Cooking / baking thread!

Pancakes with maple syrup and caramelized apples

My first attempt at making bread (by hand) today, wholemeal:


unfortunately I realised the tray I had put it on before baking was a bit too big for the combi oven, so it got the "crease" whilst moving it.

Never the less it tasted good, but I guess all warm bread tastes good mmmmm...
My first attempt at making bread (by hand) today, wholemeal:


unfortunately I realised the tray I had put it on before baking was a bit too big for the combi oven, so it got the "crease" whilst moving it.

Never the less it tasted good, but I guess all warm bread tastes good mmmmm...

Looks awesome, Martin!! I love good bread and that one looks particularly rustic (a good thing!)
Peri Peri Chicken.

This is an African dish published in Cook's Illustrated that I've been wanting to try.
4-10 arbol chiles, stemmed
3 Tbspns EVOO
2 Tbspns salt
8 garlic cloves, peeled
2 Tbspns tomato paste
1 shallot, peeled/chopped
1 Tbspn sugar
1 Tbspn paprika
1 Tbspn 5-spice powder
2 tsp lemon zest plus juice from 2 lemons
1 tsp black pepper
1/2 tsp cayenne
3 crushed bay leaves

1/2 cup dry-roasted peanuts, chopped fine
6 lbs bone-in chicken pieces

I just realized that when one of the two local groceries closed, I lost my source for dried chiles (they had mostly a hispanic clientele). Didn't have any arbols on hand, but I did have a new ground pepper called Alleppo (yeah, the same place that al Assad is blowing the sh*t out of in Syria, picked up faint notes of shrapnel and C-4), used that instead. I also left out the bay leaves as I don't have any. Why 5-spice powder is in an African recipe I have no idea. Churn all the spices/liquids in a blender til smooth, then toss the chicken, peanuts and marinade in a bowl and let sit overnight. Grill, let rest 10 minutes, eat.



This is the best chicken I've made on my Egg, and definitely a keeper! Hot but not too hot, and a flavor profile I just haven't experienced before. :banana-dance:
Sounds lovely, I thought Peri Peri was Portuguese?

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Green Chile, 2016!!



Ah, the house smells wonderful!! For those of you outside the US Southwest, green chile is a local favorite and a strong tradition here. Got my annual bushel, 38 bags in the freezer, 5 or 6 chiles per bag. I also (personal tradition) made a pot of green chile stew, who cares if its 90 F outside?
I asked where this chile was from, and it's from west Weber County, locally-grown! Will be interested to try it plain and see if I can taste a difference versus Hatch chile (without a side-by-side, I doubt it).
Chiles have a point where they're perfectly roasted, the skins slide off easily in one piece and the flesh is perfect. If they're under-roasted, the skin is a bear to get off, fortunately I've only experienced that once. If they're over-roasted, the blackened skin comes off in tiny pieces, although easily. This batch was slightly over-roasted, but it surprised me how firm and solid the flesh still was; then it hit me, since they were picked this morning (or so I was told) they were so much fresher than Hatch chiles taking a two-day semi-truck ride up the Interstate (Hatch, NM is to chiles what the Champaigne area in France is to bubbly), these were perfect-looking, going into the roaster). It will be very easy to make Chile Rellenos with these, often the flesh is so soft they fall apart before frying.
They tasted great in the stew; good heat (runny nose, forehead glistening, endorphins rushing) but I'll be able to taste the chile alone better tomorrow morning with huevos rancheros.
Happy happy!
Here's a video of a standard chile roaster, gives you a better idea of how the whole process works:


Once the chiles are roasted, they're normally put into a plastic garbage bag and left to steam for an hour or so, then peel, seed if you wish, and eat, cook or freeze.
Tis the season for the Hatch Chili! I roasted some last week with my torch and the gasses coming off them were pretty caustic Lol! Made some awesome chicken burritos!

Sent from Moto's Motorola
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Threadus resurrectus!! :D

Since I've last posted in this thread, yeast and I have become great friends (bread and pizza). Started making fresh pasta too (love it!!) .. and I'll throw in some dessert for good measure :)


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That looks so good Eric!
Have you experimented or varied how you use yeast? I've seen yogurt or sugar added to with yeast to change it's characteristic. Although I do just about all the cooking at home, my baking has been very limited. I did make some really nice flat breads (naan) with those little blacks seeds they call black cumin. Those so called black cumin seeds are Nigella Sativa. They have a very unique flavor. Those naan breads are really great with anything but I especially like them when mackin out on some good curry variations.
That looks so good Eric!
Have you experimented or varied how you use yeast? I've seen yogurt or sugar added to with yeast to change it's characteristic. Although I do just about all the cooking at home, my baking has been very limited. I did make some really nice flat breads (naan) with those little blacks seeds they call black cumin. Those so called black cumin seeds are Nigella Sativa. They have a very unique flavor. Those naan breads are really great with anything but I especially like them when mackin out on some good curry variations.

Haven't gone too crazy with yeast. Just sticking to traditional recipes. Did find that it's WAY too cold in my house, so any time I use yeast, I bring the oven up to 100, shut it off and let the dough rise in the oven.
Let's see.... I will have one slice of pizza with a side of the pasta and two of the chocolate cookies for dessert. Oh.. and a pint of your finest. Cheers!
Let's see.... I will have one slice of pizza with a side of the pasta and two of the chocolate cookies for dessert. Oh.. and a pint of your finest. Cheers!
You're short 700 miles away from Pittsford VT.. I'll get the stove going! lol
Waking this one up again.. my latest passion


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