How did you find the site.

I was a member of another FZ6 forum:Flip: and they made myself and a couple of other people upset.:spank: Someone actually posted a link to this forum in that forum and so here I am. I like this forum so much more than the other, the layout here is awesome and it's easy to navigate. Thank you, you guys rock.:rockon: (home is where the heart is)
For all of you that have become members of the site... how did you find it. I have been advertising it a few different ways and want to see what ones are most effective..:)



google google
I was looking to upgrade my forks... google was my friend!

Now I find myself constantly checking the site, I need to post more because I don't like my status being so low.... :D
I'm another google whore... Looking for fz6 info and acc's. FOUND BOTH!!! There's a running joke that this is the most expensive site I've ever found...LoL. Was happy stock then saw Wolfman's ride and salivated! Gotta do the little things... Some of you guys gotta have two jobs, and a little "extra" income for those trick setups... Especially you poor ozzies...I'd die paying that much for stuff.