The Riding Game!

one on the way to work tomorrow you have ten hours to beat me….. wait get the picture first

Next picture of bike in front or next to a porn shop, or I guess the proper wording would be Adult Book Store.[/QUOTE]
one on the way to work tomorrow you have ten hours to beat me….. wait get the picture first

You really should choose your words more carefully considering the current theme.

Next picture of bike in front or next to a porn shop, or I guess the proper wording would be Adult Book Store
Rule #5, Eric, the picture must be taken after the challenge... :spank:

current challenge:

Take a picture of your FZ beside or in front of an advertising billboard.

:eek: Did I say that out loud? :rolleyes: ;) Very perceptive Daryl! :thumbup:

Next challenge:

Next picture of bike in front or next to a porn shop, or I guess the proper wording would be Adult Book Store
I saw this Kenny and didn't even have to look to see who posted it... knew it had to be our Vegas friend.

Next picture of bike in front or next to a porn shop, or I guess the proper wording would be Adult Book Store
If no one posts it before I get to work, I'll have this one done. I have a feeling that someone will post it before me... There's at least 4 of them within a couple miles of where I work. :D

Next picture of bike in front or next to a porn shop, or I guess the proper wording would be Adult Book Store

Next challenge
Next to a church reader board with a clever saying
How do we know that is an "Adult Book Store" ??? THIS is one!


Next challenge:

Your bike with a pet on it OTHER than a cat or dog.
I saw a church message the other day that almost made me crash... it said feeling upside down... but it was upside down on the billboard... distracted the hell out of me

Next challenge
Next to a church reader board with a clever saying
How do we know that is an "Adult Book Store" ??? THIS is one!

I agree with FZ1inNH, I thought you were in front of a White Castle Burger Joint.

Eric's pics was the one to go with in my opinion. Well at least we all know where he likes to hang out before going to work.

This next one's going to be tough, I'm out for this one: There are no churches here in Vegas.

Next to a church reader board with a clever saying
How do we know that is an "Adult Book Store" ??? THIS is one!

I agree with FZ1inNH, I thought you were in front of a White Castle Burger Joint.

Eric's pics was the one to go with in my opinion. Well at least we all know where he likes to hang out before going to work.

This next one's going to be tough, I'm out for this one: There are no churches here in Vegas.

Next to a church reader board with a clever saying

Oh c'mon, what about the drive-thru wedding chapel thingys..? I suppose if money were considered the holy grail, ergo the religion, of vegas, you could just go to any casino... But then, by this thinking what would I, as an atheist seek out as a "church" of sorts..? Ok, I'm rambiling.
Okay guys, now we know that you were there, what did you guys buy?

Adult books of course! They didn't sell any Dr. Seuss for some reason. A cool military film too! All about WWII and this last kid left in a family.... "Saving Ryan's Privates" I think? :rof:

Next to a church reader board with a clever saying
Here's a church with a saying. Whether it's clever or not is another question. It says, "Either I control my attitude or it will control me!" I guess if someone has a better one then they can take over the challenge. :D

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New challenge:

Your Fz6 with a crowd of at least 20 people.
You're going to make some member inconvenience 20 people?

This is definatley a challenge! I guess I could do it pretty easlly though, there are always at least 20 people standing in line to get their picture taken in front of the "Welcome to Las Vegas" sign. It would be a hell of a group shot.

Your Fz6 with a crowd of at least 20 people.