My very own error code 1!

Apr 13, 2023
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There I was, all dressed and set to ride in this morning. I have been going through withdraws and it's starting to get me in to trouble. I meant to ride in yesterday but got sent somewhere I wasn't familiar with so I could not. Today was the last day before a cold spell that would prevent me from riding into jobs, so I was meaning to get my fix.
As I cranked her, I heard it miss a beat. The rhythm was still there, but she wouldn't start. I may have killed the battery trying to start her. The battery may be the original cause to begin with. I've been saying I don't know how old it is, but it's been in there since I've had the bike, and the past 2 or 3 years, I kept thinking I was going to have to replace it, but it started her every time so far, except when the fuel pump went.
I even tried to pop start her this morning in my desperation, but street tires don't catch so well enough to pop start on gravel drives, so I ended up going to my gig today half dressed in bike clothes.
I did take the helmet off.
When I got back this evening. I checked fuses and listened for my fuel pump, and all was good there. I tried again and that's when I was able to see the error code blinking with the crank. (I go out before the sun comes up most days of the year and didn't see it this morning though I was looking for it, but since I've never had a code before, I didn't know what I was looking for.) I did a search on it and was brought up a couple of threads on here. I have since pulled the battery, trying for the reset, and charged the battery in the meantime to make up for this mornings cranking draw. Maybe tomorrow I will get it back in and see what happens.
After spending 90 minutes on another charger last night, and getting a reading, I show 12.68.
I burnt my meter discovering the unexpected internal short on the original charger last night. It doesn't read VDC or Ohm anymore, so I killed this evening by getting another meter, therefore never got the battery back in the bike to try it and load test. I think I'll put the battery back on the other charger another 90 minutes and see what I read then.
In the meantime I priced a replacement already.
Another 90 minutes tonight gave me my 12.9.
Tomorrow evening, I should have it back in and try a load test while I attempt to start. If I had another or better way than that, I would go with it.
From there I should be able to determine if I need a battery, ECU, both or neither. Sometimes them sunspots, EMPs, skynet, ghosts, gremlin, leprechaun or alien attacks at 5 a.m. can be problematic.
I got the battery back in, and hooked up for load test while starting.
The good news is that the bike started up and no error code present.
The not unexpected news is that the battery did drop down to 8. something volts while cranking and no peripherals were even hooked up much less on, then continued to run 13.4.
I did lose one tenth of a volt while sitting overnight inside and not connected to anything.
There I am with that. Guess it's about that time to get a new battery.
I'm wondering if I keep it on a charger when not using, to keep it fully charged for when I can ride, how much longer I can put this off. I mean, I already had 3, maybe 4, (or is this the fourth) winters with it.:D
yah, I've seen them before. Those are for people with the extra money to spend on such things and places to keep them. A continual use for them helps too.
I already have a bunch of things laying around I didn't have the money for, no place to keep them, and no (i so e cases further) use for that I have to figure what to do with eventually.
I clipped my multimeter onto the posts while cranking the starter. It's as a good a field test as any, and multimeters are multi useful.
I think most of the testers at auto parts stores are the electronic/computerize type but I like my resistive load tester like Scott's.
I went on the cheap with mine from Harbor Freight.
I just bought a new one as my old one was still good after 11 years...

Hurricane Ian, a year ago, put it under salt water in the garage for a couple of hours and it recently took it's toll..

I'm a toolaholic so it was a no brainer..

I figured out a problem I was having trying to put my battery on my charger (not tender). I would put the sae clip set on to my charger and without it being on or plugged in, a fuse would burn. It turns out that the clip set I have, and possibly all of them for some reason I don't know but can imagine a few scenarios, would plug the red clip side into the negative of the sae cable and vice versa.
SAE cable negative being male, positive being female, the clip set I have also had the negative being male and positive being female.
I reversed the clips, clipped onto my charger and got back up to 13.98V on 2 amps in 2 hours. Started right up without a jump pack on the battery.
I then proceeded to not go out and rid myself of withdraw symptoms by doing things we can not admit to. When I didn't get back, I didn't get a 13.9V reading again.
See what it says tomorrow before I try a start again.
In other useless information, I did get my charger to give me the 2amp side charge again. I'm guessing it was just either a loose connector or corrosion. Every thing read right as far as I can tell so far. All I did was spray with some parts cleaner, and tightened the female spades with some plies.
I still don't know what is up with the 6 amp side.
Parts cleaner melted the housing of my multimeter a little.
I did order a battery the other day. Now to see when I'll have to break down and install it.
It is supposed to be sub freezing every morning this week on my trek into my current gig, so I may take the tank off to do some damage repairs. I have yet to sit down and do a thread on my water pump rebuild, which is when this dent I want to attempt to pull happened. More on that when and if I get to it. I may just swap the battery while it's already open. See how I feel about it by then.
Now, to bake cookies and cake.
I was at 12.4 after my last time putting it on another borrowed charger Friday night and checking yesterday morning. The borrowed charger has two options for amp setting, one of which is for jump start, and is otherwise ran on a timer dial.
After I got my charger's 2 amp side working, I put it on. After about 2 hours I had my 13.98, which is what I had when I checked again last night about an hour or 2 after a run and not put back on a charger.
I just checked this morning and is now at 13. Not bad really, but with another week of rain today and tomorrow and then subfreezing on my leave times, I'm sure it'll be drained again unless I keep it on my charger which is why I have it, for extended no riding times.
I'm going to leave off the charger tonight and see what I have tomorrow. Then maybe put back on tomorrow night if needed to have ready for Tuesday in case I can get it out.
New battery is scheduled for Tuesday delivery regardless.
I may play with the tank in the meantime.
12.6volts is fully charged, STATIC, after being OFF the charger (for at least a couple of hours)..
Voltage will drop after being taken off a properly working charger.

The load (IE, Load test) it'll handle is more important than the surface charge...

I suspect your new battery will solve your issues..

I expect that it will also. After a jump start there was no error code, and after I took it off the charger yesterday it started right up with no error code either. I'm sure I could go start it right now with it not being on the charger since yesterday morning with the voltage I checked this morning. The time it has held a charge when not being used has been declining the past 2 years. It is now down to a questionable 24 hours.
I checked last night and was sitting at 12.98V, so I gave it a whirl this morning and she started with 35 degrees outside, so I rode her in. Checked again when I got back and was in the 13s with heated hand grips on during the rides.
New battery is here, but I may have jumped a little early on it, especially now that I got my charger working again. I even figured out what is wrong with the 6amp side, but haven't made the effort to fix it yet.
Sub freezing morning hours, so I'll keep checking my voltage loss the next few days before I decide to put it in right away or not.