Security: How do you keep it safe?


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Jul 14, 2013
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I'm just curious how you guys make sure your bike is there for you in the morning.

I have a Kryptonite chain, but i can only get it though the front wheel, as the frame is too tight to loop a chain though it. Is there a better location to chain the bike?

I also have a Xena brake lock on the rear. As well as a cover on it to keep it more anonymous as to what make/model it is.

Any one have more ideas?
I'm regularly seen carrying my assault rifle back and forth to the car and I never leave the house without my Kimber.

I normally leave the bike on the street with the steering locked. So far, haven't had any issues - which is odd since I live two streets from the crack dealers. Then again, people that shoot at each other regularly understand what happens when you mess with other peoples stuff.

Hooligan kids, on the other hand, don't understand that I don't value their life as much as their parents do.
I live in Utard. ;)

Seriously, Intranetz forums have really opened my eyes to how different the fear of crime is throughout my country, and throughout this world. I've got musician friends in California who lock their car, when they're filling it up with gas!!! I've got another musician friend in NYC who's had SIX cars stolen from him!
On the other hand, my two cages and two bikes sit in a carport, no locks other than no keys. I often leave my convertible open overnight, no one's ever touched my Ray-Bans or CDs. When I lived in North Dakota most folks left their cars running while hitting the grocery stores, when it was -20 F. (it was also the only place I've lived where I'd be more likely to lock my vehicle on the Air Force base than off! :eek: )

Just as Caller ID has pretty much eliminated obscene phone calls as a crime, and modern disabling technologies have reduced modern car thefts to a trickle, I have no doubt that the proliferation of cheap digital video cameras and face-recognition software will soon eliminate theft itself as a crime. The amazingly rapid ID and nabbing of the Boston Marathon bombers is a great example, yay!

Apple has long resisted adding a feature to their devices enabling the legal owner to disable them following theft; this has recently changed under pressure from law enforcement! Soon we'll be able to leave our "devices" out in the open and no one will bother them, knowing they'll be useless to the thief and maybe even being identified by the device.

Sorry for getting so philosophical on your question, but things are changing, rapidly; I'm pretty excited about the possibilities! :thumbup: There is still rampant crime in Utard, but it's mainly centered in the legislature... :rolleyes:
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I live in Utard. ;)

Seriously, Intranetz forums have really opened my eyes to how different the fear of crime is throughout my country, and throughout this world. I've got musician friends in California who lock their car, when they're filling it up with gas!!! I've got another musician friend in NYC who's had SIX cars stolen from him!

+1 to that!

I never close my car when i go to the store or leave it parked at home, just leave it open, with open windows if it's summer.
My bike just sits at home without a lock on inside an open garage.

Without going all political a lot of it is cultural i think most people in america are raised to always expect the worst and raised to be paranoid about everything. (car jacking, home intrusion, you name it.)

I mean, i live in London and leave my front door unlocked at night or when i go to the shop for 5 min, i'm still alive!
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modern disabling technologies have reduced modern car thefts to a trickle

which has lead to a soaring hijacking rate in this country. The car is no good without the key, so steal it with the driver, or worse...

Back on topic, my bike is locked in the garage and it is impossible to get it out without moving the car first so it is pretty safe.
i live up in a smallish yorkshire village but with the motorway running close we have burglaries occasionally, we were unfortunate enough for it to happen to us but they were disturbed half way through. so since then its been big chain on a ground anchor through the frame and front wheel, oxford screamer alarm a cover and the garage is bolted from the inside and the side door is alarmed. and the keys live in my bedroom next to the guns :D fort knox!
Oxford Nemesis Lock

To a home made ground anchor (bucket of cement and rebar buried).

Meta Alarm with motion sensors/Immobiliser.

Disk Lock for travelling further afield. I also find even a good cover can be a decent deterrent.
at home I keep it garaged, at work I use the steering lock plus I usually put a big disc lock through one of the front wheel spokes

euro models also come with an immobilliser as standard
at home I keep it garaged, at work I use the steering lock plus I usually put a big disc lock through one of the front wheel spokes

euro models also come with an immobilliser as standard

same here, though at work I also try and park next to bikes that are worth more and have less security ;)
Besides physically locking the bike down, a higher encryption alarm system with motion detection would probably be a good deterrent. Insurance companies suggest being aware of your surroundings as when you come home to park the bike as well as a cover. It's not paranoia, it's just awareness of your surroundings. The cover works as a deterrent because, I guess insurance studies have found the bike is less enticing when covered.

Many thefts are spur of the moment. If a pro wants your bike it's theirs. A pro may work through an organization and usually has an accomplice. Just when you think you're drawing a bead on the thief you may at that moment have put yourself in jeopardy. Besides the legal aspect of shooting someone(using deadly force)for the theft of an object you may be inviting other individuals into your life and the life of your friends and family. I've got no problem with people protecting themselves and their family from an assailant who would use deadly force but theft is a different scenario.

Please be realistic with the idea of using deadly force! :)

Physically lock it down.
Cover it.
High encryption, motion detection alarm system.
Insure the bike.
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Keeping it covered in my front yard (which is fenced), with the steering lock seems to do the trick...disc lock also goes on when I'm out of town. People have peeked under the cover out on the street, but no damage done. They've also rifled through my car when unlocked, but no worries...there's nothing to steal in there. Actually, someone please steal the stereo. It's been dying a slow death for a while. :BLAA:

Yeah, I'd be pretty ticked off if someone stole the bike....BUT it's insured for a reason. Besides, any insurance money could always be a nice down payment on the FZ9 next year.... :spank: :D
They've also rifled through my car when unlocked, but no worries...there's nothing to steal in there.

A Warning: Locally a couple folks have had their Identity stolen, just through insurance and vehicle papers left in the glove compartment! :eek: I fear Identity Theft more than just about any other crime.

Actually, someone please steal the stereo.

I had a Montgomery Ward "booster amp" stolen from my 1971 Rustang in college, hooked up to my 8-track player (ask yer folks, you damn kids! :Flip: :D). An acquaintance saw the police report in the newspaper, and sold me another booster amp he wasn't using, three times the power, for $10! :rockon: Not only that, but the thief had carefully removed the screw-on wire nuts, untwisted the speaker wires, and carefully undid the screws holding the amp in; no damage to the car at all.
I don't miss the mosquitoes or the blizzards, but there are some things I DO miss about South Dakota... ;)
A Warning: Locally a couple folks have had their Identity stolen, just through insurance and vehicle papers left in the glove compartment! :eek: I fear Identity Theft more ........ ;)

I hate Identity theft! I always just sit there with a blank look on my face.:confused::eek::confused::rolleyes::eek:

Sent from Moto's Droid using Tapatalk 2 :mikebike:
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.BUT it's insured for a reason. Besides, any insurance money could always be a nice down payment on the FZ9 next year.... :spank: :D

Insurance is small comfort really, and the problem with my bike is i got a really good deal on it that i cant see being replicated. I consider the bike worth more than what i paid for it, but i doubt the insurance would give me more for it, nor do i think i could find a bike this old, with so few miles on it.

I currently have the chain though the front forks, but im not sure if that is more secure than just going though the front wheel. Its hard to find a good spot to run the chain though... I really wish the frame had more space on it :|

But at night, its also brake locked and covered.
Insurance will pay either current market value, or replacement value (depending on your insurance). So if you paid less than that... bonus. I did, made a killing when my FZ6 was totaled.

And that's how I keep my bike safe. I even leave my gear on it, unlocked most of the time. I figure if they need my gear that badly, I've got extras. At least they're wearing a helmet now. :lol:

And for the deadly force thing, it is legal in several states to use deadly force to prevent theft. However, you need to make darn sure there isn't any way someone could say they weren't stealing your stuff. That guy in TX that chased the illegals down the street stealing his neighbors stuff only got off because a cop came around the corner just in time to see the guys charging the shooter. If that hadn't happened, he probably would have been judged guilty.
I'm regularly seen carrying my assault rifle back and forth to the car...

You mean your modern sporting rifle?

I park my bike in my garage when I'm home (past the suburbs and into rural country), and use a disc lock in the parking garage at work (downtown Rochester, NY).

I park my bike in my walk out basement. My bike sleeps next to my 70 lb American Pit Bull Terrier. I sleep next to my Sig Sauer .40 and Remington 870 tactical 12 gauge shotgun. I keep my doors locked at night. I live 2 miles outside of town.

You ask if I'm paranoid? No. I have no reason to be paranoid when I'm ready for anything. :thumbup:
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I keep mine locked in the shop (dh's motorcycle shop with alarms and deadbolts and what have you).

Ever since an "organic farm" got started up the road from us and creepy-looking people started cruising up the road and then down again five minutes later with their baggies of "organic herbs," if you don't chain something down around here, it'll go missing. :spank: My favorite is when our motion lights stop working... because the bulbs are slightly unscrewed.
1. I pay my insurance premium. I think it adds $20-30 a month but when I crashed my Fz6 it gave me enough money to get my Fz1. I got a smoking deal on my Fz6 so I definitely got the win there. Basically it will take the insurance company 10 years to get that money back.
2. I don't keep particular hours, meaning I come and go from my home all the time, so no pattern.
3. I occasionally will ride off with a open carry sidearm.
4. I live in a nice neighborhood. I'm in South Scottsdale. Scottsdale for a number of years has the highest police per capita in the country. Most of the time to keep them busy they are writing traffic tickets, but when any thing happens in the area, response time is usually pretty quick and in usually 2 or 3 officer packs. Somebody lit a dumpster on fire in the alley (or it was an accident) this weekend and there were 4 cops in a grid pattern surrounding the scene on the block.

Has anybody thought about getting the Tile App?
[ame=]Tile ? - the world's largest lost and found - YouTube[/ame]

What do you guys think?
I mean it's $20 instead of $250 for a lojack system plus service fees