Help Admins wife..


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Feb 9, 2007
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Hi everone. You may already know but my wife is a breast cancer survivor. She is now 5 years disease free (Thank you God!) She is competing in a obstacle / fitness course in Sept and is trying to raise money for the cause. If you have ever experienced cancer or know someone close that has you know what a difficult time it can be. Please support her if you can.

Thank you


Here is my wifes message:


If you know me, you know I love to take on new physical challenges. But this latest challenge is "Personal To ME" and more than a hobby. It can actually help improve the lives of thousands of people right here in Vancouver and BC for that matter, thanks to Concrete Hero.

This is my chance to challenge myself and be the person I know I can be. Someone who makes an impact. Someone who faces their fears and acts for others. And this is your chance to be a part of it too.

I signed up for Concrete Hero, the ultimate obstacle challenge, and committed to raise a minimum of $400. All proceeds go to BC Cancer Foundation, to support leading clinicians, scientists, and researchers who search for new discoveries and improved patient outcomes that will have a real impact in our communities, throughout the province and across Canada. And let's face it...we all know someone who has fought or is fighting Cancer. It will be 6 years for me on October 5th when I heard the words..."you have Cancer." It has been a long road to taking back my life and feeling healthy and fit again....So I am so glad that I have the opportunity to participate in the Challenge! AND I am going to kick some serious butt!!!

So, yes, this is a request for your financial support. A dollar for every km that I'll run and every obstacle I'll have to face would be awesome! You can donate over a period of time too, if you aren't able to give all at once. My thanks in advance for whatever you can give.

Just click on the link below to go to my webpage and make an online donation, or fill out a donation form and send it back to me. This will be an adventure, and I hope you'll be a part of it with me.

Thank you for Supporting me in This!

Click here to visit my personal page and help out.
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You guys are awesome!! Thank you so much for supporting her. We really appreciate it! Anyone who helped her out to say thanks gets a free elite membership upgrade. Those that are already elites thanks for supporting the site and my wife!!

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I will donate what I can guys, this is close to me as my partner has just had reconstruction surgery.
It's a tough journey and her strength is amazing.
EZ Glider is in for $50 as thanks for everything this forum has done for me! I'm personally in for some more, as my mom and mother in law are both survivors.

Good luck to Leanna in her adventure!
Bumped with another contribution!!!
Some cancer survivors in my family.

Good luck Leanna and great cause.

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done, in awe of people that give back after going through so much, whether it be breast, lung, skin or prostate
Never had a family member with breast cancer but a few very dear co-workers
best of luck