Group Ride Rules!!!


Samurai FZ Soldier
Elite Member
Nov 29, 2007
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Hillsborough, NH
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I stole these from another forum I am on that has them posted. I thought it was a good idea to have the same general guidelines over here. Feel free to PM me to add things!

Don't pass within the pack unless waved past by the rider in front of you.
Exceptions to this: If there's a ridiculous gap between the guy in front of you and the pack and he/she's holding you up. Be mindful if another rider waves you past, as it's still up to YOU to make the pass safely. Also, slower riders should yield when approached by a faster rider or riders. Personally I won't pass unless the rider in front waves me by or pulls to the far right. Even if I were leading a faster group, I wouldn't pass a slower rider or slower group. It puts too many people in danger.

While riding at an easy pace. staggered formation fits the most bikes in the smallest area without increasing the risk factor too much. Once the pack rips into some twisties, the pack should spread out into single-file, giving the entire lane to each rider, allowing them to take whatever damn line they want. Never cross wheels with the rider in front of you, even in staggered formation. You don't want to have to worry about someone being NEXT to you in a turn if you decide to change lines. People take some pretty crazy lines, mainly due to road conditions, but that's the nature of street riding.

If one person in the gets pulled over, REGARDLESS of the circumstances...DO NOT RAT OUT THE OTHER RIDERS! You were just cruising down the road and he/she/they blew right by don't know them. Period. Don't make up some lame **** like you met them at a gas station then rode out together, because then you'll be expected to know what they were on, what they were wearing, what they looked like...etc.and you don't want to have to argue with a cop. Nor should you, always remember your right to remain silent.

this one's open for debate, but if someone deliberately runs from the cops on a group ride, I probably won't be riding with them again. I wouldn't run from the cops even if I was alone...but in a group I think it's especially bad. One form of running is when the people up front see what's going on and hammer it to get out of there. Deliberate evasion isn't acceptable on a group ride. Sure, if you're up front and the back guy gets pulled keep going. I've seen cops pull over 6 cars on the highway at once. One cruiser, 6 cars. They get the first guy to pull over then have them follow up until the cruiser pulls over after doing the same with the other vehicles he's pulling over.

if you're leading, or in the 'fast' group of the group, wait up for the slower riders. Hammer it through the corners all you want, but then take it easy on the straights until everyone catches up. Pay most attention to the rider BEHIND you. If you loose that person, STOP AND WAIT FOR THEM AT THE NEXT INTERSECTION. If everyone does this the group will stay together (over time) and it dosn't require everyone to stop and wait for slower riders. Use hand signal in addition to blinker when coming up to radical direction change. Nothing sucks like getting ditched on a group ride...and it's unnecessary.

- If someone is looking at you and closes/opens their fist, your directional is on.
- Point debris on the road with your foot, BUT ONLY DO SO IF YOU CAN. If taking a foot of the peg would cause you to blow the corner, don't do it.
- There is debate about standard hand signals for things like "cops ahead", "I need to take a piss", etc. These are open for further discussion.

There is a time and a place for them.

NOT the time or the place:
On any FZ6-Forum ride.

Bring friends on a ride if you want, but it is YOUR responsibility to make sure they are aware of these rules.

When meeting to go on a ride, show up with a full tank of gas and an empty bladder. It's not nice to hold other people up for **** you can, and should have, taken care of beforehand.

This one is *very* important. Little kids often sell lemon-aid from their front lawn during the summer. They rarely get any business, and are often quite happy when they do. If you get a chance to stop and make a kid smile, there really is no reason not to do so. This often scares the hell out of the parents (esp. when Will comes with us), but they usually figure out quite fast that bikers aren’t as badass as they are made out to be.

Bring some emergency contact info with you on rides, or better yet...compile a list of everyone's info if you can. If someone gets hurt, it will leave you with one less thing to think about during the aftermath of an accident.
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Not bad for a start - but don't like #3!
Just MHO!

#3 is a touchy subject, but it states to not run, and if the someone is not pulled over as part of the group they should not be intentionally brought into trouble. Just IMO, but if it should be changed then we can do that.
#3 is a touchy subject, but it states to not run, and if the someone is not pulled over as part of the group they should not be intentionally brought into trouble. Just IMO, but if it should be changed then we can do that.

I'm just for total honesty is all! I certainly agree w/not running from the Police!
Not bad for a start - but don't like #3!
Just MHO!

Our local riding group would do this. It's "taking one for the team"... one guy would get the ticket so the others wouldn't. I am definately not saying run from the cops... I'm just saying the guy with the cop behind him would pull over, but the other riders wouldn't stop unless a cop pulled up behind them.

However, there was a day when four of us were riding and this happened... <see attached pic!> :thumbup:
Our local riding group would do this. It's "taking one for the team"... one guy would get the ticket so the others wouldn't. I am definately not saying run from the cops... I'm just saying the guy with the cop behind him would pull over, but the other riders wouldn't stop unless a cop pulled up behind them.

However, there was a day when four of us were riding and this happened... <see attached pic!> :thumbup:

I think that is the intent, don't run, but don't offer yourself up either. if you get caught then face the music.
- If someone is looking at you and closes/opens their fist, your directional is on.
- Point debris on the road with your foot, BUT ONLY DO SO IF YOU CAN. If taking a foot of the peg would cause you to blow the corner, don't do it.
- There is debate about standard hand signals for things like "cops ahead", "I need to take a piss", etc. These are open for further discussion.

The Southern California FZ6-Forum group ride we just did this weekend, I found out that this particular signal came out very useful. Nice knowing ahead of time that there is gravel, rocks or debris around aprroaching corner. I was following, the rider ahead of me took his foot off his pegs and shook his leg a bit. An indication that there was debris coming up, so I responded. Turns out his leg was a bit tired and he shook it around, no debris. I look in my rear view mirrors, I see all the rest of the riders behind me sticking out there legs.
Rule #1 we did a little different. it's ok to pass but only on the left, and if passing in a corner only pass on the outside, as well as if you pass you're responsible to pass safely.
Rule #1 we did a little different. it's ok to pass but only on the left, and if passing in a corner only pass on the outside, as well as if you pass you're responsible to pass safely.

Passing in a corner is sketchy (IMO) if the person on the inside gets spooked and either stands the bike up and either low sides, or target fixates on the passer then it is a recipe for a mess, usually within 3-4 turns into a group ride the faster riders will be able to filter up front in the straights and the slower ones filter back and the order stays about the same all day...
had an idot pass uphill crossing a double solid around a big curve. he was in the other lane completely. couldnt make the next curve and ended up in a driveway. if the driveway hadnt been there-- bad news barb wire. we stopped and him and the leader laughed big time. real funny. i didnt say anything and have never ridden with this guy since. he could have taken out six people in one swoop.
I'm still disappointed that we didn't get to #10! I was looking for this all day. :(

Otherwise, we all behaved and did OK for some first-timers in the group.
I'm still disappointed that we didn't get to #10! I was looking for this all day. :(

Otherwise, we all behaved and did OK for some first-timers in the group.

Some of the group needs to work on their staggered riding, but other than that it was a very well behaved day, and i also was searching for #10
All this is good advice but I think we should add a number 11.
Don't go riding with guys on Harley Road Kings! :ban: Hoo Boy! I made this mistake and I've never had to go so slow and wait at more intersections than I did this day. I sure learned a lesson on that ride.