360 isn't "modded"...

Nov 9, 2010
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So my 360 stopped reading discs a while back, so I took it to a local guy who has helped me before with good cheap repairs for game systems.

He fixed it, runs perfect.


The xbox 360 needed to connect to live to do an update and gave me an error code. Call xbox and they say it is because I opened the console and they fear it is modded. So it is now BANNED from xbox live.

I get it, I should have went directly to microsoft and let them rape me for $$$ to fix it to not void the warranty. Hindsight is 20/20...

So my user tag and profile etc is NOT banned, just the unit itself. I have done nothing but replace the drive with a working one and clean the laser.

Is there anything I can do to "get around" this so I can log back on to xbox live? Or am I effed for being :tard: and now need a new system?

Any help is appreciated. Thanks guys
I'm computer retarded, but my old roommate modded the **** out of his 360 and got around with with some sort of rerouting his IP through some sort of what he dumbed down for me to be a "filter site" and it allowed him to run (with a fair amount of lag, on a very fast internet connection) without a hiccup. He had it connected through his computer. I know all I probably did was muddy the water, but I hope it helps a little.
I'm computer retarded, but my old roommate modded the **** out of his 360 and got around with with some sort of rerouting his IP through some sort of what he dumbed down for me to be a "filter site" and it allowed him to run (with a fair amount of lag, on a very fast internet connection) without a hiccup. He had it connected through his computer. I know all I probably did was muddy the water, but I hope it helps a little.

Could it have been a proxy site?
So my 360 stopped reading discs a while back, so I took it to a local guy who has helped me before with good cheap repairs for game systems.

He fixed it, runs perfect.


The xbox 360 needed to connect to live to do an update and gave me an error code. Call xbox and they say it is because I opened the console and they fear it is modded. So it is now BANNED from xbox live.

I get it, I should have went directly to microsoft and let them rape me for $$$ to fix it to not void the warranty. Hindsight is 20/20...

So my user tag and profile etc is NOT banned, just the unit itself. I have done nothing but replace the drive with a working one and clean the laser.

Is there anything I can do to "get around" this so I can log back on to xbox live? Or am I effed for being :tard: and now need a new system?

Any help is appreciated. Thanks guys

I don't think that bans it from live, but....what did he do, replace cd drive?
Well the thing is (from what i understand) is that if anyone else opens it besides microsoft, it voids the warranty. So yeah.

But I think we just replaced the drive because it wasn't reading right. Not an upgrade or anything, just a working one... Cleaned the laser while we were there.
Send them an angry email saying you've been an avid xbox loyalist for so and so amount of years and it sickens you that they would treat a paying customer this way. Then tell them if they don't want your 15 bucks a month for live, then you'll take your business to Sony.

Not likely it will work because every support person i've ever spoken to from Microsoft has been foreign, but worth a shot. I did this when my Xbox went RROD and they told me my warranty was up and i would have to pay 150 bucks to have it "fixed". I sent them a similar email and i got an apology email back (wish i had saved it) saying they apologize for the inconvienience, that they would take it back, pay shipping, and replace the unit if needed (which they did). Using a proxy sounds like a good way to get your gamertag banned imo, but guess it's better than coughing up 200 bucks for a new console.
Yeah, I'd talk to them. The console has no way of knowing if it's been opened or not. If the drive was replaced some of the 1st gen 360's had a core code installed on the DVD drive, but that was quickly changed as Microsoft was fixing the RROD issues on the 1st gen.

Subseqent models have the core unlock string stored in a chip on the motherboard. If that chip handshakes fine, but returns all zeros then you can run unsigned code and/or +R and +RW disks. But the console will tell xbox live it's a developer model. If your ID isn't associated with a developer kit, then they ban the box. That's why mod chips for the 360 have a on/off switch.

Unless you installed a mod chip and forgot to turn it off, or you have the only first gen console on the planet that didn't RROD, the problem is on their end most likely. They'll probably say you're SOL anyway though.

But I replaced the drive and did the the x-clamp fix on mine and I play it on Live all the time. And I have a custom clear case. So...
I worked for a repair company. What they told you is BS. What error message are you getting?

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Then tell them if they don't want your 15 bucks a month for live, then you'll take your business to Sony.

Not likely it will work because every support person i've ever spoken to from Microsoft has been foreign

You pay $15 a month? Wow.

Also, I've only ever gotten dimwits from Texas when I call them. People from overseas are always much more helpful I would much prefer foreign help than what they use right now.
Is there anything I can do to "get around" this...?

Buy a playstation?

