How to: Refuel


Mar 28, 2007
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The next time you're at the gas station remember this:

1. Drive to the gas station.
2. Pull the clutch and turn the throttle.
3. See if anyone saw. If not, repeat.
4. Try to remember on which side the tank was.
5. Figure out that it was on the middle (except on that one BMW).
6. Drive carelessly to which ever side of the gas pump.
7. Notice that the ground is not straight and your bike won’t stay upright.
8. Drive to the other side of the gas pump.
9. Refuel.
10. Wonder if you should take your helmet off or not.
11. Decide to leave helmet on.
12. Walk to the cash desk and shout the number of your gas pump; in the jaw piece of your helmet.
13. Repeat the number when the lady at the cash desk asks it.
14. Buy some gum / cigarettes / candies / energy drink, or some other snack.
15. Take off your helmet to get in your mouth what ever it was you bought. (In the meantime that lady at the cash desk is staring your messy hair)
16. Find out by feeling your sides that your wallet is in the back pocket of your jeans.
17. Find out that you have leather pants on top of your jeans.
18. Find out that on top of your leather pants is your rain overalls that has only one zipper, in the front.
19. Almost twitch your shoulders out off joint when trying to reach your back pocket.
20. As the lady at the cash desk smiles at you, blush and regret taking off your helmet.
21. Pay the gas and snacks.
22. Put your wallet on the side pocket of your jeans.
23. Quickly retreat back to your bike.
24. You can’t get your leg over the saddle because you forgot to tighten your belt.
25. Pull your leather pants back up through your rain overalls.
26. Start the bike.
27. Put on first gear and the motor goes out.
28. Start the bike again.
29. Put on first gear and the motor goes out again.
30. Move the bike away from the gas meter. At the same time your bikes alarm starts screaming.
31. Fumble the alarm off and find out that you forgot to raise the side stand.
32. Raise the side stand, start your bike and drive off.
33. Remember that you originally came to the gas station to buy milk / rubbers / stamps.

(Sorry about the bad language; my own translation. Feel free to correct)
And for the mens version.
Pull up to pump, put it in neutral, flip engine cut off to off, lower side stand.
Turn key off, remove. Set bike on side stand, step over to the left. Put key in gas cap. Turn and lift. Pull bike up onto center stand. Flip up shield, remove left glove unzip left pocket where the gas card is. Remove card, swipe card, return to left pocket and zip. Grab two paper towels to hold the fuel nozzle and keep any drips from damaging the paint. Pick up fuel nozzle with the right hand, press grade selector with the the left finger. Wrap metal nozzle in paper towels, insert nozzle. Fill with fuel to the band in the filler neck. Slide paper towels down to catch drips. Return nozzle to hanger. Press receipt no. Close fuel cap. Return key to ignition, and wipe up any drops that were missed. Throw away towels. Reset fuel trip meter. Put on glove, mount the bike, rock off center stand. Turn on key, flip switch to run, verify neutral light. Start bike, flip off side stand. 1st gear and ride away.
Much more boring though.

Yours is better and alot more fun to watch I am sure. LOL