
Junior Member
Feb 26, 2015
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Finally joined the forum. I had my fz6 for like 10 months. Took it to the tail of the dragon last year. Planning a trip coast to coast from jax beach to Venice beach come September. I ride year round, since it pretty much doesn't snow here but for like a couple hours every few years. Anywho I'm really enjoying the bike, its my 4rth one and my first Yamaha. Only put 8000 miles on it so far but its been good.
another welcome from even further south than you...
.....well down under anyway!
Lol. You guys are funny. I don't wanna tell my exact location (don't want everyone in the world knowing), but ill be more specific I guess lol. I'm in one of the states near Florida. That gives you a few pretty good guesses.

Oh and thanks for the welcomes.
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Welcome! Post a picture or two when you get the chance so we can either congratulate or console you, depending on which color bike you bought. <jk> Blah
Pic from a few months ago
We are family bro! I'm from Virginia. Who cares which state you are in? Be glad you are far enough south where you can ride in January and February! I pretty much put my bike up for those 2 months. Good time to do some maintenance and mods though!
I'm glad I don't live further north lol. I rode my bike today. I couldn't live anywhere colder. Thanks for the warm greetings.
I'm in Missouri (which this month is spelled "Misery"). It's freakin' COLD!!! My bike is tucked away with the battery tender attached. Hoping for a stray warm day to come by.

Welcome!!! :cheer::cheer::cheer:
welcome and I'm from south of Boston, my bike is under 8 feet of snow, hoping for some warm weather soon to melt all that away