EV Conversion Rant


Elite Member
Apr 9, 2009
Reaction score
Ventura, CA USA
I love the idea of having my very own Electric Vehicle to tool around on. I have been following the technology and costs for years just waiting for the moment when I would be able to join the ranks of Environmentalists Warriors.

However, I have a few caveats, as I am sure many people do.

First, I want a cool EV! Not some butt ugly Toyota Prius, Nissan Leaf, Chevy Volt, Mitsubishi i, or Ford Focus. Or some 1970's Honda with 2 12v Lead Acid Batteries powering a golfcart engine strapped in with zip ties and bailing wire, or a crazy looking race bike that only gets 20 minutes to a charge. I kid you not :(, search DIY electric motorcycles and these seem to be the only two builds going.

I want an EV that doesn't cost me twice as much to purchase or build as a comparable Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) Vehicle.

I want an EV that will get up and go when I want to get up and went, I am willing to sacrifice crazy top end speed and mileage, but it has got to at least do 100 mph and get a 100 miles per charge and turn 0-60 and 1/4 mile numbers that are comparable to an ICE Vehicle. Not because I am some wild man racer, but just because every once in a while I get a wild hair and want to have a little fun, heck it's why I ride motorcycles to begin with. If I don't like it I wont drive or ride it.

When Brammo introduced the Empulse in three models ranging from $9,995 to $13,995 with a top speed of 100 mph for all three models and a 60 to 100 mile per charge range depending on the model, all I could think was, 'Cool! It's just a matter of time before I can convert my bike.'

To that end, I started burning up the internet, lurked in and finally joined DIY Electric Car Forum, muddled through the DIY's and the How-To's, learned myself on the components necessary, the motor size needed, the battery pack needed, etc. Began pricing it all out....

:eek: Are you kidding me, a 40Kw motor and a 96v 200Ah Battery Pack (the minimum motor and power I would need to achieve 100 mph and 100 mile range) are going to run me $10,000, that doesn't even include the controller, charger, throttle, instrumentation, auxillary power set up for lights and blinkers. I'm not even counting labor, as a confirmed modder, I was looking forward to that part.

What is it going to take to get us to the point that the average Joe can put together a descent EV ride :confused:

And just for the record, to all of those that think we modders are dumb and should just go out and buy the bike/vehicle that meets our needs. Well I don't have deep pockets, good for you if you do, but more importantly, I like MY bike, I want to keep MY bike, I just want to have MY bike. I like the Brammo, but it's not MY bike :Flip:
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What is it going to take to get us to the point that the average Joe can put together a descent EV ride :confused:

And just for the record, to all of those that think we modders are dumb and should just go out and buy the bike/vehicle that meets our needs. Well I don't have deep pockets, good for you if you do, but more importantly, I like MY bike, I want to keep MY bike, I just want to have MY bike. I like the Brammo, but it's not MY bike :Flip:

To answer your question about what will it take? Lol another 25 years probably....sad but probably true lol. I havent looked into the ev's as much or the kits just because they have never really interested me all that much, on the other hand i realize that fossil fuels will be gone sooner or later and have really been interested in alternative fuels such as bio diesel, and things such as gasifiers-sp? But thing idea i toy with the most is good old fashioned steam power. I actually bought a old air compressor a while back and was going to try and turn it into a steam engine but i had too many other projects and it was sold for scrap

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