Not bike related: Need help


Mrs. Reiobard
Mar 28, 2008
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Hillsboro, NH
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Hello ladies! As many of you know, I am expecting my first baby early this summer. The problem is that I am having a hard time finding maternity clothes that I like and can afford, as I am currently jobless and in school. I have found that I hate over-the-belly style things.

I was wondering if any of you have old maternity clothes that you want to part with for little to no money. I am about a medium in pants (some companies I was a small, but in general, mediums worked) and a small/medium in shirts. I am between in shirts because I am only 4 months and don't have much belly, but my prepreggo stuff is getting tight and amazingly short in front.

Thanks for any help!
I'm sorry I don't have any, but I do have a little tip for you. At the stage you are in, there is an item that I loved. you can wear your own pants and it fits all button up style pants so you don't have to buy more. All you have to do is buy this kit.

Belly Belt
I'm sorry I don't have any, but I do have a little tip for you. At the stage you are in, there is an item that I loved. you can wear your own pants and it fits all button up style pants so you don't have to buy more. All you have to do is buy this kit.

Belly Belt

yeah i am familiar with those.

i actually worked at motherhood maternity for a year after college so i have a surprising amount of maternity clothing experience given that i am new to it myself. the thing is, no one is making midbelly style pants anymore. in the first few months i actually dropped a size in my hips and thighs, so my prepregnancy pants dont stay up if they are unbuttoned, i am skeptical of whether that would work for me. they make this new thing that is a band that wraps all the way around and looks like a tank top, too which looks neat. i hate the over the belly style and the Old Navy type underbellies are really low rise and tend to fall off when i walk.

i do have a couple pairs of jeans that i picked up for the christmas break, but now that i am back to school, i need nicer clothes, and i dont want to wear the same 2 pairs of pants all the time... i like variety but i am close to broke :(
it doesn't really pertain...

" I don't want to wear the same 2 pairs of pants all the time"

ummm...I'm on a budget and don't go shopping much. You should see my clothes...stuff from highschool (as long as it fits) is what I wear. A tshirt is a big deal nowadays. So wear those 2 pairs of pants with pride! I do! If they fit, then wash them once or twice a week or just alternate every day to let the smell out :teehee:
It's been many, many years but I loved the maternity leggings, I too could not stand anything on my belly while I was pregnant so they fit the bill really well since I could roll or push waist down when it was bugging me and they weren't too clingy or tight. I think they have them @ Walmart less than $10 a pr.
Have you tried ebay or craigslist? I have no idea where anything is in NH but a quick search of maternity clothes and NH had 41 results.

My wife and I are in the practicing stages but we are already looking for resale stores for both maternity and baby items. Not sure if where you are has anything liek that.

Good luck!
I know it sounds bad, but salvation army or goodwill has yielded some pretty sweet finds. I don't know about prego clothes, but you never know...
our goodwill up here doesn't have any pregnancy stuff, nor does salvation army. i did find a good lead on craigslist this afternoon that i am looking into - she is a professional woman, so given that my biggest concern is finding things for work, i should be all set in that regard. she also has three kids, so there is a plethora of stuff (she said 3 or 4 trash bags full) to choose from.

thanks for the help, everyone!

as for not wanting to wear the same 2 pairs of pants all the time, if you worked in a high school, you wouldn't want the harassment from the kids that comes from behavior like that, either. not to mention when your income is -$12,000/year (honestly, that what my grad school bill is and I have no job) free is waaay better than even consignment (which isn't that good a deal as i have found)
Just start to wear the old mans clothes and he'll go buy you some new one's before you know it :thumbup: Lets face it , its his fault your old stuff doesnt fit anyway :D
Just start to wear the old mans clothes and he'll go buy you some new one's before you know it :thumbup: Lets face it , its his fault your old stuff doesnt fit anyway :D

my being broke is the same as saying he is broke. trust me, the only thing financially we havent figured out is how on earth to keep me clothed.

not to mention he wears a 36" waist and I, even pregnant, only wear a 32. and they would look awful on me, as he is taller and bigger all around.
no pregnacy clothes here,but if baby clothes (boy or girl we got both) are an issue myself and my wife would happilly send you some stuff..we got bags and bags in storage,lots of it still with tags..dunno what shipping would cost tho,but your more than welcome
not to mention he wears a 36\" waist and I, even pregnant, only wear a 32. and they would look awful on me, as he is taller and bigger all around.

Another couple of months and the tummy will POP out more and those clothes will fit like a charm and you wont be able to help but wear them , ive been there and my wife was always pinching my clothes :D :thumbup:...... I just noticed your wage and well WOW , thats low..... Special Ed teachers out here in Oz get $60,000/year
Hello ladies! As many of you know, I am expecting my first baby early this summer. The problem is that I am having a hard time finding maternity clothes that I like and can afford, as I am currently jobless and in school. I have found that I hate over-the-belly style things.

I was wondering if any of you have old maternity clothes that you want to part with for little to no money. I am about a medium in pants (some companies I was a small, but in general, mediums worked) and a small/medium in shirts. I am between in shirts because I am only 4 months and don't have much belly, but my prepreggo stuff is getting tight and amazingly short in front.

Thanks for any help!
OMG where have I been, I didn't realise you were expecting. Massive congrats to you both. Don't sell the bike. My friend at work sold her R6 because she thought she would never ride it again. She now misses it so badly.

PS I can't help on the clothes front sorry.
OMG where have I been, I didn't realise you were expecting. Massive congrats to you both. Don't sell the bike. My friend at work sold her R6 because she thought she would never ride it again. She now misses it so badly.

PS I can't help on the clothes front sorry.

She will NOT be selling the bike, things aren't THAT bad :)
She will NOT be selling the bike, things aren't THAT bad :)
My friend didn't sell it for the money, she just thought that being a mum would leave her with no time to ride. Just think you could do dipper duty and keira could just have a little time out ride.
I think that one of the best things I can give my wife at the moment is a little time out just to go shopping or for a walk. My friend just wishes she could have her time out on the bike.

Not sure if you have any speciality stores, but up here in Calgary we have many speciality stores for upcoming and new mothers where people donate their old clothes and you can buy some second hand stuff for amazing deals. Maybe try checking the local phone book to see if anything comes up. Sorry I can't help otherwise.
yeah, we (She) has done some shopping and the real issue isn't we can't find anything, it is that when she finds something she likes it is crazy expensive, Why pay designer prices for something that is only going to fit for like 2-3 months. all the normally priced clothes are made for preggo grandmothers or something... or so it seems.

I will be a good hubby and let her ride and i will be on baby detail from time to time
yeah, we (She) has done some shopping and the real issue isn't we can't find anything, it is that when she finds something she likes it is crazy expensive, Why pay designer prices for something that is only going to fit for like 2-3 months. all the normally priced clothes are made for preggo grandmothers or something... or so it seems.

I will be a good hubby and let her ride and i will be on baby detail from time to time
The reality is mate, your little one will instantly bond with you and pull your heart strings out of you chest. You will cherish the dad time.
The best bit of all is when you come home from work and you are greeted like you are the best thing since sliced bread. I love it. I love it when they say dad, we ar going to jump on you. We then have a mad 10 minutes of over dramitised WWF lol.

yeah, we (She) has done some shopping and the real issue isn't we can't find anything, it is that when she finds something she likes it is crazy expensive, Why pay designer prices for something that is only going to fit for like 2-3 months. all the normally priced clothes are made for preggo grandmothers or something... or so it seems.

I will be a good hubby and let her ride and i will be on baby detail from time to time

he pays attention and promises to wipe baby's butt!!! see why I love him?

What Rob says is very true. for some reason, when I worked at a maternity store, the clothes were trendy and designed with 20-somethings in mind. Now the majority are geared more toward "older" women (late 30s-40s) and make me look like i am trying to be someone I am most certainly not.

And take another looka t that income, humperdinkel. I don't make any money, I am in grad school and interning (working for free), that is why there is a "-" (negative) in front of that 12K.
Not sure if you have any speciality stores, but up here in Calgary we have many speciality stores for upcoming and new mothers where people donate their old clothes and you can buy some second hand stuff for amazing deals. Maybe try checking the local phone book to see if anything comes up. Sorry I can't help otherwise.

i have looked at a couple. even our consignment shops are too pricey for my budget. i found a pair of jeans i liked at one that were priced at $30. at that point, i might as well buy new! (and when you think that isn't too bad, remember i need a full wardrobe, work clothes and all)