Strange phenomena


Performance by Cribbe
Elite Member
Dec 11, 2011
Reaction score
Malmo, Sweden
Today when I was changing the battery on my bike I was also checking the chain. I but the bike on the stand and started the motor and put 1:st gear in. Then I was looking from behind on the wheel, this was going strait and looked good. But when I was looking on the chain and specifically on the sprocket it looked like it was going strait but with a "knock". Could it be the sprocket that has been damaged? I have had the wheel removed to change the tire and then I put it back. But the thing that worries me is that the fact the wheel is going strait. Could this cause any damage? I cant feel anything when I am driving the bike...:confused:
We were just talking about wheel alignment and chain tension here:

See post #4

Make sure your sprocket, cush drive (rubber assembly between sprocket and wheel) and wheel are properly assembled. Then consider getting a tool and aligning your sprocket properly and putting chain tension to spec. All else should then be happy. :D

Also do not operate wheel while engaged to running engine...
Wow, lol you are going to lose some fingers or at best the bike is going to go off balance and shoot down the street and crash lol. If you have it up on the stand just put it in neutral and spin the wheel by hand.
Wow, lol you are going to lose some fingers or at best the bike is going to go off balance and shoot down the street and crash lol. If you have it up on the stand just put it in neutral and spin the wheel by hand.

What the problem with having the bike on the centerstand and put first gear in and see how the wheel is going? But now I saw that i did not write center in my first post :Flash:

Thanks for your replay "motogiro" but the thing is that I do belive that the wheel is centered. When I am looking inot the wheel it seems to be in posistion. It is just the sprocket that seems wrong. If I am turning the wheel around sthe sprocket is almost going strait, but for a little moment it "knocks" out and then going strait againg, and then another "knock" on the same spot, if you get what I mean. I do have some problems to explain this in english :Flash:
What the problem with having the bike on the centerstand and put first gear in and see how the wheel is going? But now I saw that i did not write center in my first post :Flash:

Thanks for your replay "motogiro" but the thing is that I do belive that the wheel is centered. When I am looking inot the wheel it seems to be in posistion. It is just the sprocket that seems wrong. If I am turning the wheel around sthe sprocket is almost going strait, but for a little moment it "knocks" out and then going strait againg, and then another "knock" on the same spot, if you get what I mean. I do have some problems to explain this in english :Flash:

I think your English is fine but your sprocket may have a problem. I would pull the rear wheel and inspect it to see that the sprocket has been assembled correctly. There may be some thing between the sprocket and the wheel that is causing it to run out or wobble. It may be the sprocket is damaged.
Still unless absolutely needed, do not run engine engaged to rear wheel.
Thanks! I will take of the wheel and see if I can find whats wrong.
And I do promise NOT to run engine engaged to rear wheel while it on stand :BLAA:
Well now I finally checked things out. And it was what i put in the title, strange :BLAA: After checking both the wheel and the sprocket by them self and noticed that nothing was wrong with them, I called my brother for help. We figured ut the problem. It was the chain that was the cause... When turning the wheel by hand everything looked ok, nothing was wrong. But when turning the engine on and have the wheel going (of course this time under control :rolleyes: ) the chain is actually moving 1-1,5 mm that causes a wobbling "look" and this is just as i should be. So I was worried for nothing at all....:BLAA:
Are you sure it is not the chain that has a kinked link in it? ***Edit*** I see that you have already determined the problem as being the chain....
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