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Oct 5, 2007
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Alkmaar Netherlands
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A couple of weekends ago I went on a trip to Scotland with a (large) group from my work (about 40). We travelled over on the DFDS Ferry from IJmuiden to Newcastle on the Thursday evening and slept on the boat. On the Friday morning we threw our overnight bags in the bus which was our support wagon :thumbup: and headed for Dailly, a small place in Scotland (under Ayr). we travelled in several groups so we could stick together easier.
On the way we stopped at remains of Hadrians wall (the Romans way of keeping the Picts and Scots out of England) for a packed lunch.

After Carlisle we crossed the border into Scotland and headed to Dailly. The roads got gradually narrower as we rode through the beautiful Galloway forest. We stopped for a bite to eat in a tea room, called the Smithy. There were a few grannys who had to look up from their cuppa.


We arrived at the bungalow park in Dailly about 6 in the evening: it was smarter than what we were used to, normally we stay in Hostels or something similar. I was in a 8 persons bungalow with as many riders, but it was nice and roomy with 2 bathrooms and 3 toilets, luxury .


The next day began wet, but luckily the route started by following a beautiful sweeping main road along the coast, so it was easy riding. We stopped in Portpatrick for a cup of coffee about 1030:


After this stop the weather had cleared up a bit (anyway it had stopped raining), so we followed the route to the Mull of Galloway, a promontory with a light house and views to the Isle of Man and Northern Ireland (on a good day).




We then rode some smaller roads back to Dailly.

(Click on the pics to see them bigger or look at them in my Album)
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That evening I took a walk with a small group, and we discovered this casle (well ruin) in the middle of a Woods:


A bit further up there was another larger castle that was undergoing renovations:


A really beautiful area for a walk.


That evening we had a meal at the local golf club :D I must admit we all thought it looked a bit posh, but we had our own room in the back and it was a great place

On the Sunday we loaded our bags into the bus again and headed for the Port, but we took a really great route between the Scottish hills:



After this we hit the motorway and main roads to get back to Newcastle on time.

When we arrived in Newcastle we found that the "Great North run " was taking place so we had to take a detour to the Port. Anyway onboard for about 1600 ready for the night boat home. Of course we had to try a few whiskys on board :spank:
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Especially like the lighthouse pic....and is that red thing in your second pic,
How cool is that? :thumbup:

What a pretty place to ride, thanks Martin.
Especially like the lighthouse pic....and is that red thing in your second pic,
How cool is that? :thumbup:

What a pretty place to ride, thanks Martin.

Yeah great lighthouse :)

I was also surprised to see a phone booth as well, I thought they were all extinct.

Wow, 40 people from work, that's an impressive outing.

Well I do work for the Dutch Navy, and this was organised by the on shore Maintenance group, which is a lot of people, this trip was over subscribed so they had a lottery to see who could go. The great thing is the (service) bus that went with us, they took the packed lunches and even took one of the bikes back to Holland when it broke down (well what do you expect it was an Aprillia :)).
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I'm probably gonna get flogged for this, but I've never seen Dr. Who! :eyebrow:

If you are, then I'm going to get crucified for saying "you haven't missed much" :)

Been on two road trips in Scotland now; last year I did from Ardnamurchan (sp?) north; this year I did Bute, Arran, Jura and Islay - lots of ferries :) Figure I'll have a look at the North East side next year, I just love the fact that you go round almost any bend and have to stop to go "wow, what a view". Lots of twisties too, and no police anywhere!
If you are, then I'm going to get crucified for saying "you haven't missed much" :)

I guess it's a question of UK "culture", I was brought up on Dr Who, even though I don't like it nowadays (it's probably the longest running BBC Sci Fi series).

Been on two road trips in Scotland now; last year I did from Ardnamurchan (sp?) north; this year I did Bute, Arran, Jura and Islay - lots of ferries :) Figure I'll have a look at the North East side next year, I just love the fact that you go round almost any bend and have to stop to go "wow, what a view". Lots of twisties too, and no police anywhere!

Did I miss the pics ;)
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Nope, I never posted them! Tried to do a few panoramas but wasn't happy with the results, lost heart, put them in my "must do this some day" file (where they still are)

Shame, I must admit there were several stretches of road that would have been great for a pic, but there was no place to safely stop. looking forward to your next pics though :thumbup:
Apparently not the same shows you are watching!
I'm probably gonna get flogged for this, but I've never seen Dr. Who! :eyebrow:

Well Brenda you're probably not going to get this joke :)

Great pictures Martin. Thank you so much for sharing your trip with us!
During the pilgrimage to the US the first Europeans in my family that came here were Galloway family (my moms maiden name) from Scotland like in the Galloway (my ancestors) breed of cattle. Maybe some of my ancestor's eyes gazed on some of those exact scenes you looked at. The obvious happened and my family hooked up with those native Americans and ... well.... our family tree became very interesting :eek:

I think it's amazing that you have that many riders at your work.
Great pictures Martin. Thank you so much for sharing your trip with us!
During the pilgrimage to the US the first Europeans in my family that came here were Galloway family (my moms maiden name) from Scotland like in the Galloway (my ancestors) breed of cattle. Maybe some of my ancestor's eyes gazed on some of those exact scenes you looked at. The obvious happened and my family hooked up with those native Americans and ... well.... our family tree became very interesting :eek:

I think it's amazing that you have that many riders at your work.

I would love to see you in a kilt Cliff :rolleyes: Galloway tartan :thumbup:
Great pictures! On our bucket list of rides to do. We were in the more Southern part of Scotland (farthest North we got was Glasgow and Edinburgh) in a cage last Spring. Saw many blokes on bikes. We were so jealous. We definitely want to go back and ride more Northern Scotland and also Southern England. Some day.....