Flashing Immobilizer / Error 1


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May 2, 2015
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In the past I had a couple of problems with my FZ6 N S2(2010-Model). After heavy rain the bike went out during a highway drive last year. Went to the shop and they cleaned all the connectors. Everything was ok after that.
Then the bike started to give me occasionally the Error 1 while driving (no speed, tacho nor temp. gauge). I figured that it'll 'solve' itself after about 5-10 mins of riding and went along with it - until last Friday.

Whenever I turn my bike off I made sure to NOT have the Error 1 displayed (made it ones and the bike did not want to start for many days). The problem now is, that my bike won't start at all even though it didn't show the Error 1 on the last ride.
It just shows:
  • HI-Temp
  • Flashing Immobilizer

The Immobilizer blinks 6 times slowly and then 3 times fast in endless repeat (WTF does that mean?)

Apart from that everything is ok. Kill-Switch works properly, starter and fuelpump are working correctly. But only the ignition won't do it's job.

Today I worked on the problem and did the following:
  • Take battery out and charge
  • Remove all connectors and clean them
  • Check Fusebox

Assembled the whole bike again, but the problem still remains. And of course i tried it with all the keys including the red Masterkey.

Does anybody know what the 6-3 flashing means? Or how I might be able to get the bike running again?

Greetings from Switzerland
Hey Chris
I haven't had any experience with immobilizers. We do have Euro bikes in the US with immobilizers but I've never had to figure one out.

I have read of pickup coil problems and that resulted in the ignition barrel assembly having to be replaced. Being involved with electrical on the forum, I would also want to know much more about this subject.
Most immobilizers have their own unique code so there is probably very little generically shared info on this. It is after all a security device.
I've had occasion where I've been contacted about getting a bike going without a key and although it can be easy, I don't just jump in until I feel comfy. If you do it wrong?!?! :eek::eek:

Other than what you've done and the confirmation of a good battery voltage (Important) I would suggest that when you clean your connectors flush them out with cold water to help get rid of any salt contaminants that may have entered and blow dry right away with compressed air. A little grease to seal the connectors and try it again. I've seen crosstalk in plugs that had people really puzzled. Properly cleaning plugs can do wonders. Of course check the pins.

Originally there was a problem the multiple sensor failure. This might denote a ground path failure. It could be through a plug pin or a ground point on the engine or frame. Since "All roads lead to Rome" this could be a problem.
I hope I've helped. :)

Oh yeah!:welcome:to the forum!
Thanks for the welcome and thanks for the reply!

I've made a thread on an EU-Forum as well but no one responded. This Forum seems pretty cool!

Ok, I checked the bike again today - and I made a mistake. The bike does NOT flash 6 times slow and 3 times fast. It's a 5-3 combination which leads to Error-53 -> f*cked up immobilizer.
Luckily someone else had the exact same problem a couple of years ago here on the forum and the problem was a broken Data-Cord (Yellow with blue stripes). See http://www.600riders.com/forum/africa/47393-error-code-53-immobilizer-help-2.html

I'll check my immo tomorrow. Wish me luck!

Short update for everyone who's interested:

Checked the wiring of the immobilizer. I didn't see any problem with it other than some marks of the horribly placed Zip-ties.
I cut the wiring in that section (about 2cm) and re soldered it - of course i removed the battery first. Sadly nothing has changed. Still HI-Temp and #53 Error.

I did order a ******* (name removed for safety reasons) from China to get a work around the immo. Hopefully this works.
If it won't work I only lost 8 Euro and some time. And I'll take the bike to the shop and get the pro's working on it...

Side-note: I didn't know that the immobilizer is basically useless if one can hack it with such easy tools ...

Will keep you updated and wish me luck

The chip was delivered some days ago (took 10days from China to Switzerland).

I took the battery of the bike and cut the immo wires. Soldered them neatly to the chinese Immo chip and connected the battery again. Inserted they key and well, here it comes: the immo LED was flashing as it was on LSD :)Flash:) - operation failed / chip does not work on an '10 FZ6 - lost 8bugs.

Worse is, that my bike still does not work. I re-soldered everything to the original state and will bring it to the mechanic tomorrow. Looks like I have to bite into the sour apple :(

The chip was delivered some days ago (took 10days from China to Switzerland).

I took the battery of the bike and cut the immo wires. Soldered them neatly to the chinese Immo chip and connected the battery again. Inserted they key and well, here it comes: the immo LED was flashing as it was on LSD :)Flash:) - operation failed / chip does not work on an '10 FZ6 - lost 8bugs.

Worse is, that my bike still does not work. I re-soldered everything to the original state and will bring it to the mechanic tomorrow. Looks like I have to bite into the sour apple :(
Did you fix the problem nearly 10 years later? :D :) I am having that problem cannot figure out what is the cause.