CHEMIKER Interview


Elite Member
Aug 29, 2007
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Birmingham, UK
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What do you do for a living?
Biomaterials Scientist. I develop implantable materials for use in medical devices by making sure that they are biocompatible, strong, sterilizable, and basically do their job. It’s very rewarding to see my products get cleared by FDA and get used to help people who previously had no options for medical treatment.

How long have you owned your FZ6?
1 year, 4 months

What other modes of transport do you have?
Honda Civic (go easy on me guys), Toyota minivan, 1987 Peugeot Iseran, New Balance 768’s. I put more miles on the shoes every month than anything else on the list.

If you could have any bike what would it be?
I’m a simple man – Triumph Daytona 675

What are your hobbies apart from the bike?
I'm a tinkerer, so a variety of things related to home improvement. I'm always building something or planning to build something around the house.

What is the best place you have visited on your travels and why?
Maui. We stayed in Kapalua, which is truly paradise. It’s hard to describe how beautiful and peaceful it is.

How would you best describe yourself?
Hard working and constantly trying to improve, but at the same time fun-loving. I love to laugh.

What pets have you got?
None at the moment.

Which invention in history would you most like to have come up with?
The bar code. Sooo simple and sooo useful. I don’t know where commerce would be without them.

If you ruled the world, what is the first thing you would outlaw?
Ground beef on pizza. A close second would be nonsense special interest groups like PETA and ACLU, but mostly I think ground beef on pizza is the stupidest thing in the world. It is by far the blandest and driest of toppings, and doesn’t add anything to a pie but cost.

If you were forced to entertain us all at the Forum Christmas party - what would your talent be?
I would dazzle you with a comedy routine. When I was a kid I dreamed of doing stand-up.

Snow or beach?

Windows or Mac?
Windows until now, but only out of necessity. Getting a new computer this week and will dual boot Ubuntu and Win7. The plan is to use Win7 as little as possible.

F1 or MotoGP?
Ohhh, that’s a tough one. I have been enjoying MotoGP recently, especially since I live close to Laguna Seca. But I grew up watching F1. If I had to choose one today, I’d say MotoGP.

Which track or album rocks your boat?
Queen Platinum Collection. I know it’s a greatest hits and that’s not a true album with a theme, but it’s my favorite. Freddy Mercury was truly not human. He was sent to us from the Rock Gods.

What is your favorite film?
True Romance. First time I watched that was at a nightclub of all places. They were playing it with closed captioning and it caught my eye when I went up to the bar to get a drink. I was so enthralled I stood there and watched nearly the whole movie, in a sweaty, sticky, crowded, loud nightclub, reading the subtitles.

Meat or Veg?

What is your favorite beverage?
Bombay Sapphire martini, stirred, up, with olives

And finally, your number one rule in life?
Don’t confuse doing something with doing something worthwhile
I am also not a fan of hamburger on Pizza. Maybe the South Africa cows are fed something different to make them tastier on a pizza? ;)
Ha ha ha!! :D

Seriously Chemiker, what's so wrong with hamburger on pizza, and how in the world did you come to feel so adamant about it? That's like being morally opposed to dipping french fries in ketchup...
If you can get real ground beef not the little rabbit poop stuff it makes all the difference I think but this is your interview so why am I talking………:spank:
Welcome to the dark side. ;)

Thanks! I got Ubuntu installed with all the correct partitions, and then put Win7 on last night. I even got through reloading grub since Win7 install wipes it out, and also modifying grub to include Windows as a boot option. Pretty good for a non-computer guy. Everything seems to be in order so far.

Holy crap does Ubuntu boot fast! Everything is just easy and all the applications load so fast. The way computers should be. I think I'm in love.

I'll have to work through the details of replacing all of my Window specific applications with Linux based equivalents, and sort some network issues (wifey has Windows and no interest in going Linux). But other than that, this is going well so far :rockon: