Possible repost but absolute insanity


Junior Member
Sep 16, 2014
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Westchester, New York
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This is an old video so people may have seen it. Though dangerous its still entertaining to watch

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I heard this guy went to jail on this. I can totally understand going fast but why risk the welfare of others? Oh!.....:eyebrow:Wait a minute......Now I get it......
I heard this guy went to jail on this. I can totally understand going fast but why risk the welfare of others? Oh!.....:eyebrow:Wait a minute......Now I get it......

How was he doing that?
Energy calculation for kinetic energy is;

So an automobile moving at 60 mph produces
kinetic energy (K)
=524991.16897825 joule
That is for 3,000 pounds (a little light) at 100KPH (a little slow)
Now scroll down the page and see how fast a 600 pound motorcycle (including ATGATT rider) needs to go to produce 524,991 joules of energy.
Using 250 kilos as mass, I got 233 KPH. Doable, but unlikely. So the car still wins the collision.
If you want to get technical, you need to subtract the speed of the automobile from the speed of the motorcycle when they have the same vector.
Regardless, it is rare for the occupant of a car to be injured in a collision with a motorcycle. You ride alone, you die alone.:eek:
Thanks for the post. It interests me greatly how speed is such a aphrodisiac. To me this kid is an idiot. He an amazing rider..., but i find nothing cool about this kind of recklessness. It Gives the whole of us a bad image with those we share the road with.
reminds me of my ride to work..........hmmmm not really

what a nut job, thats pretty amazing lane selection... I hope he indicated..lol
How was he doing that?
Energy calculation for kinetic energy is;

So an automobile moving at 60 mph produces
kinetic energy (K)
=524991.16897825 joule
That is for 3,000 pounds (a little light) at 100KPH (a little slow)
Now scroll down the page and see how fast a 600 pound motorcycle (including ATGATT rider) needs to go to produce 524,991 joules of energy.
Using 250 kilos as mass, I got 233 KPH. Doable, but unlikely. So the car still wins the collision.
If you want to get technical, you need to subtract the speed of the automobile from the speed of the motorcycle when they have the same vector.
Regardless, it is rare for the occupant of a car to be injured in a collision with a motorcycle. You ride alone, you die alone.:eek:

Sure about that?



Sure the rider in this video has massive man-spheres, but he's also incredibly reckless and careless about his own life and lives of everyone around him.

This video is a display of bravery, not skill.. while also saying "eff everyone!"
How was he doing that?
Energy calculation for kinetic energy is;

So an automobile moving at 60 mph produces
kinetic energy (K)
=524991.16897825 joule
That is for 3,000 pounds (a little light) at 100KPH (a little slow)
Now scroll down the page and see how fast a 600 pound motorcycle (including ATGATT rider) needs to go to produce 524,991 joules of energy.
Using 250 kilos as mass, I got 233 KPH. Doable, but unlikely. So the car still wins the collision.
If you want to get technical, you need to subtract the speed of the automobile from the speed of the motorcycle when they have the same vector.
Regardless, it is rare for the occupant of a car to be injured in a collision with a motorcycle. You ride alone, you die alone.:eek:

I'm not here for a pissing match with anybody. Let me start off by saying, "I never ride alone". If you can take your slide rule calculator on that ride, you'll find it can't be right with all the variables that are present. Those would include a body or part/s that are detached leaving a key event and even crossing a roadway to apposing traffic flow. Road workers! Disabled vehicle at 0 MPH with occupant in or out of the vehicle! A LEO and a traffic stop! The bike impacting one vehicle and causing other vehicles to collide. We can just keep going and not even touch on all the possibilities.
This goes a little beyond physics....

Thank you for the link. I haven't gone there to look at any calculations yet because....well.....I haven't told too many about my experience last year with a bike hitting a car. I first attended to the 3 vehicle occupants all injured, 2 had head injuries (Concussions). I looked for the biker and found him.
Now here's where that calculator really fails. I held the bikers hand as his pulse would stop and then go again. His upper body was 180 degrees opposite his lower body starting at his diaphram. One of his legs was extended about 18 inches longer than the other. It's really an experience you have to get yourself, but I can tell you it hurt me and even worse, it hurt my dear wife. My wife and I were on a mini vacation. Another observation was that every one seemed to care about the car's occupants and the rider seemed to be a second citizen. I was the only one with him except when a LEO looked at him as a first responder. The next day I searched out who the rider was and contacted the rider's mother, wife and children to let them know someone was there and he had someone with him. They were also injured in the crash and will feel the pain for some time. The crash was avoidable if he had followed some of the basic rules.

