California helmetcam: Roadrager stops to slap rider in the helmet

Surely a gun should only be used in situations of mortal danger? Drawing on some meathead who thinks he's a badass is a bit much. Either get off your bike, plant one on his chin and then kick his wing mirrors off before riding off laughing into the sunset, or just go to the cops with the video.
"Video is private" it says....

He's taken it down with this comment:

"NOTE: The officer asked me to take down the video since the case has been filed to the DA. He said something about the more the video (evidence) is known or being spread, the less it can be used. If it's too crazy then at best it will be a "he said, she said" type of thing. I have taken the video down temporarily until things are settled. I'm not really sure how the evidence thing works so if any of you guys know, please enlighten me =]. Ride Safe Everyone!"​
The "evidence" thing works that they don't want the defense attorney the chance to view the video until after least, that's the purpose I see behind it...

And a +1 to Motogiro for what you said about keeping identities silent. Let the court system do it's job.

And on top of that,people are generally afraid of guns because they have never used them, have never been taught gun safety, and they see all the news stories and tragedies involved in guns.

So, IMO, in today's society, especially with the gun control debate going on, if you pull a gun on someone and shoot them, you better have a good reason.