Sorry, fanboi-isms aren't helpful. Pretty lame, though.

Step 1: Provide hardware that fails on an annual basis.
Step 2: Customers repeatedly buy your console vs. abandoning the brand as they would for any other product.
Step 3: Profit.

Dang it, I keep doing it.
Buy a playstation?

Sorry, fanboi-isms aren't helpful. Pretty lame, though.

Step 1: Provide hardware that fails on an annual basis.
Step 2: Customers repeatedly buy your console vs. abandoning the brand as they would for any other product.
Step 3: Profit.

Dang it, I keep doing it.

Had my 360 for 4 years now, almost 5, and its running strong as ever =P

I fixed alot of PS3s too. They actually have the same issue the 360 does, nicknamed the yellow light of death, though its not as prominent with it.
Buy a playstation?

Sorry, fanboi-isms aren't helpful. Pretty lame, though.

Step 1: Provide hardware that fails on an annual basis.
Step 2: Customers repeatedly buy your console vs. abandoning the brand as they would for any other product.
Step 3: Profit.

Dang it, I keep doing it.

Hmm... My first gen busted cause my wife liked to leave it on all the time (movies for the kiddos). I'm still using the elite I bought right after the elite launch, it needed the x-clamp fix for the GPU though. 5 years strong.

My 1st gen PS3 had the same overheating issue except you can't fix the PS3. My second 60GB had the Blu-ray drive crap out on me. Twice. And I lost my PS2 compatibility :mad: My third PS3 the drive just crapped out again... (And I lost the ability to use linux to play SNES, Sega Gen, and PS1 games :mad: )

Not buying another PS3, if I can find a decent price on the blu-ray drive I'll fix it, but since Sony decided that they need to "lock" the drive to the PS3, you can't just go buy an internal blu-ray drive and fix it. (360 uses SATA connectors for HDD and DVD drive) So drives are quite expensive. 90% of them come from PS3's that overheated and died with the yellow light. (And only one of the drives died because of my kids, thank you)

So they both overheat, and PS3's drive system sucks ***. Slot drives look cool, but there's a reason you only see them on Macs anymore. 99% of laptops don't even use them anymore. (Hint: slot drives break frequently)

Sony = more concerned about design than funtionality (ie, if they used a square case with more fans it'd never overheat in the first place... and their drive sucks)

Microsoft = more concerned about getting their next gen console on the market sooner than everyone else. (ie warping the mobo was a "good" idea for better cooling.)

Both = fail. Go be a fanboi somewhere else ;) Most people either don't care, or know better.
Replaced quite a few lasers on the ps3s, as well as fixed jammed up drives. You can swap an entire drive by simply swapping the boards on the drives, need to make sure its the same version of drive though.

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My drive motor is dead. It will load and eject disks fine, but the motor doesn't even buzz like it's trying to spin up. I have the top off my PS3 at the moment and a hole cut so I could spin the drive if it was buzzing and not spinning. A quick spin would get it going and it'd work fine for awhile.

I don't know which drive I have. All I know is that it's not spinning anymore and the power going to the drive is good, and the flexprint data cable is clamped down well on both sides.
Yeah, advantage of PS3 is somone will hack you account info and spend your money for you :rof: :ban:
Well thanks for the answers guys. I don't have the original drive, so i can't do any swap relating to that...

The message was an update error with like 20 numbers. It wont update because it needs to connect to live to do so, and microsoft wont let me connect to live, so... yeah. :(

So I'll try a couple things, but it looks like i'm SOL. Looks like i'm browsing craigslist for a good used console. Microsoft isn't getting anymore of my money.

Thanks again all
Well thanks for the answers guys. I don't have the original drive, so i can't do any swap relating to that...

The message was an update error with like 20 numbers. It wont update because it needs to connect to live to do so, and microsoft wont let me connect to live, so... yeah. :(

So I'll try a couple things, but it looks like i'm SOL. Looks like i'm browsing craigslist for a good used console. Microsoft isn't getting anymore of my money.

Thanks again all

I agree w u there, Microsoft won't be getting any more of my money either.... my current console went RROD on me, contacted microsoft, told them the error code and they told me 100 bucks, i said eff off! Then turned my xbox back on and error was gone, weird as heck, think it was a disc drive error, either way if they know whats wrong with it by an error, you'd think theyd try and make their console more reliable or at least fix it at no cost (maybe just shipping even?) but they're crooks, that and CS is crap, so my next console will be CL too. :Flip:

Sony's CS is actually pretty decent from my experiences... shame microsoft can't meet the bar :BLAA: