Not bike related: Need help

Keira, have you looked in the Goodwill store? A lot of those almost-new, under-worn clothes for up-coming Moms are put up for sale there. It's a virtual grab bag each visit since you never know what will arrive. Cheap, hardly used and usually the more expensive stuff since people who buy that designer stuff are the first to get rid of it too.

Try this place too. A few local Moms shop here and the discounts are very heavy. Affordable Maternity, Cheap Maternity, Discounted Maternity, New Maternity, Maternity Clothing, Designer Maternity Clothing - Mic's Maternity
he pays attention and promises to wipe baby's butt!!! see why I love him?

What Rob says is very true. for some reason, when I worked at a maternity store, the clothes were trendy and designed with 20-somethings in mind. Now the majority are geared more toward \"older\" women (late 30s-40s) and make me look like i am trying to be someone I am most certainly not.

And take another looka t that income, humperdinkel. I don't make any money, I am in grad school and interning (working for free), that is why there is a \"-\" (negative) in front of that 12K.

WHOA , i didnt notice that.....Goodluck with your search , now the thread makes a whole lot more sense :D......
The craigslist idea should net some results but it will prolly require some effort to find the right stuff in the right size. If you haven't already, you could check out Old Navy - like their regular clothes, the maternity stuff isn't terribly expensive (but it's not like second-hand pricing either) and it's a little more trend conscious. Good luck