Amateur (ham) Radio



I was just wondering if there were any hams on the forum? I just got my general class ticket this winter. I have always been around ham radio operators, my grandpa and uncle. I should have gotten it a long time ago. It is fun. I just operate mobile with a 2 meter rig and I have a HT I carry on me. I'm looking to get a mobile HF rig. Next will be operating from my FZ6.

KC0GGA here...

I'm not much active but still go on air sometimes. Around here, unless your part of the "special" older group, if you know what I mean, then not many will reply to your CQ unless your on HF.

Never could understand why HF is so important when there are folks willing to be involved locally. Anyway most of the locals use the Kenwood D700 for APRS. Not sure what they use for HF being that I'm only a Tech and they have trouble hearing us younger folks CQ. :)
and they come out of the wood work.. I knew there had to be hams in here. if anybody wants to talk I will be monitoring the N7LZM repeater.. log on to the echolink and thow your call out.
Kb9zhj here. I got my a few years ago almost time to renew.
I use to have the extra class license but let it laps. I was one of those guys who liked mostly CW. I did have a 2 meter rig in a tank bag on my KZ1000. My Grandad was an engineer with the Signal Corp and even though I wasn't exposed to it I ended up getting a license, got in touch with him and he would use this old transmitter he built from scratch while stationed in Japan after WWll. I could always tell when he was on cuz that xmitter had a little vfo chirp and I would know his fist on the key.

Dah dih dah dit ------ Dad dah dihdah!
Dah Dih Dah
I used to be N2HVF many many years ago. I'm sometimes sorry I didn't keep up with the hobby. I had a lot of fun with it and a local club back then.

My sister was dating a ham a few years ago. He was supoosed to help me get back into it. But they broke up (amicably) and we lost touch.
"I use to have the extra class license but let it laps. I was one of those guys who liked mostly CW. I did have a 2 meter rig in a tank bag on my KZ1000. My Grandad was an engineer with the Signal Corp and even though I wasn't exposed to it I ended up getting a license, got in touch with him and he would use this old transmitter he built from scratch while stationed in Japan after WWll. I could always tell when he was on cuz that xmitter had a little vfo chirp and I would know his fist on the key.

Dah dih dah dit ------ Dad dah dihdah!
Dah Dih Dah "

haha.. dah di dah di, dah dah dih dah, haha that is good stuff.. you know I have never heard it because I do not have a HF rig. I had a Kenwood 130s for a while but I never did get my dipole up so I sold it. I really want a new Icom7000. I'm looking into getting speakers and a throat mic for my helmet so I can use my Yaesu HT on my bike.

dah di dah
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Well I may be on the wrong track here.
In 1981 my father used to have a cobra 148gtl/DX. We had a 30 foot di-pole on the roof of the house and a 200 watt amp.

I was only 11 at the time but my father used to chat to people all over the world. I can remember listening to all the CQ DX language. Unfortunately my fathers set up was to powerful and it used to bleed over the entire street.
We could only use it in the early hours of the morning.
AM frequencies were also slightly illegal lol.
Happy Days......................

This is a pic of the ham radios I'm using now. Both are Yaesu radios. CB's are not ham radios. CB stands for Citizens’ Band and you do not need a FCC license to operate a CB.
This is a pic of the ham radios I'm using now. Both are Yaesu radios. CB's are not ham radios. CB stands for Citizens’ Band and you do not need a FCC license to operate a CB.
Thanks Mate,
I am aware that CB's are (citizens band radios). I didn't know if they were on different frequencies?
Still in the early 80's it was quite a feet to talk to people all over the world.
AM CB's are illegal in the UK so you couldn't get a license, as technically you couldn't purchase one. Unless it was shipped over from the states in whiskey cases (but that is another story).

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KC7JNI here...

It's been awhile since I have been on the air, still keeping my ticket though, I am planning on helping out some people here locally, get into the hobby. I have a couple 3 Yaesu's, a Kenwood, ADI, and a couple of Alinco's.
