your 6 month range. [must be continous]

Location: Just the Country [US, Canada, Europe,etc]

Starting Mileage: This will need to be posted the day before the comp starts. All those doing year around, need to post photos of their OD's on Dec 31st or just before. Seasonal, you will need to post the day before your selected season starts.

A few ground rules.

First, all bikes are excepted. There are many members on here that ride bikes other than FZ's. However, you have multiple bikes that your ride regularly, I asked that you only post mileage of the FZ.

There will be no need for monthly updates on the mileage contest this year unless you guys want to. If anything it might be easier just to post every now and then on your own free will just to "stir the pot." With the intial and final submissions, there must be a picture submitted on or before the submission date. Can not take late submissions! Pictures must include a cell phone, newspaper or some other form of time stamp (but not the camera date) within the image. Just to be fair to everyone to prove start and finish time.

All seasons must start on the 1st of the month an end on the last day of the month.
I will be signing up on as soon as I get my speedo back on :) ,- bikes is in pieces for it's yearly winter cleaning.
Won't start riding until 1st of march (If the snow is gone by then).
i'll be signing up soon. i just got back in town. might be tomorrow before i get out there and take a pic. students get back in town on monday so i'll start riding back to work on monday unless some polar ice caps start showing up. holy mackerel it's been cold around here. i was in atlanta for the last few days but i could have sworn i was in alaska. durn!
Thanks for getting this started. Hopefully it will pick up soon if you all care to get it going again. Alot of ppl signed up last year but few posted results in the end.

i forgot about taking one with the date in it when i first got the bike so i just took another with my phone in the pic, i will enter with the one with the phone with 1439kms

I'll be joining the seasonal group, I hope the temp gets over 30 soon theres alot of snow to melt. I can deal with high 30's, but low 20's in the morning are to cold for me.:(

U.S. riding April thru September. Pic will be posted later this month.:thumbup:
I took a picture of my bike back on January 7th and then forgot to upload the picture. So here it is.

Year Around
Starting Mileage: 19328
i forgot about taking one with the date in it when i first got the bike so i just took another with my phone in the pic, i will enter with the one with the phone with 1439kms


Hey stink.
I see you also got yaself the naked fizzer. Congrats. LOVE mine!
Mate I am sure by now you must be SICK of having the clutch cable in your way each time you want to start her so I suggest you do what i did and simply reroute the cable down the left of the ignition.
Take a look here -
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This is what I need:

Class: Year-round' or Seasonal
if seasonal... pick your 6 month range. [must be continous]

Location: Just the Country [US, Canada, Europe,etc]


lol didnt know Europe was a country. Wish I could participate but my season will be ending shortly...have gotten 10500kms on the bike since April 1st. All in all I had a fantastic season with plenty of sunshine and twisties :rockon:.
I'm in a mileage contest on another forum locally here in Vegas.

I'm at 17,000 miles since the beginnng of the year.
This was my photo taken at the end of the 2009 mileage contest which I guess can be used for the my beginning mileage for 2010.

I'm currently at 54,500 miles so far, probably will go over 20,000 miles or 32,000 kilometers for the year.

I'm glad I did not get in this years contest! Life, work, home projects, first grandchild and no traveling vacation time this year... I did not even get 4,000 miles on the bike... I think she feels neglected.
right there with you.. I have been unemployeed all summer and with no $$ or health insurance, I put less than 4k on this year..