Don't Read This Unless You Want To Laugh!


Senior Member
Apr 23, 2007
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Georgia, U.S.A.
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I’m setting here printing off a bunch of stuff and I’m getting bored so I thought I’d tell everyone a joke. I’ll warn you that it’s a little raw but I’m not trying to offend anyone so I’ll try to keep it as clean as I can.

Once upon a time there were two fleas named Dan and Mike and they were very good friends. Every year they would go on vacation to Daytona Beach together. Year after year Dan is the first to arrive at the beach and Mike is always late. Well, this particular year Mike shows up late as usual, this time cold and shivering and Dan asks “What’s you excuse this time?” Mike replies “I had to catch a ride in a biker’s beard and we hit some snow on the way and that slowed us down, not to mention it was very cold.” Dan looked at Mike and shook his head and said “Let me tell you how I come down here. It’s very easy and you’ll get here on time, in comfort.” Dan proceeds to tell Mike “What you do is you hop to the airport and find a flight that’s going to Daytona Beach. Then you wait at the gate until you see a pretty sturdiest and hop onto her leg. Next, you climb up her leg until you get to a place that’s warm and furry then just lay back, take a nap and you’ll be at Daytona Beach before you know it.” Mike decides to take Dan’s advice and says “Okay, I’ll try that next year.”

One year later.

Dan’s setting on the beach and Mike is nowhere to be found. Late that afternoon Mike finally shows up, once again cold and shivering. Dan asks “What happened?!!” Mike, with a confused look on his face, says “I don’t know! I did every thing just as you told me. I went to the airport. I found a flight going to Daytona Beach. I waited at the gate for a pretty sturdiest. I hopped on her leg and climbed to the place you told me about and man was it nice. I got settled in for the flight and went to sleep. The next thing I know, I wake up and I’m in this biker’s beard riding through snow!!!!!

I hope that wasn’t too bad.:D