We have rules, although many break them, (including me) that, for the most part help us all get along pretty safely. Some are antiquated but this guy (video) in that traffic was, in my eyes being selfish. I think the main calculation should be empathy for others first and then you can break out the slide rule/scientific calculator and then compare the size of your joules. :eek:

Most of the riders I ride with exhibit equal or better riding skills as this guy in the video so I'm not impressed. We lane split often here in SoCal so our heads are geared for this type of riding. We ride desert and mountain roads with little traffic and the chance to exploit the technology of our bikes. Do things go wrong when we do this? Yup! Where are the turns? A couple of on n off shoulders are impressive riding skills? The only thing that impresses me is his lottery winning.
Nothing wrong with the desire to ride fast, or actually riding fast, but please measure, if not for just you, but for others including the motorcycle riding community, how this can effect us all. :)
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Much like Cliff's post above, some folks make choices that alter the lives of many. This post from 2014-05-19 was one of them ( http://www.600riders.com/forum/fz6-general-discussion/52942-not-good-day.html ). The unspoken words are this: Several folks were at fault and there was a rider down. A minivan had a bike inside of it and the riders boots were near the impact sight while he was nearly a block down the road and resembled a pretzel.

I did track him down and found that after 2 months in the hospital he was wheeled out in a chair looking unlike a pretzel but having no motor control or feeling from his sternum down. He will never walk again.

You can play the odds and win often. But if you play too often, your number will come up. My goal is to NOT take anyone out with me should I play the odds. Use some common sense about "when and where" you twist your wrist.
Sure about that?



Sure the rider in this video has massive man-spheres, but he's also incredibly reckless and careless about his own life and lives of everyone around him.

This video is a display of bravery, not skill.. while also saying "eff everyone!"

1.coming or occurring far apart in time; unusual; uncommon: a rare disease; His visits are rare occasions.

2.thinly distributed over an area; few and widely separated: Lighthouses are rare on that part of the coast.

3.having the component parts not closely compacted together; not dense: rare gases; lightheaded from the rare mountain air.

4.unusually great: a rare display of courage.

5.unusually excellent; admirable; fine: She showed rare tact in inviting them.

I used the word as #1. unusal, uncommon.
If I had meant never I would have typed never and been wrong. Get a date on that photo and we will see if we can find out how many other motorcycles killed somebody in a car that day. Or the state, county, city for a year. A sample of one is not a sample.
It looks like the car passenger opened their door on a motorcycle, thinking to 'scare' a lane splitter. A fraction of a second later they were both dead, not scared. If my guess is accurate, then the fault lies with the car operator, not the lane splitter.
That car passenger had his darwin moment and failed. Too bad he took the rider with him. Not only did he die with company, the morgue probably had to go through the body parts before they bagged them.
How was he doing that?
Energy calculation for kinetic energy is;

So an automobile moving at 60 mph produces
kinetic energy (K)
=524991.16897825 joule
That is for 3,000 pounds (a little light) at 100KPH (a little slow)
Now scroll down the page and see how fast a 600 pound motorcycle (including ATGATT rider) needs to go to produce 524,991 joules of energy.
Using 250 kilos as mass, I got 233 KPH. Doable, but unlikely. So the car still wins the collision.
If you want to get technical, you need to subtract the speed of the automobile from the speed of the motorcycle when they have the same vector.
Regardless, it is rare for the occupant of a car to be injured in a collision with a motorcycle. You ride alone, you die alone.:eek:

Not sure what you are trying to do with your calculations.

However, doing calculations will do you no good without a fundamental understanding of physics.

A wall sitting motionless has zero kinetic energy but that doesn't mean your car or bike is going to win if you run into it because you have more energy.
1.coming or occurring far apart in time; unusual; uncommon: a rare disease; His visits are rare occasions.

2.thinly distributed over an area; few and widely separated: Lighthouses are rare on that part of the coast.

3.having the component parts not closely compacted together; not dense: rare gases; lightheaded from the rare mountain air.

4.unusually great: a rare display of courage.

5.unusually excellent; admirable; fine: She showed rare tact in inviting them.

I used the word as #1. unusal, uncommon.
If I had meant never I would have typed never and been wrong. Get a date on that photo and we will see if we can find out how many other motorcycles killed somebody in a car that day. Or the state, county, city for a year. A sample of one is not a sample.
It looks like the car passenger opened their door on a motorcycle, thinking to 'scare' a lane splitter. A fraction of a second later they were both dead, not scared. If my guess is accurate, then the fault lies with the car operator, not the lane splitter.
That car passenger had his darwin moment and failed. Too bad he took the rider with him. Not only did he die with company, the morgue probably had to go through the body parts before they bagged them.

Yeah, let me track down that date for you :rof:

So you truly believe that he was only gambling with his own life an no one else's?
Not sure what you are trying to do with your calculations.

However, doing calculations will do you no good without a fundamental understanding of physics.

A wall sitting motionless has zero kinetic energy but that doesn't mean your car or bike is going to win if you run into it because you have more energy.

+5 ^^ Agreed!
Any part of the equation changes and Dead is is Dead (or crippled).

--> Not to mention that someone found "at fault" for careless/reckless driving could be liable for damages. And just because "you're out of the equation" doesn't mean lawyers won't go after your family... Tolerance for senseless acts is pretty low these days.
Yeah, let me track down that date for you :rof:

So you truly believe that he was only gambling with his own life an no one else's?

No gamble. He didn't do anything there that I haven't done, although not recently. I'm gettting a little long in the tooth for that 5hit.
And one of the blessings of Western civilization is that we are allowed our opinions. Which is why I consider that rider to be extremely skilled. To me 'skilled' on a motorcycle means in control. Not sure what it means to anybody else. Don't care either.
I'm no fluffy bunny. I used to make my living dropping bombs on people. I assume there were women and children included. It didn't bother me then, it doesn't bother me now. So for every motorcyclist that takes a cager with them, how many don't. 1,000 to 1? I would guess 10,000 to 1 or better.
Motorcycles are dangerous. Anyone that can't deal with that should ride the bus.
I remember reading that ghost Rider broke his back and pelvis and was looking at crippled for life. His choice. I would say he chose wrong but he had the right to make that choice. Just like everyone else that dies on a motorcycle.
Either way, job security for me. Chances are low you may hurt someone, but people DO win the lottery. I will walk over you to get to that little girl in the car seat regardless of who is at fault. You get a wheelchair, driver gets a ticket. You may not understand how insurance work because its a definite myth that they have billions to throw at you. They only pay so much, then they can come after you and you cannot squeeze blood from a turnip.
How was he doing that?
Energy calculation for kinetic energy is;

So an automobile moving at 60 mph produces
kinetic energy (K)
=524991.16897825 joule
That is for 3,000 pounds (a little light) at 100KPH (a little slow)
Now scroll down the page and see how fast a 600 pound motorcycle (including ATGATT rider) needs to go to produce 524,991 joules of energy.
Using 250 kilos as mass, I got 233 KPH. Doable, but unlikely. So the car still wins the collision.
If you want to get technical, you need to subtract the speed of the automobile from the speed of the motorcycle when they have the same vector.
Regardless, it is rare for the occupant of a car to be injured in a collision with a motorcycle. You ride alone, you die alone.:eek:

That application of physics works for a clean simple school exam question, but not in the real world. This guy is endangering so many more people than just himself. If he crashed and burnt, some (including me) would say he was asking for it, but the vehicle he crashed into would be a completely innocent party. I agree with some others that he's just giving us a bad name!
That application of physics works for a clean simple school exam question, but not in the real world. This guy is endangering so many more people than just himself. If he crashed and burnt, some (including me) would say he was asking for it, but the vehicle he crashed into would be a completely innocent party. I agree with some others that he's just giving us a bad name!

No, that wouldn't work for a school exam.

When analyzing collisions you must use Momentum and the transfer of Momentum, energy methods will not work.

Why you ask, because energy is released in a collisions. Energy is used to make the sound you hear during the crash, transferred into heat, and/or stored mechanical energy from the temporary deformation of the structures that collided.

Furthermore, the most fundamental understanding that is missed is that during a collusion; The force on both objects are Equal and opposite.